>hanging out in my dorm freshman year
>retard roommate and his dudebro friends come in to shoot the shit
>they're high off their asses and want to watch a comedy movie
>one of the idiots unironically brought SuperTroopers and some Seth Rogen shit like Pineapple Express on a fucking bluray
>call them dipshits in so many words
>they cave in like betas and decide to listen to my comedy picks
>they can't go more than 5 minutes into 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb' without checking their phones
>2 of them leave after like 20 minutes since it was past their bedtime or some shit
>other dudebro friend makes it like 45 minutes, goes "Oh shit it's Willy Wonka haha" and leaves 5 minutes after
>roommate fast asleep but I wake him up with my crackling laughter every minute
>dumb cuck transfers out of the dorm next semester after getting so thoroughly BTFO by me everyday
Hanging out in my dorm freshman year
forever alone
What a fag.
>"Older media is best, damn kids. Stop liking what I don't like. REEEEEEEE."
You sound like a big time loser. You sure showed those guys.
Based OP
>not liking Super Troopers
fucking autist holy fuck
>Dr. Strangelove
HAHAHAHA ... Jesus fucking christ. Get a god damn life and enjoy it for once.
This the type of nigga that genuinely wonders why people don't like him and don't invite him to parties
i like you. you sound like you have your virginity locked up for the next 4 years.
Super Troopers is patrician.
Sounds like you're a tryhard pleb
>There are real people like this out there in the world right now
>not liking super troopers
dumbass, nobody wants to watch shit like that when they're high and looking a for a nice easy laugh. You have to be in a mood for a comedy like that.
If you were just going to watch something dumb & funny to laugh at while high I would just watch some shit like Airplane, Naked Gun or even better while fucked up is Top Secret, my personal fave from those 3 jew guys.
>be freshman hanging out in dorms
>roommate comes back from party drunk with whore
>both clearly want to have the sexy sex times
>leave and go sit outside in the freezing cold
>can see into our dorm window through blinds on 3rd or 4th floor
>can see my roommate humping and pumping on his bed
>check back every so often to see if they are done
>get tired of being cold so wait in the lobby next to our room on our floor
>can hear moaning and thumping through walls
>they fuck for like 2 hours
>finally get to come back inside and go to bed
>sometime later go to party and get drunk
>same whore comes back with me
>ask if she wants to watch a movie with me
>we watch Barbarella
>she seems to like it but she's not really paying attention
>she is giving me the sexy sex eyes and snuggling up with me on the floor
>don't do anything to encourage it
>eventually she gives up and passes out
>enjoy the rest of Barbarella in peace
>ps im totally gay and vaginas are gross
how dumb are you people
We just want to shitpost, fuck off
>he still doesnt think people like op exist
Nice blog
>Not liking super trooper
>likes strange love or literally who?
>Not even stoners want to be with you
Yup. I think you should kill yourself.
Nice comment on a nice blog
>'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb'
oh that's cute, did Reddit tell you about that movie?
At least put on something like Hot Fuzz retard
This is autism.
I had pretty much the same reaction to Dr. Strangelove...
I just got bored and stopped watching it at the beginning.
Not sure what the problem was since I've enjoyed literally every other old comedy I have ever seen (to varying degrees).
I know it's supposed to be one of the funniest movies of all time and I feel bad for not sticking with it, maybe I'll try again some other day when I'm feeling more patient.
Pineapple Express is fucking shit, other than that work on your bait meng
OP here. Of course the faggots on Sup Forums don't enjoy Dr. Strangelove. What a fucking surprise. Kill yourselves, all of you. You're probably just as "autistic" as me, if not more. At least I can talk to people.
Was good and FUCK Seth Rogen.
>using actual disc
I was that guy and it hits you with a ton of bricks when you realize it
>high school
>cute girl tries to talk to me
>I reference something from the news
>she doesn't know about it
>how can you not know about it? Do you ever watch the news? Do your parents ever buy newspaper?!
She literally never spoke to me again and at the time I always wondered why girls pick chad over nice guys.
It's shit and is just rated highly by fannypacks like OP
>trying to BTFO people with Dr. Strangelove
The whole point of the movie is the slow buildup with some Cold War kino to tide you over in the meantime, of course they're going to be bored. If you wanted to hook them you should have put on Airplane or something.
Me and my friends got high last night and we watched Seinfeld. Why would anyone in their right mind want to watch Dr. Strangelove while high?
Nobody cares what you and your degenerate butt buddies do
I do.
Based OP!
holy fr*ck, op! you showed them!
This is real
just new
I really liked super troopers. It didn't have the Hollywood smell of shit covered Jews off it.
>want to show your friends comedy kino
>don't show them Black Dynamite
>watching blue pilled jew news
You deserve it.
based op
>Black Dynamite
>not Shane Black or Martin McDonagh kinos
You hate your friends.
>in res
>have to share room with three other roomies
>one stoner, one fratbro, one aussie
>friday night and a storm has forced everyone to stay in
>figured I'd introduce them to Big Lebowski
>make up some white russians and roll a few joints
>start watching
>stoner keeps asking "whos that guy?" every five minutes, even after the Dude has been established
>fratbro keeps checking his phone and playing candy crush
>aussie falls asleep
>frat goes to bed
>stoner falls asleep on the couch on top of aussie
>I go to bed
>wake up 6 hours later to find the movie still playing and the stoner drank 3/4s of my bottle of vodka by himself and passed out sitting up right with vomit all over himself
>Aussie wakes up and looks at him "the Dude doesn't abide" and falls back asleep
moral of the story, don't have roommates
Kek this.
>hating super troopers
>being an autistic instead of showing them something actually funny like Blazing Saddles
This would be my selection. One of my favorites when I'm DUDE LMAO WEEDing out
>Fast forward to present day
>back home living with my parents because too much of a lazy faggot to get a job
>"cuck roommate" already making 7 figures and starting a family
Yeah OP, you're a real winner. Like Trump!
>in res
>watching fantastic mr. fox
>someone pulls fire alarm so I pause movie and leave with everyone else
>qt neighbor asks if i want to go eat while we wait to be let back in
>have decent conversation, she seems alright
>head back to my room to continue watching movie
>she knocks on door so i let her in
>she's making small talk and giving me looks
>all i want to do is finish my movie
>eventually she leaves and i finish the move
I hate myself for being such and autistic faggot
>he doesn't like super troopers
how does it feel to be a liberal arts major?
Liberal arts majors love this film
That didn't even make sense
Are these memes or are there this many people on this board who are completely socially retarded?
It's the latter
>the dudebros wouldn't have physically overpowered you, thrown your movies about, and kept you awake with their laughter at DUDE WEED LMAO
>you can't even hold eye contact with a dudebro, let alone insult one and not be clowned out (which everyone on campus would hear about)
You made the right choice.
This. It's disgusting when they make a move on you and you aren't in the mood. Literally bitches leave.
You guys realize this is genuine diagnosable autism right?
Not having sex because you can't stop watching fantastic mr. fox, seriously think about it.
Maybe he wasn't in the mood for sex and wasn't going to miss out on finishing it by getting some roastie whore off, who by the way, was trying to fuck someone after hanging out with them once.
Degeneracy is still degeneracy.
Stay beta
>being alpha means putting off the things you want for the sake of pussy
Trying to justify not getting laid by saying you're "doing things" (watching a kids movie) is quite possibly the most beta thing you could do.
Stay beta.
He clearly indicated that he wasn't happy with how he handled the situation.
And you're a fucking faggot if you think fucking someone you just met is a weird or bad thing.
I can hear your fedora and trenchcoat from here.
Dude! Free love and free shit for everyone!
You have 2 mins to describe why sex is bad.
the bible says so
>been laid many times
>don't see the point in it anymore
>don't try to and instead do whatever the fuck I want
life is meh.
Dr. Strangelove is a great film but not fun to watch with others
I watched it while I was high a few weeks ago.
Seems to me like most people ITT are not daily smokers, and are of the DUDE WEED variety who think getting high is an experience and not just part of the daily grind of life.
Disgusting honestly.
your a faggot, dubs checked, and WHO
>greentext stories outside of /r9k/
>try to watch strangelove with gf
>zero response all throughout the film
>falls asleep 30 minutes in
first day?
Why is Dr. Strangelove considered a comedy if it isn't funny?
Its a black comedy
Nuclear destruction is hilarious though
But Martin Lawrence isn't in it
Ahahaha, this is obviously fake, but with the propper writing and direction, it could be a funny scene in one of those Seth Rogen movies.
This board used to be 99% people like OP until Gamergate and Reddit dragged normie shits like you in.
What are the best comedies to watch while high?
I blame drive and bane, that's why I'm here lol.
Nothing wrong with Reddit, friendo
Just watch Superbad.
You think that's bad. I once made my roommates watch Only God Forgives.
They did not appreciate it. They did not like it. They had no idea what the fuck happened, and I think it scared some of them.
But what really made them mad was when when I said let's watch The Act of Killing. I told them it was a comedy. They don't let me pick things anymore. It was not the first time I tricked them to watch a film by telling them it was a comedy. But in my defense, Drag Me to Hell was a comedy those fucking plebs just couldn't see that.
Shaun of the Dead. Old School. Harold and Kumar: WhiteCastle/ School of Rock. Semi Pro. Team America. Super Troopers. Dodgeball. I get on normie for comedies when I'm high
It was great when I was 13. Even then I only thought the beginning was good
>omega pretends to be chad
>using trump memes
Stay beta
I want this to be real.
It most likely is
>I was that guy and it hits you with a ton of bricks when you realize it
>how can you not know about it?
>and at the time I always wondered why girls pick chad over nice guys.
Slapstick comedy is my favourite high comedy pick... Naked Gun, Hot Shots, Jim Carrey stuff... the sillier the better.
I cannot watch tv or movies unless I'm drunk. Sober they're all so boring
Praise be my sides, which have died for our sins.