I'm feeling lost, boys. I go to work, come home, and masturbate all day to distract myself from the void of life. I'm going to college for the sole purpose of being able to be financially independent in the near future, but in reality, I don't really care about it. I don't know what I actually want from life. I'm lost.
I'm feeling lost, boys. I go to work, come home, and masturbate all day to distract myself from the void of life...
Exactly the same here. This shit is killing me.
it sucks. Just wish I could be proud of something passionate. I just never want to do anything.
You should go to the grocery store and buy eggplants
egg plants are yucky
I felt the way you did when I entered college. I wish I had something more comforting to tell you, but in truth it took me dropping out of college, a drug addiction, severe illness/injuries, and moving across the country twice for me to finally settle down and figure out what I want. I got a full ride scholarship to my local state uni right out of highschool and I thought I knew what I wanted, I was going to study Engineering and graduate with my stem degree making good money at 22 years old. Lel.
You see, back in older times there might've been some kind of coming of age ritual for young men to cement their new status and prepare them for the responsibility of professional/family life. They might have been sent out on a vision-quest, they might have to travel the world, charitable work, compulsory military service, missionary work, etc.
Nowadays young men get sent straight to Uni like its the 13th grade of highschool and they're expected to know what they want to do for the rest of their lives and pursue it diligently when they don't even fully know themselves yet. Obviously this poses an issue in the way of young men like yourself that feel as though they've been conned into diving head first into a rat race they don't really care about while the flower of their youth wilts on the vine.
In truth I can't tell you what to do besides to find yourself. I had to almost fuck my life up and get into a lot of trouble to realize who I actually am, who I want to be, and what is truly important to me in this life.
Not everyone is a trust-fund kid (I sure as hell was not) that can fuck off college to go whore around the Mediterranean for the next 5 years to sow their wild oats and come home ready to jump into careers and families. Maybe you're bound by familial/financial obligations and can't join the navy or take a sabbatical to go be a musical vagrant in LA. Maybe like me, you'll just keep floundering and being lost until its too much and you snap
Find a lady and marry her.
Dont think too hard. Just do whatever it is that provides immediate satisfaction. Junk food, drugs, etc.
>Im going to college to become financially independed
>Im going into debt for financial indepence
>Im going into debt so that Im forced to use credit to purchase essentials for living to push me further into debt do I can financially independent
Top fucking kek. Youre going to die like that.
Yep, that's exactly how you keep floundering until you snap. Unfortunately there's no way around it, the only way out is straight through. You'll sow your wild oats and find yourself whether you want to or not. You might just have to spend 5 years as a college freshman failing classes, drinking and fucking until you grow up enough to know what you want and pursue it. You might have to lose everything to gain enough insight to make it obvious what you should've been doing this whole time
Ok doomer
25. Thanks for the reply. Maybe it'll take rock bottom for me to figure it out. I haven't reached rock bottom yet but I do feel it coming. It's actually really weird. I just feel like shits gonna hit the fan real soon.
Most people are depressed around the holidays. Not everyone has a Hallmark family. That's why liquor stores are empty on Thanksgiving and Christmas.
When you have no family or friends to live for, it hits you around this time and it hits you hard.
Cheers to beer #12 today.
my guy it sucks but jus yeet thru do sum dugs find a hobby and jus do stupid shit cos when u loose ur will 2 live u can do anything good luck don't kill ur self cos all of us r still here don't be a pussy and give up. jus tell life to fuck off and do what u want g
Whatever man. Debt won't follow me when I'm dead I just want to be able to not worry about not living paycheck and paycheck & be able to treat myself sometimes without feeling guilt
>when you have no family or friends to live for...
You’re doing it wrong kid. You live for yourself. Even people who appear to be living for others (Mother Theresa martyr types) deep down are living for themselves.
I don't drink but I feel this
If I did what I want I'd be fat and playing video games all day lol
Financially soundfag here. The only way youre going to make it is to learn to save. The only way youll be able to save is to diy your entire life. So cooking, automotive etc.
With the surplus youve saved from a frugal life, you can then invest. Be the jew and buikd wealth whilst not buying into a consumerist lifestyle.
I've always wondered about this. I do most of my shopping late, like on the day of. Every year, I go into Kroger's to get stuff for the party and it's slim pickins for alcohol and when you drive by the bars, they're packed. I didn't realize that many people hated the holidays. I don't care for my stupid bitch of a step mother but they're generally okay.
Kek I'm charismatic handsome and have friends who I travel around the world with, problem is I have a needle cock, 7 inches in length 4.5 inches girth, shit makes me want to fucking kill myself, but I don't I linger on with no long term plan of settling down because I know in my own mind I'll never be good enough for any girl, I'll die alone because of my shitty genetics, I'm the only son, my line dies with me, but you probably still have a chance user, don't waste it, I have 50 odd years left at best, I'll spend them regretting my own pityful existence.
>needle cock
Former needlecock fag here. You need to masturbate excessivley for at least half a year. When doing so, do NOT GRIP YOUR COCK REALLY TIGHT. Youre essentially forging your needle cock that way.
Masterbate, non stop with a really light grip and focus on thr portion of your cock where the shaft ends and the head begins.
This will give your head more definition at thr corona and youre entire dick will hypertrophy after ~half a year.
Im not even joking.
can confirm
I think there is a balance between staying fit an doing what u like . don't become a slobby fag but don't become a Christian gay boy who listens to society do what u want but with movtivation.without dieing .
U should join a cult or a gang or something OP. They look like they can be good company on tv.