>*high pitched demonic screeching*
*high pitched demonic screeching*
OK boomer
“Ok boomer” is the female way of arguing.
>not stating any facts or rationale and resort to name calling
You’re either a numale or a woman
Ok boomer
Ok Low-T neckbeard numale fedora tipper go play on your Nintendo switch
pick a side op and come on in for the big win
Aren't boomers just oldfags on Sup Forums?
Ok boomer. You'll die alone, meanwhile I'm 28, have a wife, 150k net worth, no debt, and make 150k a year combined income. I didn't want to resort to pulling that info out since it makes me look like I'm bragging, but you're clearly just making stupid wrong assumptions, and I have to stoop to your level to make you understand how fucking retarded you are.
Ok phaggit. I’ve fucked more women than you have, and can shit out more in one day than you make in a year. Keep coping and watching marvel avengers while your wife gets slapped up by Jamal. Cuck boy.
Ok so you're a manslut and you shit a lot? what? Why are you talking about poop and your unfulfilling love life?
That’s right bitch boy, I just took a fat steaming shit with your name on it and there’s nothing you’ll do about it. My love life is perfectly functioning which is why I am not a deranged leftist SJW such as yourself.
Gross. Enjoy your scat fetish you weirdo. At least I'm happy.
lol cant stand this bitch.
Enjoy your sóymilk shake you low T beta male
the question is ...
if she does pr0n, will you crank one to it?
user describing what he hates about himself.
a daring synthesis of your moms
As long as she's gagged so I don't have to listen to her horrible voice
Low T beta male describing what he “totally” is not
LOL I've never seen a more insecure, projecting faggot on this site.
Ikr, what a fucking failure he is!
Are the faggots ITT fighting over AOC?
More SJW’s coming to the rescue! So pathetic. Go play on your switch or something lol.
>different opinions
>must be a failure
The absolute state of the modern day left