I've been talking to this beautiful girl who's 14 (we know and hang sometimes irl) and we tell each other secrets all...

I've been talking to this beautiful girl who's 14 (we know and hang sometimes irl) and we tell each other secrets all the time...

Just earlier today she told me she actually sucked her first cockatoo and I won't lie, I'm kinda upset. I know we wouldn't do anything but it hurt when she told me she finally had sexual encounter with someone. I guess I kinda did have feelings for her even though I know nothing could even happen between us because of age gap.

I haven't replied yet but what should I say to her without sounding like I'm a jealous spag autist?

> also inb4 underage I'm in my 20s

Attached: Sadbear.jpg (1439x1380, 415K)

Other urls found in this thread:


cockatoo is a slut dinosaur

Extract all the detail you can and imagine she is talking about having actually sucked you off

Ask her how it was. Have her describe the encounter, and let her know if she has any questions you're open to discussion. You'll either become somebody she is interested in or (hopefully) realize that you should be dating older and having your own adventures.

You’re a faggot kill yourself.

Tell her you have a tastier dick and offer her a lick, Mr. Fed.

Maybe stop being a fucking predator?

How is OP being a predator u fucking sjw moralfag cuck?

This is actually good advice thanks user

How about you stop being a greasy pedophile?

Wow, what an ultra beta you are, c.u.c.k.e.d by a loli.

Attached: ULTRA_BETA.jpg (686x844, 56K)

14 year old girl brains arent developed enough to realize that you fucking life rejects that should be burned alive with boiling oil are life reject pieces of shit

user, maybe you just too ugly for her?

post her pic.

> cucked by a loli

Dreams can come true, right?

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Uh oh someone needs a diaper change

hormonal teenager spotted.

beta afraid of compeition from older guys.

ib4 sjw and white knighting as response

What this gentleperson said.

reply and tell her she can practice on your cock, and you can teach her how to have real sex.

Pedophiles like you need to burn on a cross, sort yourself out before you go to prison.

user you said your 20
Meaning you are probably more than that age

user your a pedophile plain and simple

Pretty sure you've posted this before.

Stop actually being a pedo

1:1 situation 40 years ago, he wasn't and wouldn't be called pedophile

america eggsplain

this but get her drunk.

it's a sexual orientation just like being a gay guy.

he sees a cute girl and get's a hardon.

Just like faggots see a hairy ass and jizz their pants

Regardless it's disgusting and everyone who thinks this way needs to be chemically castrated

fuck moralfags

having sexual attraction for girls around 13 years and older is perfectly normal because this is when their body is biologically ready and they have sexual features that men look for.

The only reason why people disagree with it is because society and feminists made it 'wrong and immoral' and many of you mindless sheep follow along the bandwagon, seriously just look at the fucking media.... Most of those who disagree are ugly fat older women and white knights. Also fags that disagree love to yell insults, threats and the word 'pedo' like a bunch of mindless seagulls but never any factual arguments.

Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't

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24 year old fucking an 11 yo cutie pie. How does it make you feel , FAGGOT?

Finally someone says what we all are secretly thinking.
castrate those filthy fucking homosexuals.

>"having sexual attraction for girls around 13 years and older is perfectly normal because this is when their body is biologically ready and they have sexual features that men look for."

Op is preying on a 14 year old girl, making op, what is known as a pedophile.

Op also needs to be hung drawn and quartered.

Having that attraction is perfectly normal, but it gets fucked when people over 18 start preying on 14 yo girls cause 14 yo girls have underdeveloped brains and are easily manipulated into making shitty choices.

people aggressively against some sexual orientations are most likely actually also that orientation

you self loathing pedo

Honestly I'd rather fuck 12 year old girls than be a faggot


post her pic (body at least if you don;t wanna show her face)

Okay well in that case enjoy rotting in a cell, just wait until your cell mates catch wind of what a disgusting incel you are.

Is this Drake and is the girl Bobby Milly Brown?

Fucking degenerate. Age of consent is a western value that should be protected

>sucked her first cockatoo
OP is this you?

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They can't fucking consent dumbass
Imagine being born a girl for one second, does it feel fair to blame you for a decision you made before you even knew what sex meant or who you are sexually? to tell you not to regret?

please use your brain for a second

post coordinates fag

you should work on your anger management cuz it feels like you're more likely to get ther ahead of anyone else here.

I'd like to know your opinion on the group of people both men and women who are pedophiles but don't ever engage and won;t ever engage in sexual contacts with children?

probably faking it to be more adult for you tho

>please use your brain for a second

I would rather him kill himself than use his brain.

the word for someone who predates is predator.
the word for someone who is sexually attracted to prepubescent individuals is pedophile.

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For a start they need serious therapy

The reason women that age act so immature at that age is because western civilization has allowed them to mentally progress slower than before. Learn basic history and some biology, faggot.

Don;t treat 13-14 yo girls or boys as children.

remember that 13 was treated nt long ago as being practically mature and ready to build a family.

Even in western culture 13 yo was when girls got maried and boys took we're treated as full grown ups.

Yes' - there are absolutely immature 13-14 year olds, but then again there are 18 year olds dumber than some 10 yo

It's individual honestly. I know early teens who are absolute kids as well as same age who are more responsible and inteligent than most adults.

answer the question hot head

the person attached to the dick she sucked, assuming they are also around her age, both raped her and was raped by her then. how do we manage this? if people are already raping at 14 who knows what they will do by 20.

>they can't consent
You're literally retarded, aren't you?


if they both are the same age and it was consensual then it's not rape

How about I don't need to answer any questions because I am not a pedophile, nor a danger to underage girls.

or are you?

pedo. get help. please.

A pedophile accusing me of being a pedophile, how rich.

Stop trying to justify your disgusting sexual desires, greasy neckbeard.

11/10 good job

>I'm going to comment and voice my opinion, but refuse to back it up with any reasoning because muh virtues

Literally kill yourself. I hope you to to bed tonight thinking about what a mentally lazy fuck you are, and why you're even wasting your time here.

as said.

you are so hostile it must mean you hate yourself for rubbing it while looking at little kids

i'm not sure how it's suddenly okay for people that "can't fucking consent" to rape each other as long as they are both "physically unable to consent"

No, I don't need to think of what a "mentally lazy fuck" I am, because I'm not a greasy predator that preys on underage girls.

Your slow and agonizing death would bring joy to this planet.

what a cute smile.


No I'm hostile because you are a disgusting degenerate.

assuming they can't

What stage of life makes a person mentally capable of consent?

pedo detected

>the present should have the past's standards argument

Nigga please. The reason those values aren't held anymore are due to the advancements in the understanding of the human brain. "Mental maturity" that exists on a spectrum is a facade at best. Even if you don't believe in Santa anymore, you're still ten years old.

Furthermore, this is a bait thread and OP is a faggot.

according to amerifats and bongs, all stages of life prior to the instant someone turns 18. at that point the brain development necessary happens all at once.

>obvious jew nose

Question is can we go younger?

you don;t even know me.
and obviously lack basic social skills.

I am guessing this is hormones talking.

Prolly a teenager angry at the world looking for some skape goat - most probably a hypocrite

I can see all that in your every post.

I am asking literally technical questions and you are clearly not open for discussion as you're actually afraid of the fact that you might have a very weak will and somebody might actually tell you something interesting

If we didn't have society horrifying and telling the younger girls that it's wrong, then they would grow up to be perfectly normal and healthy. Emotionally they can learn to accept and enjoy relations even if theyre 13 - its society that makes it seem bad. Nature, biology and human nature supports it. And without the villifying, it doesn't have any negative affects on anyone. As long as there is safe, consenting sex, then it's 100% okay and healthy to have sexual intercourse and relations with girls around 13.

It's very typical for butthurt moralfags, feminists or homosexuals like yourselves to immediately think that they are predators when in reality the attraction is the same as it is with any attractive female. And 'preying' on any female of any age is fucking wrong. And teens this young are old enough and aware to know of the consequences and differentiate between what's right from wrong.

Attached: 12yoMel.jpg (1439x1752, 1.37M)

The huge irony of your statement suggests I'm a gross, fat, weirdo. You'd shit if you knew what I looked like. But I digress.

People like you are mentally short. You're probably a youngfag who hasn't even graduated high school yet, based on your responses. You're so proud of your virtues that you refuse to even consider real life human biology.

But here you are. In a "pedo" thread. Speaks volumes about you.

>you don;t even know me.
>"Prolly a teenager angry at the world looking for some skape goat - most probably a hypocrite"

Wow I can smell the greasy irony from here.

Ghost the thot.

you're a pedophile my nigga

honeslty I love trolling these hormonal idiots :D

but you ahve a point here that I will not deminish.

Although I think the fact that "childhood" nowadays got extended to 20 years actually is a little absurd.

I think that comes from a modern thought that kids should be kids even if they are already young adults (of course different people mature in their own pace - plenty never actually do)

Reverse image search means the image is new, let's hope she doesn't browse this site user.


But let's not see all Americans as dub shits;

Some states don;t see late teens as kids and the age of consent is set at 15 or 16

the loudest are of course the backwards religious people

no, no you can't

It's a common fact that if you are attracted to underage girls, you are either malnourished and acne ridden, or a fat greasy neckbeard.

>"You're so proud of your virtues that you refuse to even consider real life human biology."
I understand that you incels can be attracted to underage girls/boys, but it doesn't make it any less vile. Anyone who partakes in grooming children need to be chemically castrated and burned alive.

Uh oh stinky

>People who like young girls must be unattractive ugly incels
user is an old woman screeching online because all the Chads are with younger girls instead of dating her ugly ass.

You told me that "I don't know you" then proceeded to assume who I am, all of you pedophiles must share the same 2 braincells.

It's like with every comment you show exactly how far your mental capacity really goes.
News flash. It isn't far.
Ignoring key arguments and cloud your horrible attempt at a rebuttal with insults. That's not an argument at all.


There's nothing "chad" about having sex with 13 year old girls buddy.

i love you Sup Forums. never change.

As I stated I constructed opinion about you based on your posts here.

News flash, being a pedophile is nothing to be proud of. You can make as many points as you want, but it doesn't digress from the fact that you are a mentally ill degenerate.

Can't wait to hear about your greasy ass on the news when your cell mates decapitate you!

your precious little girl is a whore now lol

And I have constructed an option about you based on your posts here, a fatass greasy degenerate

Troll post detected.

Give up, user. Not only will this lead you down the path to taking it up the ass in jail by Big Black Tyrone but also there's no point in continuing to talking to someone after they've found someone else.

Find someone your own age.

That's pretty chad like bro

OP here. I think it was just a hookup

Is she blonde, she's probably related to this faggitnose???? Give this one a call, but mind you, i KNOW WHAT SHE REALLY LOOKS like.bahahaha

Bruh it doesnt matter, do you live in society?

About two centuries ago it was perfectly normal to have sex with girls as young as twelve. There were no repercussions and absolutely nothing harmful about it. Nobody was being "taken advantage of" and just because the majority of people say it is doesn't make them more right (or right at all). We should bring back an extremely low age of consent and stop pursuing the idea that sex with "minors" is vile.

Eyyyy quads speak truth

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As above, it doesnt matter do you want to live in a society? If yes then you play by the rules. Now if you wanna make epstiens magic island go ahead but you cant while living in a civilized society