gay horse
gay horse edition
Other urls found in this thread:
how do ypi even know hosre and humdan be same gender
did you havbe strorke sir?
my hand wasn't in the right position on the keyboard. i mean to ask how do ypi even know hosre and humdan be same gender
who wants a shitty drawing
draw kermit the frog eating bacon
I second this.
bonus points for Miss Piggy catching him and flipping her shit.
>Even though she'd do that if all he was doing was existing. Fucking pig.
Requesting Stacey wearing her party dress, with her panties halfway down. Something like the Pearl pic please.
well i will try
>that one request from last thread
didn't see the replies, in the last one, and, uh, yeah,
i'm gonna go eat now :D
Bon appetit p3ka
Thanks for the delivery!
Wow it's shit
>Being this salty
Please call me samefag. I would love to be Popo. Live in France. Get raped by Somalis. Die in a truck of peace incident.
It would be my dream come true.
Draw senshi eating(cannibalism) halfling marcille
>Wow it's shit
Absolute cringe. Maybe you should follow your dreams.
requesting a salt statue of a fat angry user.
being the master of cringe and yikes is my dream.
I live it every day. Which is why my dick is always at half mast.
Well that's your brain on COOMIIIING.
Fuck off, k?
>small ear
>coloured box in background
>holding drink
>black bra
I can see where you got this from.
I went to /k/ once. It's a magical place. But fuck me if I'm looking for the glory.
Hey there Mr. Popo, please draw Sakura Sonic cleaning her sword under a sakura tree
I don't know why, but i'll tell you all this.
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but a slow, lonely suicide.
People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.
This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not drawing for practice, learning, or growing as a person. And you are most certainly not making an audience or name for yourself. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or drawings. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissim, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.
Any form of "art" here is a waste of time. Any drawings posted here is a waste. If you post here with intent of making a fanbase, you already lose.
I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sup Forums. Do anything else.
yeaaaaaaaaaah no
/r/ redraw this scene with anime girls
Requesting a drawing of this beautiful creature
Hey [B]eter
Nice edit
But enough about Facebook, tell us about Sup Forums.
Alright, can't admit you lost, can you?
No because you are using two browsers
Do you think I am blind?
Any requests? Won't do weaboo weird fetishes
It would still be the same IP you idiot
Fuck off.
Draw Princess Carolyn giving a blowjob to bojack horseman
Requesting user smoking pot
Hows about a demon who's really into being a demon and doing demon things?
draw Godzilla with shades
It was the same IP
I am using 4chanX
massive newfag
now i know you mad
time to go i did my thing
byr samefagger
>giving it attention
alright, summer is over kid.
I can see her yelling "sample text" as she throws a shoe.
Very nice. Well done. Have a bonner.
>he keeps going
ay lamo
Nice caps.
Caps is cruise control for cool.
thank you user this was great to see and i think the sample text made it better
Agreed, this place is shit even for artist wannabes
>no new ip
do you want something drawn?
No thank you
requesting princess carylon playing with bojacks horse dong
So why are you opposing other's beliefs?
I think he's right about this place.
You think so because both are the same person
I would like Luna fucking with the dinosaur as in the picture.
>I disagree with this person but he agrees with another person i disagree therefor SAMEFAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damage Control won't hide the truth
I'm gonna break it down for you simpletons.
Sup Forums drawthreads are shit. Seldom do drawfags come here. The only people that really populate these threads are retarded spergs, requesters, roleplayers for fuck sake, and avatarfags that pretend that they're drawfags. You can largely blame the latter for the state of these threads. They see this place as a chatroom where they draw reaction images of their avatars, not a place for requesting and creative drawing. Avatarfags actively scare off drawfags when they do happen across these threads, whether through excessive attention whoring, forced namefagging, or shitting all over them because "they did the wrong request." Not to mention you have to deal with them pretending like they know anything about art.
All other boards' drawthreads have a clean format that encourages deliveries and creativity. Even /trash/ drawthreads are in a better state than Sup Forums drawthreads, and honestly, that's fucking sad. Avatarfagging lands you a ban, and namefagging is extremely minimal. All drawfags are thanked greatly for their work by the requester and other anons. Good deliveries get the honor of being included in the next drawthread OP. Some of them even offer critiques and constructive criticism when warranted by other drawfags.
In brief, Sup Forums drawthreads focus around the individuals that FORCE identification on its posters. All other board's drawthreads focus around the content in the threads.
The root of the problem is the avatarfags. They're the ones that force the identification, not only on themselves but on other posters. They only care about the persona. Take away the avatarfags and you lose this corrupted culture. Things will return to the norm that is traditional imageboard culture, the focus on content rather than the user. Not to mention the corruption proceeding the future of these threads with anons directly roleplaying with these people.
You can naysay all you like, but it doesn't change the fact of the matter.
I'mAHorseButImNotGei I'll see you on minisiege ya stallion
bro wtf
So then are you a retarded sperg?
>implying we aren't
Requesting a full body pin-up of Barley from the movie Onward naked with a big muscular and a bit chubby body and an uncut erect cock.
if u could say goodbye to any drawfag before they left, who would u choose
Popopoka, Debil and Rider
none of them, they don't deserve any goodbyes
Vincent van Gogh the og drawfag. These faggots on this board pale in comparison to him and his personality.
He wouldn't even dare avatarfag or draw pathetic porn. Only masterpieces.
dubs has spoken
You'll get it eventually retard.
Because lusting after literal whores is much better, amirite
Trips tell truth, dubs are white lies
What about Rembrandt, or Picasso, or Michaelangelo, or DaVinci?
Hell yeah, this dude was badass. I bet none of the pussy avatarfags on this thread would dare cut their whole fucking ear off. If I saw Vincent on the street I'd be scared for my life.
You're a retard
This is now a Caturday thread
What a fucking chad. Of course women women line up to get his dick
draw a pussy getting spanked
All of them are pussies, and Davinci drew gay porn.
>Davinci drew gay porn
please draw my father deeply disappointed in me
wtf is that thumbnail
Oh fuck the battle between dubs
>comparing one of the greatest artists of our time to college students drawing for fun
>muh standards
great input dude
I think you're overestimating the average Sup Forums user's age.
why was this stupid movie ever made
Doesn't matter if your a college student or a child molester Vincent was a straight chad. It's all about mindset. Look into his fucking eyes does he scream beta cuck to you? No, this is a dude who would cut his fucking ear off then mail it to a girl just to get in bed with her. This is a man who knows what he wants when he wants it. He was at peak mental performance. It's all mindset.
Hey thread, guess what
>cocks gun