Hey Sup Forums
Just caught a cat in a trap and now I'm going to wrap it up in a blanket or something
Wish me luck
Hey Sup Forums
Be nice to it
kill it
Buy it tuna.
I got him in a blanket but he bit my arm really good, I was wearing gloves at the time
Isnt that a fucking squirrel trap
That's not a trap
>uncropped instagram repost
Gtfo instafag
might want to go to a doctor to get that bite disinfected. all kinds of bacteria in their mouth and dirt/shit on the claws.
stick the trap in your bathtub and slowly turn the tap on
I get this is Sup Forums right but why do you kids need to be so fucking edgy? I despise this site now because of people like you converting your teen angst into edge. Makes me lose faith
because I'm drunk, pessimistic and the cat is dumb enough to wander into a trap. Do what you want with it.
Got him
Is it possible to domesticate the kitty?
I’m 37 years old... fight me, fuck head.
Fuck cats. Disease carrying, selfish, bird murdering, dicks... every one. Genuinely disgusted by the unthinking ‘love’ showered on feline vermin.
You’d kill a rat, right?
So poison the cat.
all this edge at 37 LOL
because you're an edgy loser who has to drink alone and go on Sup Forums because no one wants to be around you
if hes letting you hold him like that maybe. try feeding him n give him space to warm up to u
Get some food and give it some space...
Coax it with the food and slowly stroke it lightly
sure, whatever helps you reinforce the belief that you're better than others.
Time to leave your (parerents) basement, user
Go see a doctor. Get rabies shot just in case.
Sup Forums is back
I'm not one to take the moral high ground, nor am I one to judge. However, being unnecessarily cruel to another living being that means no harm to you unless threatened is just pathetic
I gave s9+ so I have to screenshot it too be under the data limit for Sup Forums
I'd reccomend calling your local animal people, however if you really wanna try it, fucking go for it and try to domesticate a stray cat. Cats are cool.
Shoe on head and I'll believe ya
Enjoy your new kitteh, Ninjanon
OP...why did you trap it?
Was it wandering onto your property and you don't want it to?
If so, put back in the cage. Pour water on it the return 20 mins later and wet again.
Gives the cat a bad experience so that it will avoid your yard.
Other wise let it go.
I almost lost a thumb because of a cat's bite.
Go to the doctor, you might get some bad shit.
I got bored and I saw it in my yard earlier
No edge: can’t stand gore, have no issue with black people, have a wife and 2 kids (one is female and 15... guess what? No urge to incest, so not even a sick fuck).
I come here for laughs and porn.
But I have a large garden, and grow crops, and I like birds.
Neighbourhood cats shit in once only.
Then the antifreeze kicks in.
As I said, you’d kill a rat... what’s the difference?
>muh kitteh
Fucking incels
Or throw it into the trash
The 2 kids are Tyrone's. You definitely bring well endowed niggers to your home to fuck and skeet inside of your wife while you watch.
Ah yes, Tyrone with the blond hair and blue eyes...
whatever, man, whatever.
Fuck off with this. Not even the same guy, but take this reddit tier hug box bullshit somewhere else. His point is that if you'd kill a raccoon or rat in the trap then kill the cat. It's a vermin that destroys environments anyway. And this coming from someone who owns a cat. They are selfish dicks that only care about people when they get hungry.
Poor attempt. Sounds like projection.
This nigga knows what's up.
Cant tell how many times I was picking cat shit out of my garden, had to get a lid for the sandbox because of these pests and their irresponsible owners who just let them out whenever.
Kill your cat on live stream then pussy
I'll fight you IRL. I'd win too you fat loser fuck.
I would if it wasn't illegal to
Yeah you would... you’d totally kick his ass! Totally.
And calling him fat, too. Genius.
Man, I bet all the chicks dig you... beating them off with a shitty stick, I bet.
Wow user, I wish I was you.
will give you 100.00 for it!
naw he will be ok
peroxide and soapy water
That's a nice comeback. I'm sure it took you a while to become so original. So you can accept the truth, or keep coming up with worthless shit to type. Nobody likes a smart ass, fat boy.
The truth? You can’t handle the truth!
Honestly this isn’t a bad idea. I’ve been having issues with cats on my car at night leaving foot prints which isn’t a major deal but annoying after I’ve cleaned it but lately they assholes have crapped on it a few times.
Very original. Give my regards to Jack for helping you with your originality.
Weird. Usually cats bury their feces and urine. Just like in that fat fuck's garden.
be nice to cookies, hes your friend now
OP here
At urgent care because my aunt dosen't want me to get my hand amputated
Got rid of the cat since it pissed me off since it drew my blood
Get the redheads number
get a closer pic of that hot receptionist please and thanks
Yell RED BEAVER and see if she looks
I'll try
and that female wearing them filas.
get some pics without giving away your gd local. pics of some emergency room poon.
i do love gingers
nummy nummy
bet you she sitting on a thick red bush. awwww yeaahhh...
I actually like cats, but you are correct. They are too free unless locked inside a house. They are not like dogs, you't can keep them in your yard only. Not to mention they destroy local wildlife. I love them, and dogs too. Magnificent creatures. But their life isn't worth more than human life, and human life is worthless, so I don't really care if they die. With that said, If you actually kill them for petty reasons like shiting in your property, you are a pathetics waste of human flesh. Punishing animals for being animals is the most retarded shit you can do. Atleast kill them for fun, even that is better.
Gay. Get a rabies shot now you scared little faggot.
That's what I'm waiting for nigger
It's not one shot. It's like four or more haha
>implying I'm scared of shots
You're scared of cat scratches apparently. I think the shots are spread out over a few days anyway. Next time think before you bring strange animals I to your home and attempt to be an vveterinarian. I hope you learned something, but probably not. Get used to being a retarded ogre.
i see how it is.
guess no receptionist close up.
thanks anyway.
It's time to stop sniffing your birds and get a psychiatric evaluation
This is good pic
You are going to fuck off and let the cat out in your house, you go in the cage instead and let the cat rag your towel
Eyes of a killer.
Drown it in a bathtub
>feral cat wasn't domesticated within the time a thread on b was active, time to get rid of it.
Good news, you weren't ready for that cat anyways, get a sack of potatoes and pretend it's a pet first.
fuck this thread.
this fat cocksucker is a liar.
fuck the pics.
fuck the cat.
fuck your dyke aunt.
you bitch you.
idiot catches feral cat instead of going to a shelter where you can adopt a domesticated one lol
It's an anything that moves trap
we sick of waiting for these gd pics
should at least try to get her number and talk to her.
get some real pussy that wont scratch your damn arm up.
all you have to do is feed feral cats
they adopt you
That's how women used to attract men.
im not the idiot who has a cat in a trap
Too fat and young to get her
So how much you think it's gonna cost you? For the gorvernment it costs 2k in expenses here but I paid 60 or so plus 20 euros in parking. "Rescue dogs" without any papers of their vaccinations.. gotta love them.
Good man
cat scratch fever and death from cat bite have been noted. in fact cats kill more people per year than dog maulings in the US, due to bacteria in their mouths/claws when they bite/scratch.
yeah that's has no soul. just look at the little asshole.
you should have smacked it with a bat and saved the rest of us from its savagery.
or webm related.
is OP dead? we'll never know. I suspect he died, cats are filthy creatures. vermin. garbage. trash.
i lied about cat
i made it up
and i have a tiny weiner
good night everybody
Good, you fucking deserve it shit bag
post the pics you fat bitch
You're a fucking faggot
Not without a timestamp, nope.
fuck off fag fucker
your momma gonna need a shitbag
when i am done fucking that tight shithole
you the fag
i am gonna fuck you
come to pound town pabblo, time to meet DADDY