Name a better villain in television. I'm waiting.
Name a better villain in television. I'm waiting
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Sheev counts as a TV villain thanks to Clone Wars.
Based Theodore
This desu
"Fuck off Cyrus!"
>a villain
>someone starts posting Gorefeld
just about to post this
Varlyn Stroud was great too
Life and cosmic discord, The Leftovers.
Clone Wars Sheev can even stand on his own, his innocent chancellor act on the show is even better than the prequels.
This guy literally wasn't a villain, but rather just a force of nature.
Is Negan kill?
He said in television... not in my life...
The Joker
Mr Burns
Jerry Seinfeld
What happened to the shortly lived psycho newman meme?
Hello Newman
Gul Dukat A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. To force them to acknowledge your greatness.
nigga please
is he truly a villain though? antagonist yeah but not a true 'villain'
That's a strange way to say hero
Literally anyone
JDM is a skeleton in a negan cosplay outfit. Down to his stupid fucking pauses and constant leaning everything he does is a parody.
He's not even trying, just like the writers/directors/producers, they know that they don't have to.
>Literally anyone
>JDM is a skeleton in a negan cosplay outfit. Down to his stupid fucking pauses and constant leaning everything he does is a parody.
>He's not even trying, just like the writers/directors/producers, they know that they don't have to.
I read this whole post with a lisp added in. You're so fucking gay and bratty over nothing. You lower the tone of this board.
Why did they scrap the Cat in the first place?
I want to find you & blow my brains out onto you
Walter White
Is he even the bad guy anymore? I root for Negan way more than I root for Rick
I remember when he showed up in Daredevil, and I was like, "Gee, I wonder if this character's going to turn out to be a bad guy."
The guy was a good actor, but his character, and the whole show really, was poorly conceived and very confusing.
I can't. Why didn't you give me a protip?
Wait he's a villain? He's saving the show for me....
maybe it was confusing for plebs, yeah
I can't. This guy killed killed 2 or 1.5 however you wanna look at it main characters in a way that pushed gore standards on television and made people cry and laugh at the same time. He did it while remaining respectable. He's pretty much perfect. I can't think of a pay2watch network with no restrictions doing any thing as f-f-fu-fucked up as pic related.
looks like he's pouring salt like that faggot from IG lol
Are heterosexuals meant to know what "that faggot from IG" is?
This. Absolutely based.
Is Negan still alive in the graphic novels?
He's basically the canadien Negan, same fucking outfit and hair
Yes. He might die at any moment. The fact that he's saving Rick's is too good to be true. Maggie or Carl or even Rick might murder him out of nowhere, y'know, since he's Negan and all.
Why did this actor fall off the map? He's handsome and talented. He had the perfect excuse to move up in his career.
Benjamin Linus
Not appealing to Chinese focus groups
He was the hero, tho. Scofield was the villain.
Don't Chinks love masculine white men?
Lord Ba'al.
I win
I hope this is repurposed for Season 8. I understand why they wouldn't want it to shit on Maggie's speech about Glenn. I still hope they didn't throw it in the trash.
I really felt the same way he did and I actually don't blame Negan for not liking Rick. Rick is a fucking shit guy.
Show Negan is nothing like Book Negan at this point. Show Negan is much smarter and only loses due to asspulls + plot armor.
Yes yes, "he did nothing wrong"
But still
You get more time to see the madness of Negan but I don't understand you people that pretend comic and show Negan aren't the same. Feel free to elaborate.
The show died with him. It's really weird how most people think season 6 is the best ever.
Normies will say the newest thing is the best. Same thing happened with breaking bad. They just binge watch a series in time for the latest season, not paying much attention.
Best Banter
negan's just disappointed that Rick doesn't want to be his friend
Negan in the book just seems like a big bully that knows how to control people. He seems like he's smarter than the people he controls but that's it, and all the people he controls are pretty dumb to begin with. His power also seems finite and that he knows it could go unless he kept his boots on people necks.
Show Negan is written like someone who should never be outsmarted, and has built up a cult following around him. The only times he ever loses are due to DEMs. Rick's plans against him have all failed up until a moment where something that Rick didn't plan for, or even factor in happens. There are also dozens of more saviors than there ever were in the comics. Show Negan could drink poison and it wouldn't kill him at this point. But that goes for Rick too.
raaayylan giiiveeens.. hahaha
all of these are shit tier
You literally cannot top mine
Yet they're too scared to swear.
I think it's annoying how even FAGGOT is off limits in the show. Seriously if Rick called someone a FAGGOT (I remember that word being used in the prison arcs of the funnybooks) in place of FUCK I would be satisfied.
Spoken like a true cuck who contently eats the shit AMC shovel him.
How can anyone still tell themselves this show hasn't descended it pure garbage.
He said villain.
Dukat did nothing wrong.
ur a plebian fagit
Win wut I want some
Toliver was more of a villain than him.
>You need to fuck the absolutely fucking fuck off, I got some fucking work to do