Open macbook

>open macbook
>sister's session is open
>"lol I'll search something dumb like scat porn and ask her why she has that in her browsing history"
>open history
>escort page
>face is blurred but recognize her room
>almost fucking puke
>mfw she's a literal prostitute

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Don't tell anyone. For the kid's sake.

Book a session with her.

You should post the link so we can help feed your niece/nephews

This too

Convince her to be a stripper instead of an escort. They make really good cash and you don't whore yourself out

this is the only answer

Book her,
Do her,
Get the two third of the money?

Don't say anything to your parents or her. First go to the church you haven't been to in years and tell the priest. He can help you formulate an attack plan to destroy your sisters harlotry while minimizing her loss of social standing.

just fucking blackmail her for real

Tell her you know and force her to have sex with you or else you tell your parents. Start with small requests like touching her breasts, nudes, a blowjob and finally fucking her ass.

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Get a friend to try and book her to see how much she charges, and how long shes been doing it for.

>Book session
>tell her you want to be anonymous
>wear a mask or something to cover your face for the boom boom

Guys please I don't want to fuck my sister I just want to know if I should say something
The father took them away a few years ago but they are living like shit and I feel so bad about it
The problem is that she just does whatever she wants and if me or my parents try to talk to her she just runs away a few weeks.
Please I just want my sister to stop making so many mistakes but I can't get her to listen

First question, is she hot?
Second question, if not, is she doable?
Third question, where the fuck are the pics Sup Forumsro?

If you want her to be successful then let your Sup Forumsro’s book some time with her
Then she’ll have a stable career

so much fucking this
also don't forget to document so you can share wins with your Sup Forumsros

easiest thing is to book her and record everything until you see her
just fucking ruin her life by sharing it with everyone
at least thats what i would do if my sister was a escort

Whores have always been like this for literally tens of thousands of years. What's the religious situation in your family, if you don't mind me asking?

show her how dangerous her profession can be by booking her and brutally raping her

dude I wish I was trolling or whatever but no I'm so dumbfounded and shocked about this I always said that only retards end up being whores and sucking dick for money but now it's happening to my sister
I also thought something like this back when she was really popular back in high school / uni but now I just don't even know how to look at her in the face
Only mother is evangelical or something like that. The rest of us just don't really care

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She might just be larping for fun or scamming guys with no sex.

Share her ad since I can usually tell from the language. It might not be as bad as you think.

You dont have to link it, just the full text

Take 10%of each job
Ultimate neet bux

I’ll do some recon and undercover work for you, can you give me the link to her page?

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Look, the best way to confront her is to just book her. If you want to or not, act like she needs to follow through since you're paying, it will tell you how far gone she is, if she resists you can probably talk her out of it. If she gives in quick or doesn't even question it, she's gone man, enjoy a blowjob at least.

I don't wanna go back in that page user I just saw something like escort, 22 (not her actual age) She had a different name and a phone number that was not her or at least I don't know it. Also a few photos with her face blurred. couldn't even scroll to the bottom of the page before closing everything.

Actually this.

What’s the website?

Sex work is work toooo motherfokers

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If you want to save your sister's life, it's going to cost you. Want to know what? Your own life. No I'm not talking about a suicide pact. I'm talking about giving your own life to Jesus in exchange for hers. The only way you can save your sister from a life of harlotry is by becoming a Christian, and then converting her to true religion. Otherwise her soul will be damned and she'll spend her whole life selling her body.

Your sister is literally a roastie OP. There is no saving her. Leave her to her fate, otherwise you’re doomed to suffer knowing you can’t help her.

>also why the fuck do you care so much about your sister? Haven’t spoken to mine in years.

go find her a better job, she's probably only doing it for the ez money

Is it possible somebody is just using her pictures?

We will need to ad to crack this for you.

I cant imagine how stressful this is for you...

Pay taxes, ho.

Amifaggot. In europe the hoes are paying taxes - because prostitution is not illegal

though I would be ok with this, the most likely outcome is that she would just never talk to me again
>>also why the fuck do you care so much about your sister? Haven’t spoken to mine in years.
because before she fucked up her life she was always there for me, when our mother left us for a few years for some fag it was my sister that took care of me, bought me stuff and kept me company
maybe she likes the ez money bro. She's now 28 and hasn't worked in anything else in a few years.
I'd like to think this but she visited the page from her smartphone just a few minutes before me. It was the latest thing in her browsing history, so probably not the case.

In any case I'm probably going to talk to her really seriously, maybe balckmail her with telling our parents if she doesn't stop.

I really just wanted to know if a should do that because she and mom were always about that sexuality should be enjoyed or whatever the fuck. Maybe is not necessarily a bad thing and I'm just beign autistic. I don't even know anymore

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How the fuck do you know what's going to happen in the future? Your "odds" are based on what? No one knows what the future holds. Trust in Jesus, ask him for help, and offer him your life. You may be surprised at the results.

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Your sister sounds like complete garbage. Hooking is the correct path for her. Take no action.

>only retards end up being whores and sucking dick for money but now it's happening to my sister
It's not "happening." She chose it. Because she has no life skills, doesn't take responsibility, and it's easiest for her to get paid on her back. She's a typical hoe, nothing to report here.

Don't blackmail her, that's a lot of pressure at once. If she has a history of leaving when people fuss at her who knows what she'll do upon hearing that. If you're stable then offer to help her through whatever she's going through to resort to escorting. If not try to convince her it's the wrong way to go. That'll be harder, but it might work if you can make it sound reasonable to her.

>you have two choices
>try to help your sister lead a christian life
>extort her
you fucking mong

How does this thought even occur to you?

Is being an escort illegal where you are?

Does she have proper protection from STDs, rape and assault?

Is being an escort giving her enough money to take care of her loved ones?

If she's doing well, and she'd rather do that than another job, then she IS technically making money through it to support her children.

If it's illegal, doesn't offer good protection or doesn't pay well, she should look into being a stripper or finding a better job. You might want to honestly talk with her about her chances and where she should go from here.

If you can't find the opportunity to talk to her about this stuff normally, you can book with her to just talk, which'll guarantee she'll be there for her job.

Because maybe she has a debt? or is being blackmailed into doing it? I don't fucking know
>Is being an escort illegal where you are?
I think it is
>Does she have proper protection from STDs, rape and assault?
I don't know
>Is being an escort giving her enough money to take care of her loved ones?
she's been buying a lot of expensive make up bags clothes and stuff, but last time I heard she was not giving any money to her daughters

Yes. I think that just talking things out should be the best way out of this but holy fuck it threw me off. Thanks for all the replies anons. Please take care of your family and help them if you think they aren't making the right choices

>take care of your family
You only get the one

OP it is her life. Her job is non of your business. Be happy for her to have a good paid job.

>she's been buying a lot of expensive make up bags clothes and stuff, but last time I heard she was not giving any money to her daughters
Your sister is a worthless hoe dude, the worst kind of woman. Stop wasting time and effort on her.

As the saying goes bro, can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved

In which country are you? Ik know a few instances in Europe who help people to get out of prostitution. Does she buy those expensive bags or are they given to her? If you could have an inlook in her finance you could at least tell if she is in it for herself or if she is for sale for someone else. If in Europe please let me know, I can give you some direction

I appreciate the intention but we're from south America bro.
fuck you asshole