Redpill me on Greta Thunberg

Redpill me on Greta Thunberg.

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No such thing as bad publicity. This place is sending her popularity through the roof

>Topless white thot with dreads
Why no show bobs?!

Have fun walking to work- oh I forgot you’ve never had a job.


how fucking delusional can you be when you've been so goddamn brainwashed that you unironically believe calls to save the planet from the people exploiting it's every resource at an unsustainable rate makes someone "the next Hitler". How can you be so fucking delusional that you identify with and defend people who piss out glasses of wine worth more than you make an a year or bottles worth more than your pension, which they will happily steal away from you, money which they've made by exploiting people like you, and the planet you live on, destroying it for a short term profit because they know they can have their fun and won't live to see the consequences of their actions.

I just do not understand being so God damn stupid that you see yourself as a victim of those who are trying to protect the planet you live on, and make sure your crotch goblins have a planet that doesn't actively try and destroy them like the virus they are as you indoctrinate them into thinking they are temporarily broke millionaires and that they should identify with these people who will gladly exploit them and their children for virtual slave wages and destroy the planet for the highest bidder

These people are so fucking delusional it's sickening

They would gladly side with people who would love nothing more to pay them and their children a slaves wage in deadly working conditions running their companies like monarchies making sure that you stay in your place, and with what we've seen, they would probably fucking thank them for the changes and Pat each other on the back talking about how it's just "the free market working" as they try and convince each other they benefited from the changes the most

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>imagine getting this triggered by some thot with a stupid bullet point

>implying we want a society that spawns greenfag lefties like you to survive


the implications implied by implication imply nothing implicit

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This. And say goodbye to Amazon.. And since I'm sure she lives in a city be prepared for near starvation and paying 10x as much for the little food you can get. Biggest joke though is that thanks to liberal knee-jerk environmentalism like this in the 1970's, funding for nuclear research was pretty much shut down and we lost 40s were we could have been focused on developing fusion. The only solution that can come near to meeting the world's energy needs without fossil fuels.

Typo. "lost 40 years"

Can't we do both?

now there's a compromise I can live with

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>And say goodbye to Amazon
Retard amazon uses electric drones
>prepared for near starvation and paying 10x as much for the little food you can get
they can grow superior vegan products in swamps, don't need your murdered farm babies or fossil fuel consuming automotorvehicles.
>funding for nuclear research was pretty much shut down
lay off the weed bro your fucking retard

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Naw it's the yellow men and brownish men doing most of the damage now. Lemme know when she lands in China.

Oh wait, not gonna happen.

If its so important and a real problem politicians wouldnt have to go on tv and lie about the world blowing up in X amount of years if we dont change.They are no better than televangelists with their doomsday scenarios trying to scare the public into line.

>amazon uses electric drones
Not in any of the major cities. Have youever even seen an Amazon drone IRL. Lots of Fed ex and UPS, no drones.
> murdered farm babies or fossil fuel consuming automotorvehicles.
Evidently they do because there is no way it will ever change. Your heroes give their rousing climate speeches then jump in a fossil fuel burning jet to ride home. Even the little retarded girl sailed over here for her 15 minutes of fame then took a plane home.
>funding for nuclear research was pretty much shut down
Nuclear reasearch was shut down in the 70s so easy to look up too.

my work here is done

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imagine this
your tub is leaking hard, the water is pouring in it
you need water to live
you decide id rather die than risk spilling a little water
if we just suddenly flip off fossil fuels the world will come crashing down fast and hard, just imagine in one year how much of a famine we would have just from farmers having to do shit by hand
imagine all the vegan faggots unable to be vegans or vegetarians unable to be vegetarians because of the inability to transport literally anything anywhere on this planet
people in cities would starve, farmers would just have enough for themselves

do you know how much fossil fuel is used to make batteries and components and the drone itself?
essentially the only drones that would ever exist are the drones that already exist each time something breaks would be a devastating blow against humanity

She's obviously a media ploy and should be disregarded accordingly.

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You dont think these climatefags are actually serious do you? All this will be forgotten once a Democrat gets to the WH like everything else the liberal muppets are screeching about.

Same thing with immigration

God I love some fresh pasta in the morning.


not at all user, I regard being 'triggered' as a zoomer / SJW thing. I find this shit funny.

Nuclear should have been done better, pebble bed and thorium reactors would solve energy...but then make overpopulation even bigger. Ugh.

>I regard being 'triggered' as a zoomer / SJW thing
Meanwhile the younger generations regard it as a Boomer/republican thing.
Makes ya think.

Can does not equal will, you're a fucking idiot.

Tell a climate fag they can't have an Smart phone and watch them sperg, I've seen climate fags assault people like the spoiled children they are when you tell them that.

Xoomer here, xoomers and boomers both get triggered, but they call it 'being in the right'.
and explode if you call that self - righteous.

>I've seen climate fags assault people like the spoiled children they are when you tell them that.
No you haven't Ivan

Her brain is handi-capable

Take Gretas smartphone away. Watch the zoomer meltdown in seconds.

Sure. Tons of nationalistic and dark money forces constantly post on Sup Forums, including someone whose full time job seems to be to post Greta's picture here every hour, on the hour, to provoke meaningless invective. If you're getting political advice from Sup Forums, you're an absolute rube.

This. This is the only place I hear about her, and I hear about her 24/7 here

Yeah lol all the ‘why do you care so deeply about Greta, leftists?’ threads with no one responding but people circle jerking ... no one cares about her but her enemies lol. It’s like AOC (that freshman congresswoman who is brown) never heard of her before Sup Forums

Fine - I'll turn off my tap

She yells "HOW DARE YOU?!" at the 1st world nations that contribute a total of 3% of the world polution, yet doesn't mention China, South East Asia, India and the entire continent of Africa, which produce the rest.

Fuck her. She is a shill being set up to gain power and control in the name of ecology. Any call to save the world is really just a call for power.

It takes more Coke Steel, Plastic and other strip mined minerals and metals to make a windmill, than that windmill would ever make up for in energy production. Solar is the same.

If anyone really cared, they would be promoting Nuclear.

Makes ya think about what?
The only thing it makes anyone with half a brain think about is the liberal indoctrination being done in our school systems. Even the dumbest of the elites pushing this pathetic cause knows that the older generations will not buy into their bullshit, and that is exactly why they have gone retard on pushing their agenda onto school age children with young and impressionable minds. keep on believing everything you are told without question, in other words, sit down, shut up, look straight ahead, and do not question anything your teacher/professor is blowing up your ass, they are right and their opposition is wrong and should be shouted down. In 20 years don`t suddenly stand up and ask the stupid question, How the fuck did we arrive at this final destination? The indoctrination of the youth you ask in a pointed, smart ass, smug, know it all, could not possible be happening kind of way. Open you fucking eyes and look around, it is happen right in front of you and to you at every secondary school, and college campus across the nation.

Well, you know big of snowflakes populate this place


"Am I out of touch, overly conservative, and afraid to change based on overwhelming new evidence put before me? No.... it's the children who are wrong!"

Bump so we can have two of these amazing Greta threads going at once