Why do they think they deserve to be in every film if they can't even behave in real life?

Why do they think they deserve to be in every film if they can't even behave in real life?

same reason as trannies and gays
the mental illness that is liberalism

Because they're the most entitled segment of our society.


It's a pol gets triggered and starts whining episode

Not just in every film, they deserve to be the scientists and engineers! Latest case in point is the new King Kong

They're the modern day golem, controlled by (((the media))).

King Kong was always black though

Elaborate stormnigger

Yet your women can't get enough of us

Why does she have a negro nose

They're a weapon with many facets:

Slowing economic and technological growth of (((their))) enemies by forcing them to devote massive amounts of public resources to them through welfare and law enforcement, and reducing the countries employment through having wages driven down by uneducated hoards that can be paid less.

They can be caused to riot with the most basic of media manipulation campaign just picking one out of any of the dozens of dindus a day picking a fight with cops and getting all the talking heads mentioning how he was a good boy dindu nuthin murdered by whitey. Such tactics are also used to suppress real news they don't want covered as it gets drowned out on social media and other press agencies as they cover it.

The legal systems of the world ignoring immigrant-on-native crime while harshly punishing anything even perceived as the reverse is part of a tactic to destroy social cohesion and instil paranoia in the population who know that if something happens to them, the police won't help, the media won't cover it and they'll be screaming into the void.

Why are you race playing, calle? Do we need to forward the feds your Sup Forums pedposting

This actually make sense


>posting pornstars
>this is his only argument
Why are niggers so fucking dumb?

Um, I'm pretty sure people love to watch every list item there in the movies. Why not have more of them in there?

she gets PAY to fuck you

Why does a thread you can hide upset you so much?

And here it comes more Sup Forums propaganda

>these boys mad because the majority of caucasian women sexually prefer a brother, meanwhile you're hardly getting laid

Low iq