Everyone who is found to have willingly follow liberalism will be permanently stripped of their voting rights and...

Everyone who is found to have willingly follow liberalism will be permanently stripped of their voting rights and citizenship. Subsequently, all of those aforementioned will be required to register for a labor draft.

This will be an example set for the rest of the world to follow of what happens to those who cling to 17th century politics the same way flies cling to a bloated, rotten corpse. A one-world communist government is the future of humanity and absolutely nothing is going to stop it. The choice has been made for you and no amount of skullduggery by regressives will change that.

You can complain, caterwaul, and cause mayhem all you want, but this will only further hasten the already overdue change. You will not be allowed any chances for redemption for forgiveness. You will carry the stigma of your decision to follow the ideologies of liberalism. Do not sugarcoat it. You are traitors for abusing your right to commit crimes and you will be held accountable.

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Ok boomer

Ok boomer

This guy right here? This is who you're willing to sell out your fellow man and cry that the media is unfair? I'd sooner fall on a sword for Jay Leno than this salt-of-the-earth American. Thank god you didn't fall for a coastal, liberal elite NY'er like that Obama nigger was, right?

This nigger right here doesnt even know what liberal means. He doesnt know shit. Just some loser fag trolling politics on Sup Forums because he’ll never be important.

On the contrary right wing extremists should lose their voting privilege along with their 2nd amendment rights for good measure. Then we can all watch the mass shooting rate decline 10 fold

Far right though should be considered a mental illness.

Just know user I'd rather my money go towards you and your condition/neetbux than some lazy nigger

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At least we're not criminals, like president shit for brains

Wait. Are you saying this snake-oil salesman isn't as smart as he's constantly saying he is to midwest rubes?

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Ok boomer

How shocking, a hypocritical fuckstick of a Drumpf supporter.

It's time to set yourself on fire, OP. Trump's fucked and it doesn't take much to see that.

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Yep. all pussy communists and liberals will be sent to work camps, where they will work for us for the rest of their lives.

Trump will walk.

Even if impeached, he will whine and cry the whole way out the door to the point he will eventually ride out his whole term fucking the country even deeper along the way

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No, just fucking you in the ass. I will be fine.

Live in that bubble, boomer.

Reality will get along just fine without you.

Look, you don't understand. Before him no president was ever criticized. None. No president as great as he was ever talked so badly about, folks. Believe me . Try the fish. Tip your waitress, folks. Folks.

Nothing wrong with being a boomer. We make more money than you, and we are smarter than you, with more life experience.

When you shit heads get in trouble, boomers bail you out.

You are a young idiot. Some day though, you will be a boomer....if you live that long.

I wish I was a boomer, then I'd most likely be dead by now and wouldn't have to witness the country I love go down in a blaze of shame

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Please tell me you're either trolling or just plain delusional

tl:dr communism in a nutshell

>witness the country I love go down in a blaze of shame
but its not going down in a blaze of shame. trust me.

Kek. B-b-b--but ALL lives matter. Us cops harass white people just as equally as blacks and Spanish. I don't see the problem.

There's no sarcasm button one here. I was hoping you'd pick up on it. I fucking hate Trump. The dude that couldn't win his own state. That impressive in and of itself.

>nothing wrong with being a boomer

Some merit to that, not everyone in that generation is functionally retarded

>smarter with more life experience

Your intellect in your personal boomerbubble is unrivaled, old chap. Just don't get that confused for actual life experience.

Nice cherry picking on meme. Media "ignores" fact he is cripple instead of being in perpetual hunt mode. Bangs his chauffer. Next convinces his brother to abandon and leave to die overdosing celebrity they've been tag banging. Family leaves trail of raped and dead women for next 2 generations. But lets take the best line of their presidency taken from a prepared speech and compare it to a 2am tweet.

based cop
keep up the good work

Remember that the GOP's Messiah wants to have sex with his daughter.

How devout.

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This is not Trumpism.

Um, thanks? I work in accounting but thanks for the encouraging words.

I need a sarcasm button on here. Mods, get on that!

Facts matter.

Note that Trump and the GOP have provided ZERO factual evidence disproving the accusations, instead they are attacking the process because THEY CANNOT DEFEND THE PRESIDENT'S ACTIONS.

Hey, I'd fuck her too. I mean, after the surgery. Before that, nah. I'm good.

Wow. Fuck you, faggot.

Something only a Slovakian prostitute would marry.

I have no idea what you're angry about. Explain, you cretin.

I'm probably on your side but this is Sup Forums, so just call everyone faggot and go to sleep.

OP is a faggot.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo

You want to sit on Trump's lap right?

Fine, have a planned speech then.

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hehe, this still has life.

And another one. All he had to do was comment about a hurricane. Any Human being can make sensible small talk or acknowledgement about a weather event, right?

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“Aforementioned.” Idiot.

Idiots voted for this wisdom

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Like u don't fap to incest threads here.

Projecting again, huh?

I keep seeing that word on Sup Forums. I'm not sure if you understand what it means OR what I mean.

I'm not sure if you understand how you sound. Whiny cunts are always projecting

Honestly though its the hypocrisy that gets to me the most. I can stand an honest idiot. But Trump railed on Obama for using teleprompters, and during that speech about the olden times airports he claims that the teleprompter went out. Funny, how when he loses his guide he put the advancement of airplanes 100 years into the past. FROM A GUY WHO OWNED AN AIRLINE.

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>I'm not sure if you understand how you sound.
I've kicked your ass. Good day.

He's just not honest, or smart, or just a decent human. Everything is dollars, that's all. But he's so bad at that as well. I remember him shilling steaks at Sharper Image and thinking it was the worst idea I had heard. I was 21, not an entrepreneur. Yet I knew trying to sell meat at the same place I'm getting my digital NY Times crossword isn't smart. And he's done this a ton of times. But, his name is Trump so dummies just think because he was on NBC he must know what he's doing.

>I win because I said so

ok boomer.

ok, what has trump said that's even remotely as coherent as either one of those?

protip: nothing. the dude never knows when to shut up. he rambles and rambles until he convicts himself and idiots lap it up like he's intelligence personified. it's hilarious and very sad at the same time

unless you think getting a bunch of hicks to chant "build the wall" carries any sort of integrity or importance