I know I'm late but I just saw part 2 of this mess.
> Calls the cops on Princess over a TV
> has a kitty. It's probably been eaten
> literally OW MUH LEGS
> Pain medicine addiction
Why can't this fat fuck just die already?
I know I'm late but I just saw part 2 of this mess.
> Calls the cops on Princess over a TV
> has a kitty. It's probably been eaten
> literally OW MUH LEGS
> Pain medicine addiction
Why can't this fat fuck just die already?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's the most alpha person that has ever been on that show
Because we pay for it, we can't execute him like we should and he knows it
>the food for both brothers
>apartment in texas
>all the pizza and drugs in texas
>Why can't this fat fuck just die already?
People keep paying to keep him fed and alive.
It's abuse really. Anyone who brings him more than 1500 cal a day for the next year should be charged.
I got under 405 pounds at the gym yesterday just to try and imagine what these fat fucks go through. I'm 185 so that's ONLY about 600 pounds total. Fuck these losers.
Genuine and wonderful people die of cancer and meanwhile this disgusting piece of shit is wasting his life away, covered in his own filth.
> Why can't this fat fuck just die already?
God ter genetics. They checked him out and he isn't even diabetic
The brother did an ama on r*ddit, the government covers most of Steven's expenses, even the apartment
my big fat life threads are the worset because no matter how many threads i look through, nobody ever posts any youtube links or webm like other shows. take jeeremy kyle or gordon ramsay for example, each thread is filled with youtube links, this never happens for this fat tv show.
>The brother
Justin sucks. I used to not really believe the things that Sup Forums said about reddit. But then they fell in love with that piece of shit and now I know that Sup Forums was telling the absolute unvarnished truth when they disparaged the reddit userbase.
anyone have a webm when his Dad states he can walk to the ambulance and he has a short rage fit?
>the threads are bad because the viewers are commenting on recently aired broadcasts and TLC is being very careful not to put the videos online for several days.
It's not our fault, breh. If you really want to see it so soon pay the $2.
Anyone else feel bad for the dad
He genuinely seems like a cool dude, I just want to have a beer with him
We don't want to relive it, we want to just recall it
eat at dinner table you loser
The dad is the biggest piece of human dogshit, worse than Steven
"Ughh, I just want to get my son help! But it's so difficult some days"
>orders pizzas (plural) to be delivered by a chain thousands of miles away for his son in weight loss treatment to scarf down
Dad should be barred from contact with his kids. Not even kidding.
>go to have a beer with the dad
>he asks if you like onion rings, and orders a basket of them.
>he only eats a couple of them, you eat the rest
>you start to feel woozy, something feels wrong
>you wake up chained up in a basement
>the dad is force feeding your basket after basket of onion rings
>you scream but nothing stops him, the onion rings keep coming
>Justin builds plastic models in the corner and chuckles at your cries for mercy
>you are now the third Assanti brother
don't forget he is a wigger that plays with his own shit
so did he make it after all? what do we know
I feel bad for Steve Sr :(
as far as I can tell watching this show via youtube. TLC become disinterested and stop all filming once youre on the right path
This doesn't happen in countries that provide people with affordable healthcare.
>final year of Uni so my diet is complete shit
>snacking all the time
>despite that I'm still skinny as hell
I genuinely don't understand. How much do you have to eat to get THAT fucking big?
Fat fucks eat a LOT of snacks 24/7. Every portion they take is 10 times the size of any portion you'll ever take.
Fuck no
>those massive holes for piss jugs
his dick must be like a fucking pringles can
how can black bois compete?
You're overestimating how much you eat.
>average BMI increased as more junk food saturated the market
really makes me think
He eats about 9 large pizzas a day, so about 20k calories, also lots of coke and pepsi. He's a fucking tank though, walking with 800 pounds on him.
So it's not her fault.
What if he got MMA training?
You're thinking of it wrong. Spend a couple months doing the following.
>weigh yourself
>start the day with a big meal
>notice that full and satisfied feeling.
>try to maintain it all day.
Don't just satisfy for not being hungry. Try to be full all day.
link to barcroft video
Reading the ama reddit really are enablers to justin's bad habits. They gave him support in trying to lose weight but it's evident justin doesn't care and thinks that since he isn't like steven he must be on the right path since everyone is telling him good job.
is that fucking batter
Protein powder. TWO SCOOPS.
Way ahead of you
>Dad teases son about how he can't wait to see him get a tiny half-dollar sized hamburger and a single pea for a meal
>Buys his son pizza and can't even get a slice for himself.
Steve knows how to get revenge.
that entire family needs to be taken out. including the father and justin. they're all a cancer to society.
>Steven spars
>gets kicked in his lymphedema
>disgusting fluid errywhere
Seriously. It's like
>Way to go with that hobby shop that causes you stress and distracts you from addressing your extremely serious weight problem.
Is there a company that actually sells underwear that big or is it some kind of home made thing?
>the skin on his opponents foot sluices off
>the bone and muscle beneath is steaming
>steven wins
is that a problem? no rules against noxious fluids provided they are physically part of you
i dont want to look like a weirdo. i'll just take the moomoo
That's not underwear that's a pair of shorts that has been bleached (probably to sanitize them).
Looks like something you could find at the big and tall store.
>the skin on his opponents foot sluices off
Only if Steve is sparring against James K
what the fuck are you trying to say? use English please
>Steven gets his own apartment, pizza, and loads of drugs
Living the life desu.
nah its a fashion thing
looks like damir doma ss15 to me
the assanti bros are just r9k, they blame all their problems on some stacey (their mom)
Remember when you could make fun of fat people on tv?
*fat women
Fat men is fine to make fun of. Also nice taste in sitcom kino.
Al Bundy really is Sup Forums incarnate.
>In English, doc!
is this real life?
Sorry, I guess you have to actually go outside your home to get to the gym. I shouldn't have expected so much from you.
What I like about this is that ultimately the actors getting ribbed on are good sports about the jokes because ultimately al himself is the butt of a ton of jokes too.
They apparently used to get a lot of flack back then too but they didn't have social media like today so it was like "fuck off, deal with it.".
That's like having a "booze cart" running around a rehab center. This man needs to be hospitalized because he can't control his eating and it's going to kill him. What are they thinking, honestly? Fuck him for being a piece of shit, too. But that goes without saying.
guess this was when dr phil was trying to help him?
How can a father so not-fat lets his kids get so fat?
what can he do aboudit?
Raise them up without giving them an icecream everytime they yelled about it?
Stop feeding them.
NEETs with impaired mobility really shouldn't be able to get the number of calories necessary to stay that size.
they will start shitting up the house
Not everyone is at that hospital for an eating problem so why do they have to stop selling snacks because one fatass can't control herself?
It sounds like he went to the gym and set up some weights at 400+lbs to try to experience their bodyweight
>this man
Ok, can we come to a fucking agreement on this?
>dad leaves for work
>steal some cash and order 10 pizzas
A hospital shouldn't sell anything unhealthy to anyone.
>calories are unhealthy
get them sent to prison
then we can have fatkino part2: assantis behind bars
princess as the sassy guard, dr now as the prison psychologist, james as a fellow inmate and leader of the arrabiata brotherhood
Yeah that does sound like it would be a problem, since Steven had previously stolen and resold stuff, and I'm sure he did with some of his pain meds too.
Plus he and his bro are adults and were probably on welfare/unemployment, which would give them access to their own foodstamp cards
Justin please.
How do people get this fat?
Bad genetics?
Mental illness?
How could someone eat that much?
How can someone run a 4 minute mile?
Serious question: my tv is broke down and i haven't watched it in more than a week.. What show is this?
>eat pizza everyday in large quantities
>dont exercise
>have family or relative that enables this lifestyle for years
Fast twitch muscle fibers
>Letting them leave their rooms
>Letting them have phones
>Leaving cash around the house.
Nah, there are people visiting or people who can eat candy and snack food without ill effects who should be able to get
Some kid with cancer shouldn't be unable to get some cookies because some tub of lard who needs a gastric bypass isn't being compliant. But they could at least put those kinds of things in vending machines away from the weight loss ward, or at the very least tell the guy who pushes the snack cart that he isn't to sell to those patients or just to avoid that part of the hospital altogether.
They shouldn't be allowed to sell that shit to the fat fucks in the wieght control ward. Fuck the trolley shouldn't even be going towards the weight control ward.
If those fuckers sneak a chip; they should be beaten. Every single time; after a few beatings moral will approve and the fat fuck won't be sneaking any more chips.
Fuck you're right therein the hospital; bet you can give him an extra beatin and he be fine
the first kino
y"allll Mindddd if I HIT THISSSS YEEEEEEEEEET *Dab* *Dab
*Double Dab* skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt. No Litty Thotys on
ya boizzs senpai. nah scam skhit GAng gaNG swag *dab* skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
It's not fat twitch fibers. It's endurance. Fast twitch is for sprinting
little bit of both, plus people enabling you
>mfw I'm so autistic I thought forever that people where referring to highpoint heating thc oil when they talked about dabbing
I can't keep up with this negroid lingo
I hope they do a follow up episode where he dies.
Some updates since the episode
Anyone had download links to part one and two of this fat fucks episode?
>Justin is a neck beard shutin
>Is able to open and run a miniature store
Is Steven Sr in the mob?
he said he was eating 7 large pizzas a day at one point
On deadlifts my knees start to become unbearable at around 450, I couldn't imagine walking around with that on my body and I weigh 240 already.
Visit his brothers store and make him rich.
Steven will kill himself out of jealousy.