You have 10 seconds to name something worse than American culture

You have 10 seconds to name something worse than American culture.

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European culture
Asian culture
South American culture
African culture

Only the aussies and the antarcticans are superior to the americans

African culture

your mother's rape culture

American food.

Idiots with inane America jokes.

can i interest you in some vegemite fairy bread?

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damn aussies, first you steal our weapons grade bantz, now our donuts! this is too far!

Jewish cult--
Yes, cult.

Sand niggers

There is nothing wrong with American Culture, what is wrong is Americans are paranoid and ruin American Culture because of it.

In short, Americans are ruining their own country.

That's the leftist perspective, the conservative perspective is that it's marxists and mexicans.

Can't it be a bit of both?

Non American culture.
Listen to Night Moves by Bob Seeger and stfu

I am not American, and not everything that doesn't agree with you is Liberal or Conservative, like I said Paranoia is ruining your country.

that shit should not be in the sausages

nice joke

Paranoia of what?

Fuck yeah. Seeger.

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kikes, they are 6000000 times worse than amerecans

Anything and Everything, Americans have this stupid mentality that if something non-American doing something means everyone is the same.

So they get paranoid at home about it, thinking every Mexican, Black, Muslim (even Indians because Americans are ignorant to tell the difference), Red Indians, Jews etc is a threat to them.

So much so they cling to their guns and false ideologies trained to them by stupid media stations like Fox and CNN to put stupid shit into their heads.

Then on top of that, they think they are the best thing ever, for some weird reason they think they invented everything, have the best everything, and when they find out it isn't true they turn into a 5 year old angry boi/gurl and get salty to the max.

If it wasn't for that Paranoia the US would return to that wholesome values that was in the US for several decades before it went tits up in the 80s with Reagan.

indian "culture"

nigger butt

What an illiterate bunch of jibberish

>Nobody has mentioned islam

Every other culture.


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Because you turned into one of those 5 year old boi/gurls with salt pouring out of every pore on your body.

I like hearing these crooked toothed fucks bitch about America. Not one valid reason for it either.

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What are we jealous about?

There is nothing in the US we don't already have, so what is there to be jealous about?

Shouldn't it be "envious"?

t. foreigner


>I'm not American

Then how could you really know what's going on over here, news is full of shills

Turkish culture

Keep thinking of us.

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Lol I love how you assume that's the standard. You think we don't notice Looney conspiracy theorists when we see them? They're the loud ones you see online most, so you assume it's normal for us.
>tl;dr Shut up euro fag

Why don't you tell us? Youre always so angry about us just existing. You people are obsessed

Because we learn to check shit and watch the news etc, we are not Americans we actually care about shit outside our own countries, in America the majority of Americans only care about their own country and are ignorant of anything outside of it.

Yet you keep thinking that we keep thinking about you, which sounds like you are addicted to thinking about us.

Still what are we jealous about? Can't answer it?

Nigger Culture= Kool Aid & Fruit Loops

How can American culture be the worst if it doesn't exist?

Tell you what? What you think we are jealous about? That is why I asked, because a chunk of Americans actually think we are jealous of you, so what are we jealous about, you made the claim after all.

>inb4 excuses not to answer with childish salt.

Also not angry, why am I angry? Do you think everyone who doesn't agree with you is angry? Thats a lot of projection right there from you.



Okay, let's stop this shit and see if we can get you to calm your tits.
What are you jealous about? The essence of what we are about; trying to be the best and succeed at whatever we put our minds too, aka the "American dream". Sure, you can argue that it's not real, never existed, hasn't existed since Reagan, whatever, but it's REAL. Ever hear of the "British dream"? "French dream"? et. al? Of course not, but EVERYONE in the world knows of the "American Dream".
We chase it, always will, and it will always be an admirable, cultural attitude with us that your country doesn't have and I guess won't understand. Deny it all you want, it's still true.
That's what you're jealous of. Next?

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That's not Vegemite.

this discord server gg/MHfhAn

your existence

We aren't jealous of anything like that at all, the concept was originally from Europe, we have moved on.

Let me point out a key word you repeated "Dream" - not reality, that is why it is a dream because Americans aim at something that 99% will never reach. This doesn't make you better, or more successful, or more cultural. It just shows how easy Americans are fooled into false situations, which is why Scams are successful in the US.

As for the EU, we use our ingenuity to better everyone, not ourselves, we mostly help each other... that was the same in the US decades ago. Tell me when was the last time you truly trusted your neighbour and did something to make their lives better or to routinely check up on them without thinking about yourself? Very little right.

Yes we in the EU have idiots who are equally vain and egotistical who think about themselves only, fortunately they are a small amount, but in the US it is a large amount.

As for chasing your "dream" if it involves having the largest national debt, and false belief that your GDP is how rich your country is, then nah not interested.

Liberal Cuckservative American Culture



yeah because we're the best, you wouldn't know what it's like to be at the top faggot. Fuck you and your little piece of shit pussy country

>and Mexicans

fuck off straw-manning faggot

>We aren't jealous of anything like that at all, the concept was originally from Europe, we have moved on.
You didn't move on, you moved here. The US has consistently had the highest immigration rate of any other country, period. Care to explain why?
>not reality, that is why it is a dream because Americans aim at something that 99% will never reach
Sure, that's totally true. Your point is that we're foolish having goals and dreams that we most likely won't reach versus.....?
>As for the EU, we use our ingenuity to better everyone, not ourselves, we mostly help each other... that was the same in the US decades ago.
Yes, the fact that we've historically been the biggest supplier of foreign aid around the globe means we're selfish pricks. We take in more people and give out more money than any nation in the EU. Response?
>Yes we in the EU have idiots who are equally vain and egotistical who think about themselves only, fortunately they are a small amount, but in the US it is a large amount.
I'd like to see your statistics for this.
>As for chasing your "dream" if it involves having the largest national debt, and false belief that your GDP is how rich your country is, then nah not interested.
Okay, seriously, did you just try to completely dismiss the importance and implications of a high GDP?! Okay, we're done. Thought I was actually debating an intelligent person. See ya.

everyone else. wow. so hard.

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If you are the best then why are you in so much debt, why are you paying over the top prices for the same healthcare that 95% of the world gets? Why is the majority of your IT industry have its workers off shore? Why does your country need to hire foreign workers for professional jobs like doctors etc because you cannot produce the people to take the jobs internally in the US? Why do you allow the use of meat glue to sell fake cuts of meat, especially with steaks when not cooked well it can cause medical conditions as it isn't broken down otherwise? Why is food bank usage at an all time high in the US? Why does your country have the highest concentration of Paedophiles on the planet (mostly white before you cry about Muslims as an excuse)? Why spend 800bn a year on a military budget that is mostly spent on stealth fighters that very hardly get used and nobody wants to buy them, and thinking it protects you against ISIS? Why are you always assuming everyone else is jealous about your new culture of being raped by corporations and banks?

Kinda sad when you think we are still jealous of your country plummeting to economical ruin, which you are also ignorant about.

The Year of the Upset Americans who assume everyone is Jealous

Literally any other chicken blood drinking culture.

Nigger culture
Faggot Culture
Islamic Culture

This makes no sense and is factually incorrect. Not the parts about how we distress new immigrant groups, distrust people in power, love our guns and think we are the best. All thats true.

Where you are wrong is in stating this is anything new. Maybe you are young and hate Americans, but we have always done those things. So that can't be the cause in the change in our culture.

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Brazil's murder culture.
Islam's jihad culture.
Mexico's kidnap/rape/drug culture

That only exists for faggots without military might

Only USA, China, Russia, and Israel is allowed to sit at the mens table. The rest of you faggots are just children we tell to run along and go play with your friends, you have nothing to contribute except some coloring books that we hang on the fridge and tell you that you did a good job

We make stealth fighters to make you faggots get on your knees and bow before your masters, not for you to buy from us. What kind of retarded shit is that

jews being alive

>You didn't move on, you moved here. The US has consistently had the highest immigration rate of any other country, period. Care to explain why?
As said in a previous post immigration to the US is high because the US isn't successfully training and education staff to take the high paid jobs, so they have to look elsewhere to fill them up, such as your health service 20% are foreign staff mostly professional employees.
>Sure, that's totally true. Your point is that we're foolish having goals and dreams that we most likely won't reach versus.....?
There is nothing wrong with a goal or an aim, but there is no use aiming for something that is not reachable, it will have an opposite effect and cause people to be negative and give up easily.
>Yes, the fact that we've historically been the biggest supplier of foreign aid around the globe means we're selfish pricks. We take in more people and give out more money than any nation in the EU. Response?
Because simply you have had aid from other nations, you are returning the favour, nobody is asking you to spend more or less, however per capita the US isn't the top or per GNI ratio it isn't the top.
>Okay, seriously, did you just try to completely dismiss the importance and implications of a high GDP?! Okay, we're done. Thought I was actually debating an intelligent person. See ya.
Let me just clarify something with you, GDP isn't America's money, it's supposed to be taxed at 10.5% so $2.2 trillion is put in the treasury but only 1.5% is taxed. Its taxable profits of businesses operating in the US, that $22trn is from American and non-American sources, for example when someone buys something off Steam it goes to Valve no matter what country etc. What the US GDP shows is how easy Americans pay for trash, they would prefer to pay over the top costs for American goods that are substandard to Chinese, Japanese, Indian, German, British goods. And this is equally reinforced by the fact your National Debt is out of control

American food


>posts a lot of salt and rage just randomly spouting shit that isn't true


Keep going, tell me more untruths you actually think is true.

y-you m-must p-pay
lmao silly eurocuck I know it's hard being literally forgotten

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Its been changed since the 80s, since then there has a been an extreme shift to the right way of thinking even for people on the left, due to Jewish terrorism in the 80s, to McVeigh's boming and of course ultimately to more recent Islamic Extremist attacks.

People in the US have got more paranoid about specific groups of people. It is there to see.

Talk about Black Crime they hit you with "per capita" because it makes blacks look worse, because they don't like the fact whites do more crime.

Asian Indians being attacked because people ignorantly thought they were Muslims, and also just attacking Muslims because they think all Muslims are the same because of the Qu'ran and ISIS etc use the Qu'ran. But yet ignore the fact the KKK is also using the Bible.

Due to finances being more stringent due to more and more bankruptcies etc, Americans are more scared about saving or investing, so they have changed into a buy everything NOW type culture with shopping.

There is more of course, but again this happened during the 80s onwards, when Reagan allowed corporate types into the Senate and Congress, when everything is about forcing people to spend stupid money for everything, healthcare, medicines, dentistry, low quality technical goods and so on. The only thing that is keeping everything semi-balanced is the fact the US is relying on oil from the middle east, which is valued at 12 trillion. So aslong as that continues, the US is sort of safeish, but when it stops the US economy will collapse badly.

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Niggers, neck beards and feminists

>Describe america in 3 words


China is #1 with $38bn and US #2 at $31bn