Beautiful Faces

Beautiful Faces

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nigger no

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Kek 4 ugly bitches great start


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She’s from soc dummy

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Still 0. Beautiful faces

Jesus they are all butt ugly. Every. single. one.

t. bitter incel

Try harder. Married 15 yrs with a still thin and good looking wife. Don't care if you don't believe it

I'm the other user that commented on them being unattractive ever post your wife's face?

What on earth is a larping incel to do?

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FreckleChan 4eva

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Nah and there's where I feel like a real oldfag. I don't like to post my business on open forums to various anons. Didnt really ever get into the fb ig thing. That's for the 20 to 35 year old set. I'm 42

My wife

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That's fair I'm 30.

>cross-eyed, horse-teethed skank
>good looking

Top keks

9OK see now these 2 are actually good looking even the freckle ginger

that you in the background big boi?

Meant 3. Also nice looking wife. Anons don't know how rare it is to get one that stays thin looks good and doesn't let herself go after a few yrs

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It is not.

Not cross eyed or horse teeth but way to fish for an insult faggot

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Yep now the thread is improving

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Finally we're talking really beautiful faces.
Freckles are a genetic call-out for procreation

Definitely. It's not like they have to models to looks good. It's just that those girls up thread were ugly.

yep FreckleChan 4eva

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>starting a beautiful thread with this

have the ultra /hr/

you can see every hair every freckle

Gibi ASMR.

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I remember the day she came here and posted this

FreckleChan 4eva

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forgot pic

FreckleChan 4eva

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More Gibi.

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yep, that's the kinda girl you fall in love with on first look.


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It's funny this troll comes in and these girls look pretty close to some of the girls posted early in thread.

She’s your wife’s identical twin. Giddy up!

Troll?!!! How dare you!

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Still think she is perfection

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Bitch got no legs

Found 'em

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Thread taking a turn for the worse again.

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Theo Vons podcast with her was pretty good. Definitely better than I expected.

Much love,

Brian Peppers.

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Damn she's gorgeous

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Thanks man

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will you let her treat your hardon?

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42 here as well.

Poor Dani!