I am Korean

Do you have a question of South Korea?

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Is it depressing? All you do is work all day for very long hours.
What do you think about China, NKorea, and Japan?

South Korea is a great country, unlike North Korea

Why the fuck hasn't South Korea evacuated Seoul in the past few months?

Did you see Faker cry?

Are S.Koreans actually getting worried about the situation with the North?

Why is Seoul that close to the border?
ISN't it dangerous?

Rate the movie Old boy.

how does it feel to know that soon Best Korea is going to take over and reunite the nation under Juche rule and remove the disgusting amerikike influence.
I'm pretty hyped about it.

Yeah...that'll never happen.

Why are so much into fashion and why are young Koreans taller than Italians?

Do you really think anyone is going to try and stop Best Korea from invading if they do (and they will)? The moment the US or south korea tries to send in ground troops to fight back, seoul will be flattened by all the missiles pointing at it immediately. Not to mention that both Japan and the US will get a nuke. It's either North Korea wins or everyone loses.

then why did you leave from your country?

>believing a nuke will reach Japan or US before it gets shot down
>believing China, Russia, US will just sit back and let it all happen
>believing US won't send air support and bomb the fuck out of Pyongyang

Even if Seoul gets obliterated, North Korea will be destroyed as well. For them, it's suicide.

What do the lines on your flag mean

>Even if Seoul gets obliterated
seoul would absolutely get obliterated
and if pyongyang goes down with it
then no one wins
why would the US gubment do that?

Why do you like nigger culture so much?


it's the 4 elements, air, water, fire, earth

There's no way North Korea can level all of Seoul as long as they have anti-air/THAAD

Answered 0 questions cunt

Are you grateful to have been born in South Korea?

Do your women like foreigners?

>>believing a nuke will reach Japan or US before it gets shot down
all your missile defence systems are basically a joke
some time ago a north korean missile flew over japan without being intercepted

THAAD does not defend anything except Southeast Korea and Japan. It can’t stop short range missiles launched across the border towards Seoul.

Are you aware of the large amount of people immigrating to Argentina since the 2000s? Most of them run convenience stores

>Is it depressing


>What do you think about China, NKorea, and Japan?

China : niggers
Japan : they are nice people. I like Japanese culture and people
NKorea : niggers

Intercepting that would most definitely spark a shitstorm. We probably won't intercept anything unless we're certain it's directed at a city

>t. nigger

What do you think about Gyeongsangdo people

Why we have to do that? If Kim starts the war, all the land of South Korea will be in hell fire

>not intercepting a missile thinking it wont hit a city
>it hits a city

also, your systems are so shitty, they're barely able to intercept old soviet missiles houthis use to bomb saudi arabia

I don't like E-Sports

We don't worry about it anymore because we all must die if Kim launches the nuclear missiles to the South

They are also nigger-tier like North Koreans

Why would we need to intercept for Saudi Ar*bia?

but i thought china and korea were friends against japan :((((((((((((((((((

>Why is Seoul that close to the border?

The King Sejo who founded Chosun dynasty chose Seoul as the capital of Korea

Why are so many koreans fundamentalist christians? I just broke up with my ex korean gf because she told me God told her to break up with me. Literally no problems in the relationship or anything just that Im agnostic.

Are koreans truly the last bastion of christendom?

they have your systems

Why are there much rivalry between Gyeongsang and Jeolla

Answer my question

>a north korean missile flew over japan without being intercepted
It wasn't shot down because it went into space, which is international territory. Just like we don't shoot down Russian jets after they violate our territory because they escape into international waters 10 seconds after violating airspace.

Yes, korean girls love white bois. Maybe not all of them but the ones I have been with told me my cock is gigantic compared to korean benis. My dick isnt even big - korean males btfo

I did not watch that movie

I personally think Kim cannot start the second Korean war

Young Koreans eat more protein than their parents


No, South Koreans are just small eyed niggers

Have you ever met a foreigner speaking a decent Korean? Should I even try learning it?

>broke up with my ex korean gf because she told me God told her to break up with me.

Most Koreans hate Chinese people because they commit many crimes here like niggers of America

>Muh dick muddfucka ooga booga
The French really are niggers

How many have you been with?


>we don't shoot down Russian jets
no, you dont shoot them because it would end with russian tanks in Tallin

Serious question, can Koreans do better Chinese or Japanese, language-wise?

Why doesn't korea produce more domestic anime like japan and even china?

The dictators from gyeongsangdo like Park and Jeon discriminated Jeollas so they hate gyeongsangs


im an expat and also a wh*te

she was hardcore christian. I really feel like post colonial and global south cultures are far more religious than europeans today - quite ironic right?

Hardly representative of the whole country then

are you scarred of rocket man?

How do you propose to fuck all women in South Korea? Are you Jesus? Bruh.

japanese, their grammar is really similar and sentence structure is almost identical

Japanese language is very easy to learn for Koreans because of its similarities in grammar and many chinese loanwords.

Do you guys think you'll reunite with Best Korea soon?



Si, los koreanos esos siempre te encajan caramelos pedorros en vez de monedas

Yes I am Jesus

how is like being brown in korea?
how are brown people treated in korea?


We don't know if we can reunite with North Korea. And young s koreans don't want the reunification with the North

Not even with North Korea being your land?

Considering a large part of the south korean population are sexually repressed christians I'd say you have a good shot at it then.

Seriously though I don't understand why south Koreans abandoned shamanism and neo-confucianism. Their traditional culture is being erased and replaced by plastic surgery, mcdonalds, and christianity. What the fuck, Korea?

koreans are probably more racist than japs

Old Koreans have racism to brown people. If a brown man come here, he will be treated as the inferior by the old men

I knew a few Koreans and had a Korean gf, but they were their non-religious or Buddhist. There was a Korean church where I used to live though.

We must feed 25 million North Koreans if we succeed to reunite.

Most Koreans just know the name of Argentine.

this guy is brown,
Is he treated bad by old people in korea?

Why there are a lot of koreans coming in Brazil and why there's so much pepper in your food?

Im jealous of you, user. My korean ex is the type of holier-than-thou christian that judges and prays for nonbelievers. Out of curiosity do you live in New Jersey or California? I grew up in Jersey and lived in a city of >50% ethnic koreans.

Korean culture itself has many similarities with African American one.

For example, Koreans got crazy when they see the watermelon and fried chicken. There are more fried chicken stores in Korea than McDonalds stores in the world.

Because Gyeongsang (Silla) and Jeolla (Baekje) was originally a different nation.



why the fuck are watermelons associeted with niggers?

No, old man only treat ugly brown man bad.

His skin is brown, but his face structure is considered as handsome face here

Yeah it was California, OC. A lot of Vietnamese there too.

How did you get to date her if she judged on non-Christians?

According to a friend who is son of koreans parents, despite the better living standart, the work, discipline, ways of life and the routine is so crushing and overwhelming that they choose to leave the country

>Have you ever met a foreigner speaking a decent Korean?

Only Chinese and Japanese men spoke proper Korean.

why the fuck is porn banned?
are you undercover mudslimes?

She fell into a born again / evangelical community after we started dating. Despite the fact that we were compatible and in love she chose her faith over me - she felt she was sinning by just being with me. Christianity is a hell of a drug user.

also the same goes to Japanese, i have a collection of nisseis friends ans friends parents who went there to work like 5 years and make lotsa money, and came back scared for life

Slaves grew, ate, and sold watermelons so it became a stereotype.


That's fucking nuts. Just be glad you got out of that relationship before she went full whacko.

Koreans consider themselves better than people from other asian nations as Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and etc..? What do you think about them?

Yup. Still sucks, though. Korean girls are babes. I think it's really cool that you got to date one who believed in Buddhism - you got lucky!

>Why there are a lot of koreans coming in Brazil

Korea was poorer than Brazil

And Koreans think peppers make food more delicious

Not very inspiring but I'm going to try anyway. 화이팅!

How spicy is REAL korean food / kimchi? All of the "korean" food koreans have prepared for me were super mild since I assume they perceived white people cant handle the spice. Talk about frustrating! Haha

>Koreans consider themselves better than people from other asian nations as Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and etc..?

Sadly this is true. Many Koreans discriminate Southeast Asians and call them as 똥남아(shit-south Asian)

They should

>Korea was poorer than Brazil

Do you remember these years? If not, what do you know about?

Why does your pop culture copy so much from black people

I have 2 degrees (Peruvian law and International business & marketing)
Im planning to move to South Korea in 2 years with 50K usd cash with me, Peru is nice but too dangerous.
for the last 6 years I have been working on a trading company that buys stuff wholesale from China, ofc I can speak chinese.
Im already learning korean online. Im gonna try to find a job on the korean marketing industry.
whats your opinion about my plan?
btw Im 26