Give me the truth about Greta Thunberg

Give me the truth about Greta Thunberg.

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nobody gives a shit about climate change, that's the truth

The truth is anyone who posts Greta threads is a faggot

her little sis is fucking hot

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She is the next League of Legends champion.

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her mother too

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god yes

just a child, who is used by climate-activists
her parents make already a fortune out of her

and I'm not someone who denies the climate change, but even I must say, people like her are crazy and overreacting

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her dad too

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They're increasing taxes for "climate change" cuz of this little shit.

staying out of the poor areas in Sweden is a matter of life and death these days

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she’s off to spain now to scold them for something

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They are the worst tits in history.

>> nobody gives a shit about climate change, that's the truth
You are a twat. What a twat you are.


yeah but a huge army of spin doctors are going by plane

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do not scroll down on her Instagram page and watch her dancing in shorts just dont it wont make you a better person

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god i hope she winds up on wikipedia's list of ships lost at sea

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>dressed like there's an ice age

She's a strange looking little girl with aspergers who talks in a weird voice, she goes around the world talking about climate change.

Seriously thought whats up with the voice? it's like a whisper-yell.

That's What I'm Fucking Talking About

Maybe in your feeble mind

why she doesn’t scold india or china? they are the worst polluters by far

>fatter and less muscle than my 34 year old girlfriend

shame she is fucking nuts

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Would you?

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i had no idea they did dolls back then

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>can see smoke

She is to stupid to be of any help to anyone aside from the left as a shield to deflect counterpoints

fuck you

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The truth is this is what american politics look like now. Are you happy? 16 year olds yell at "the boomers" and everyone comments on how you litterally cant find anything more stupid than an america.

kike puppet

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yeah but C02 isnt smoke and its not visible

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Used by the left. Vilified by the right. I doubt she truly understands the scum from both sides. Sad.

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I'm not even remotely plugged into politics or whatever climate change is considered. So I pose this question:

Why the hate for airplanes? Do people actually advocate not using airplanes anymore? How the fuck would we go to other countries for business and world affairs? It would take like 10 days to go to Japan or some shit by boat not counting the time it took to travel to the coast of the USA if you were in the middle somewhere which is the majority.

I thought we were all in agreement that airplanes were something that made living on this Earth way easier and better for mankind. I can understand trying to create more efficient airplanes, but who the hell wants to get rid of them?

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>but who the hell wants to get rid of them?
climate activists
they also want to get rid of everything else, what made life easier

Carbon is a red herring, per-capita representation of carbon levels is manipulation, and those pushing the narrative are the enemies of western civilization.


she hates niggers

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The argument is that we have to change our entire way of living to save the planet and air travel puts a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere

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If RGB was in the middle it would look like a Weekend at Bernie's movie.

>They had the one vote they needed to pass the reforms they wanted, until an expected stroke put them "dead" in their tracks, until after a night a heavy drinking with a Kennedy, they had an idea just crazy enough to work.

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she's got their backs

Why not find a way to build airplanes that produce less emissions (or zero)?

Getting rid of airplanes seems insane and idiotic. Can you fucking imagine a world leader traveling 15 days one-way to see another world leader? We'd never get anything done for fucks sake. Even airplanes are too slow, some places take like 20 hours to travel to which is still too fucking slow.

And donald trump is president.
woopdy doo. many people don't get the respect they deserve. and many get far more than they deserve.

At least greta is standing behind a decent cause, so people caring about her is not a waste.

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Turns out her sister is a total insta thot lol

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cause, cliamte activists
they are perhaps often more retarted, than a few climate-change denier....

Oh great this ugly little gnome again. Just die. Please and thank you

you arent in the plan then ?

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yeah im seeing a distinct lack of feminism there

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Not educated.
Can only read from a script given to her.
Cannot string a sentence together if you ask her a question that isn't scripted.
She a dumb child that thinks she is a scientist.
She thinks she can see carbon dioxide.
She's being used like a puppet.
She is unaware of the real world that we live in.


Thing is, not stopping sources of greenhouse gases is even more insane and idiotic.
Do you think Jesus will come down and save us?
No, the only way to stop climate change is for people to massively sacrifice their comforts. I'm sorry, but that's the solution. It's backed up my stacks of scientific literature. All of what Greta says is completely true, real and backed-up by science. She really isn't saying anything new or something we didn't know. She is just stating shit we (or that you missed out on) should have learned about in school.
You calling the solutions stupid and insane, just show that you're incapable of understanding a simple topic.
And why people feel the need to share their opinion daily about shit they have no clue about and shit they have never cared to read about is beyond me.

warm up the ozone by lighting her kike ass up

fuckin turd berg

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Says the conservacuck

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>Not educated.
What? Compared to people at her age?
>Can only read from a script given to her.
>Cannot string a sentence together if you ask her a question that isn't scripted.
>She a dumb child that thinks she is a scientist.
When did she state this?
>She thinks she can see carbon dioxide.
When did she state this?
>She's being used like a puppet.
This is a big one, guess you have big proof supporting this mate
>She is unaware of the real world that we live in.
Yeah, and you're unaware of what bruder of proof is for example.
Hey, at least she is saying shit that can be backed up by facts.

She's not getting people to get begins a decent cause. She's getting people to get behind her, a short sighted child with no real answers. Stop worshiping the latest media sensations, and start partying attention to the people who can and do make a difference, not just the ones that generate ad revenue for the 24/7 news networks.

I clearly said why don't we develop airplanes that use less (or zero) emissions? Why isn't that a solution in the same way we are developing cars that way?

I'm OK with giving up creature comforts to a degree, but I also expect people to find solutions to problems (such as develop airplanes or another form of rapid world-wide transportation that uses less/zero emissions) rather than going back to the stone age of traveling by foot/boat/etc. We have the technology, we just need to research it more and figure it out faster.

Not to mention, the individual isn't really responsible for emissions at this point. Most of it is caused by large corporations on this planet. Eliminating those sources would change our outlook almost overnight, would it not?

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she needs a professional salon like zimbabwe needs food

Some one post the copy pasta. I know one of you saved it.

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Nah its the aspie way joining in is distasteful

google about her for all the answers you lazy twat.

shit even aspies look better than me

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Yeah he is an EU vampire sent by soros to make sure she stays on message

She's only 16 and he's a liberal. Of course he's gonna try and seduce her.

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post a pic so we can give you helpful suggestions


She'll never walk again from a leg break like that, sicks shit user.

ffs why so cunty, user?

must have had a good teacher

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