Jasiri is the cutest hyena to ever exist

Jasiri is the cutest hyena to ever exist
prove me wrong

Attached: happy yeen girl -o.jpg (462x595, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Where have you been in the last 5 hours, huh?

at a wedding

Attached: sweet yeen girl -o.jpg (837x675, 52K)



Attached: confident -o.jpg (586x465, 23K)



Attached: cute jasiri -o.jpg (206x244, 5K)

That face, it's scary

don't worry, shes really cute once you get to know her

Attached: lustful eyes -o.jpg (1364x982, 616K)

But... but... that mouth have very sharp teeths, and her eyes is so, Don't try you, i can kill you with only a ONE bite

her mouth is for kissies, the teeth are just for show, shes a good yeenie

Attached: smile -o.jpg (557x443, 21K)

Do you think i'm pretty Jasiri... ?

Attached: 4bb98e577b86595635e45e7be9e26a46.jpg (534x800, 33K)

i say you look really good

Attached: the yeen queen -o.jpg (508x431, 17K)

Kill yourself immediately, fur fag.

Thanks, do you want to see... my pussy... ?

i don't think you can decide what i do with my life, thanks though
umm, not really user, sorry

Attached: cutie jasiri -o.jpg (861x720, 49K)

Not him silly... me... Lotion Cat

i'm not really interested, but if you want to post it go ahead, maybe others will be interested

Attached: happy2 -o.png (974x1128, 1.14M)

Oh... ok... : (

Attached: e76da97cbef9f7e4638d2fbf3fac7aa1.jpg (789x800, 43K)

did you draw these?

Attached: happy2 -o.jpg (529x440, 37K)

I have an important question: the person that keeps posting this hyena threads is the same or is it a group of people doing it?

Attached: 2.jpg (236x328, 15K)


the recent ones were me, not sure if the other posters posted today, but yeah, there's quite a few of them, i'm the original and i'm the most active, you can tell who each poster is by their mark, mine is an -o at image filename

damn user thats really good drawing skills, good job

Attached: excited look -o.jpg (358x393, 15K)

Thanks, do you want to see more... ?

Attached: ee3e27e03147aadb785860f627d7389a.png (495x618, 60K)

Told you guys this meme would be phasing out eventually. This guy isn’t mentally ill enough to keep this up for years on end. He’s already posting less and less

Without acrimony may I ask why do you make them? I am sincerely intrigued by them. I do prefer them to the LOG OF SHIT posts at least.

Attached: 490d4db99889d4c8e43c0dab8ea6c6e2.jpg (400x300, 31K)

sure, is that an original character or based off someone

Attached: jasiri half sit -o.png (200x189, 53K)


Attached: a64c207c4878454f104c33fc346075ab.jpg (791x800, 66K)

our intention isn't to keep this going on for years and years, we're posting this until we stop having fun with it, we never set a goal, we just post whenever we can
several reasons really
the character is wholesome, i like the show, and i try to make it enjoyable and funny to other people
one more reason wouldbe to point out the spam problem going on with Sup Forums, the mods allow this to go on, they don't care about how many stale shitposts are being posted on Sup Forums, so long as it gives them ad revenue, take a look at all the copypastas going on Sup Forums, with andy sixx being at the top going for 4 years straight, if you can't beat em, join em
this isn't to say i'm doing this to annoy you guys, i want everyone that hates my threads to install Sup Forums x and filter out my md5s, i leave them the same on purpose
md5's: pastebin com/BWuRkeYi

some of the hyenaposters may be doing it for other reasons, but they are all in good taste

Attached: kion and jasiri 5 -o.jpg (800x666, 279K)

10/10, you should upload them somewhere, i'm sure people would enjoy them

Damn I love this jasiri poster, no homo.

Yeah i have already done that, on e621

i'm gonna go to bed now user, if i won't sleep soon i'll check to see if you replied, otherwise ill catch you in my threads tomorrow, have a good day my guy
thanks user, thanks for the support
you using a tablet?, which painting program are you using

Attached: jasiri flattered -o.png (614x723, 148K)

Do you their real conterparts? Do you like real animals? Also and now that we are at it: do you have ANY idea whatsoever of who posts those awful ANDY SIXX threads for years or why? I have heard some reasons but none of them convince me.

Attached: img-4489-edited_1_orig.jpg (1024x768, 305K)

Gracias, buenos noches!

I use my computer, i
Use the program, Krita

>>Do you their real conterparts?
yeah i think they're pretty cute too
>>Do you like real animals?
you mean just like, right?
not like like
if yeah, then yeah, got a fair share of doggos
>Also and now that we are at it: do you have ANY idea whatsoever of who posts those awful ANDY SIXX threads for years or why? I have heard some reasons but none of them convince me.
hes someone american from what i can tell, sounds fairly young, but the story goes that hes 43, still lives with his parents and lives off neetbux, not sure how valid the story is, if you want the real reason this guy is doing it
ATTENTION, nothing else
he made a meme, and forced it for 4 years, created fake drama about it, created websites and added a page on knowyourmeme
he had a discord for logposting but most people left when they realised he wasn't just doing this as a joke, he legit has an illness and fixation on his logs of shit, he makes like 95% of the threads on here

Attached: cute hyena -o.jpg (1029x1013, 705K)

you too!
you use a mouse?, you should get a tablet user, it would make your life easier

Yes, i use my tablet sometimes too

>he legit has an illness and fixation on his logs of shit

Wait, really? Por favor tell me you have proof of that and if so direct me its way!

You can get banned of that, but not of me because... you must really have fun here... right... ?

young, old enough to browse Sup Forums, don't want to state my reasons for security reasons, and i suggest you delete your comment user, you'll get banned

Indeed, in the few instances I do come here.

i mean, nothing proven, just info which sounds legit i've gathered over the years about him, it might be hes just looking for attention and is faking an illness, who knows, trolling is like 70% of his enjoyment

i am also interested in this ^^ does anyone know like if theres proof of said mental illness?

not much info is known about him, but it sure seems like it

Attached: 1571888992688 -o.jpg (400x560, 59K)

>trolling is like 70% of his enjoyment
Maybe it is but I keep seeing the same threads for, as you very well put it before, nearly half a decade. It has never been funny and I can't understand how hasen't he been banned yet.

hes got a fair share of images, i'd say an easy 300+, he makes and edits popular memes and makes them log memes
>It has never been funny and I can't understand how hasen't he been banned yet.
because the mods consider this quality posts, a mod once posted a log meme with the moderator tag

they think its funny, they don't care that its just promoting posting shitty content instead of making people come up with original and good content, thats the state of the site until the mods stop acting like complete fags and enforce the rules imposed

Attached: mods are fags.png (756x557, 409K)

Imagine you, the poster, in your hoarder house, which is actually your mothers. The house is old, shitty, and it smells. The front door does not operate as it should, because the trash blocks it - once, a fire happened, and they had to climb through the windows. Ah, but you're not in the main part of the house - no, you set up camp in the basement.

The brick walls in the basement of stench crumble every you take a step down the rotten wooden stairs leading to your cave, your haven of shit. The smell of the basement is that of perspiration, with a humid twist. However, you do not notice this smell, neither does your mother, who is on dialysis, living off of disability checks; though, you're a neet too, who has been getting social security benefits ever since you were 12, for autism or something.

A cape of cat-piss drenched blankets cover the opening to your lair - they are an assortment of blankets bought from various thrift stores over the years, with a hint of basement smell to them.

Once you enter the lair, images of a hyena from a children's show are plastered on the hard, brick wall. Some of them are framed, some taped on. In fact, there are so many of them, that most of the brick wall cannot be seen, aside from a small portion, of which is heavily cracked, partially because of the monster who lives there occasionally punching the wall when he loses his game, an argument on Sup Forums, or when he doesn't time his coom right.

cont part 1/3

You sit down on your decade-old computer chair, which is compressed to cold, hard rock from the weight which is inflicted onto it - the doctors say that you're overweight, they're even prescribing heart medication in case of a heart attack.

You see the hardly untouched GED study book on the desk, which is full of other pictures of furries, candy and food, soda, and what not. That GED book. When did you get that? You read the first chapter, which was on basic arithmetic. "Ah, I'd rather be under-high school education" you said, sincerely.

On the desk, there is the computer, which you worship, alongside the hyena which you, despite masturbating many times to it in the same shirt (which is, by the way, rock solid and full of stains - the neighbors thought you stained it with glue, and offered their stain remover, which you promptly declined). The computer is attached to about four monitors. I say about because there are other either broken or unused equipment on the table. You don't use the other monitors anyway, unless you want to jerk off to the hyena in all directions.

You boot into your pirated version of Windows 7, which annoys the fuck out of you because "muh windows is not genuine!1!!" - by the way, why the fuck did that cracker not work? You have to sort through all of the clutter that is on your desktop. "You are low on computer space fuck you" appears on your desktop. "Oh, I better order another 1TB drive for more furry porn."

The desktop is entirely full that you cannot navigate. It is so painfully slow that you smash the table every second you cannot open the video player so you can coom to the cartoon show. Finally. It loads.

cont part 2/3

c-c-c-combo breaker!
and no, none of that is true

Attached: looking left -o.jpg (412x392, 19K)

You jerk off with your 4in micropenis, which you thought was going to get bigger at age 12 but never did. 1.2.3 seconds later. "IM COOMING" you scream, your mother hearing, thousands of times already, and not caring. The clear liquid (it has not been white for years now) goes, droopingly, onto your shirt.

After you coomed, you need more. You load up the browser. The bookmarks are covered in episodes of the cartoon show. You want to click on one of them, but you decide to go to Sup Forums. You are jerking off again and you make this thread, jerking off as people either: call you out for being a furfag, or join along with you.

This happens everyday.
Autism speaks.
part 3/3

From where is the original text?

It's new. Save and share

tl;dr , kill yourself faggot

hey jasiri

That yeen can get the peen

she sure can

well, now i really am gonna go sleep, see you guys tomorrow

Attached: wink wink -o.gif (404x362, 310K)

good night jasiri

Where did all those original ideas came from? Did you borrow them from another roaster?

I say so because practically no one is original here and plagiarism is their new god.

I gained some inspiration from other copy pastas, but I also borrowed inspiration from the new coomer meme and hoarders buried alive

>coomer meme and hoarders buried alive
Could you please show me some examples of that? I never heard of them.


