Let's discuss.....Is this the best drug ever created

Let's discuss.....Is this the best drug ever created

Yes Or Yes

I wanna hear some good methin around story's

Yes a thread died for this


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here in australia its like $200 a gram,
dudes on the street charge $50 a point lmao

bumping because meth fascinates me and I know there are users here

I'm a user it actually works wonders if used correctly

That's nuts in Florida I can get 10 a gram an just about 25-30 anywhere else lol

lol why i mean it is highly addictive and causes health problems. how can it possibly be a good drug?

I work long hours sometimes not even going home for days it helps me keep up with the life I have created

Why though? It’s such a shit drug and not worth the hellish comedown you’re gonna have for 3 days. Just smoke some freebase coke for a few hours, feel like a god, keep your teeth and still be up to go to work the next day.

Meth is for winners. I like it when they run out of money and drugs and try to sell their vhs players even tho its 2019

It’s pretty good once in a while but I’m more of a weed man myself so I only use amphetamines when I need to focus on something or take a tiny bit to be more social.


It's alot cheaper then cocaine I've been down that rout as well

meth is so dirty

Notif cooked correctly

How much is it where your from

Yea, it's not bad in moderation and with keeping up proper dental hygiene (no teeth grinding, brushing 2 times per day or when you feel weird taste in the mouth). Also okay for losing weight, but the yo-yo effect is real with this one.

I love how I can take like 70mg of it, load a pipe and stay on that one load for two days straight and it feels better than doing the same with modafinil. A puff every four hours and it's all set.

That's my point if used correctly you can stay lit for days

You mean VCR? Zoomed detected.

VCRs are vintage now

Not a faggot zoomer. Oldfag who doesnt recognize thid place anymore. I rented vcr/vhs tapes from blockbuster video and paid the stupid fees for returning them without rewinding. I rented super nintendo and sega genesis games. I even put two vcr's together and pirated blood sport.

Molly is the best drug ever created

I actually dubbed DBZ series an sold them with a VCR also did WWF PPVs the same way lol I made good money at this also


Metg is just the last stop to heroine and death.

Not sure I'd consider that the best.

Just dip it in acetone

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

im sober now but i was in treatment with meth addicts. blows my mind how some of them used it to relax

Ploise exploin

Just boofd .4 fuckin a I need some strangeeeee

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There is no proper use. It is neurotoxic regardless of formulation or origination. Don't listen to those people. Don't be a retard.

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Ok I got a story it happend a week ago.
phone posting so can't green text.

Met this chick that was hanging out at my neighbor's.
My neighbor is an old tweaker bitch so to is other girl comes around to make sure she's ok and well pinch her meth. Anyways she comes over one night to ask for a pot pipe.
I gave her one and invited her to come back whenever my place is a good chill spot.
So she starts coming around we smoke a lot of pot listing to music shooting G.
She kept calling our meeting fate and I thought it was weird how much in common we had I thought we started a relationship She stays 2 night and on the third night I made plans to take her out on our first date....she ghosted have not hear from her in a week.
Turns out she was actually with another dude and she was trying to get in to steal anything. Jokes on them I'm poor.

>phone posting
>can't greentext

Highly false faggot.

I went out last night to pick up a gram of tar, my plug was hitting a bubble in her room. I hit said bubble 3-5 times, felt okay. I'm not big on the crystal I'm into downers, but that was my last experience with it.

God I miss heroin. Haven't seen any in 2 years. Far too dangerous these days I wish I could get some opanas or dualadid. Long gone are the glory days of opiates.

If only they took you with it.

Heroin is the best drug ever created

this one is hard to beat

>Drank some mixed in a solution with coffee.
>No idea of dose. was given a cup and drank it.
>Visited waterfall with friends. Saw auras around trees and a rainbow spread between them when they stood back to back in front of the waterfall.
>Went home watched crocodile hunter climbing around in trees on tv.
>Nostalgia played final fantasy 1 for 3 days straight without sleep.
>calm restful sleep like a baby

If that was a made up story why didn't it end better? Like the chick coming back.
Because that's not what happened she fucked off with some of my drugs.
I did get s Louis Vuitton wallet tho
Pic related

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If you use meth you should just fucking kill yourself..... Seriously you're a waste of life.

I dont understand why people like meth. I only speed balls for 7 or 8 hours then spend the next 40 hours coming down, and the come down is awful. My guts hurts, have a raging headache, eyes are dry as hell, eyelids feel very heavy and uncomfortable, haven't eaten in days, looking at food makes me sick, and I cant sleep. My throat feel very dry.
Feels like I'm going to puke and feel sick and weak as hell.

What do you think we are trying to do?
Our way is just slower and fun

The high isn't that great. It feels the tail end of a MDMA roll and the euphoria feels alot weak then MDMA.

What's in the point?

That's the only one I have not, and will not try. You will literally fry your receptors and not be able to feel non drug-assisted pleasure again with prolonged use.

lol at the meth heads in this thread trying to mental gymnastic their regular use of meth as some sort of positive

MDMA for president

I remember recording tons of shows and movies(2vcr method) thinking it I didn’t record somewhere it would be lost forever, fastforward 25 years, I can download any tv series/movie ever made with a few clicks

I work at a rehab, and you can easily spot who the meth heads are. The first meth head I saw made me almost throw the fuck up.

MDMA 2020
The only thing I was impressed with meth was I could fuck for 5 hours straight. MDMA I can't get a boner, but I've become very cuddly.

Meth well meth and something else it hurt more than normal and my vein light up.