How many irl oldfags are on Sup Forums these days? How many are here from the beginning or close?

How many irl oldfags are on Sup Forums these days? How many are here from the beginning or close?

I know it's changed a lot since then, and many have grown up and left. I'm just trying to get a feel for the demographics, I guess.

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2012 fag here.

Don't really browse Sup Forums much now though. It's just not what it once was.

2009 myself. I'm not here often these days.

2008 here

I think I been on for like 7 years, midlevelfag

I have no idea when i firdt started coming here. But it was a loooooooooooong time ago. Im old as shit. I stopped off and in.

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I can't remember when i first went on 4 chan, maybe around the time of boxxy. Was here for the Jessis Slaughter stuff, when half the threads on Sup Forums were about Summer Glau, the amberlamps video... Can't remember anything of note in recent times though, just the same old repetetive threads every day.

Yeah, i was here for boxxy and amberlamps.

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Been on Sup Forums for about 15 years

Dude fucking EBM! Epic beard man. Good times.

i'm an oldfag, not an ancientfag though
Sup Forums has change a bit since the good days.
but lets be honest, there were never any good days and Sup Forums is just as shit as it always was, just in a different.

I've been a regular here since late 2007, but I don't use Sup Forums anymore and haven't in years. Too much reruns of thread topics and porn with no substance. Also too many garbage topics like roll threads.

I still love Sup Forums in general and use it daily, but Sup Forums isn't for me anymore. I check up on it every once in a while though.

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newfag question to oldfags, how has /b changed over the years and has its use grown or diminished over time?

I don't know the numbers but I can tell by the lack of participation in each thread that there are far fewer ppl here now.

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There has always been shitty threads and people who didnt really bring anything to the table, but peppered in was a lot of fun stuff. Now 99% of threads are roll for something, instagram posts, traps, loli, and fur. Every once in a great while a thread worth being a part of will pop up, but they 404 quickly.

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Kind of a noob here really. I have no idea what Sup Forums was like in its early days? How has it changed over the years?

thats what ive noticed, really enjoy these great threads but all the porn and shit is a turn off for coming on here (kinda ironic i guess)

I've been here since pre cracky Chan days. She will forever be queen.

I mostly browse when I'm pooping (like now) or feel like capping and not near my computer.

27 here. Been browsing on and off since well before underage b& was a good time when we were raiding gamestop's demanding copies of battle toads all over the country but now that everyone is a trap obsessed faggot and this website is absolute cancer I lurk for the occasional decent post that isn't recycled every 3 hours but they're few and far between. Gook moot is a porn bot spamming nigger and ruined this website years ago.

Since nancy reagan told me to say no to drugs.

Fapping. Fuck you autocorrect

I showed up in the middle of the Boxxy shitstorm. And when fucking ACII toucans some shit were getting spammed all the time. It’s exactly the same. Racist shit is no different, the worship of some sluts is no different. The stupid forced memes being spammed all day is no different. The memes themselves are different but it’s all still the same shit.

It hasn’t. You might read shit about the early days and think, “Wow! Those guys are so creative and funny!” But if you actually went on there you’d realize it’s still just a bunch of assholes sitting around, posting pictures to shock or annoy, masturbating, and calling each other faggots.

We use to do raids like blogtv and get girls to show tits and it would be hundreds of btards in their chatroom. Good fucking times. This shit now is just a cheap facsimile of Sup Forums. Its like being sold a fake cheap knock off shit from China. Oh how fucking ironic now that moots gone.

2009 ish fag here. people who claim that Sup Forums is same as ever are clearly not oldfags or have very low IQs. back in the day there used to be 'happenings' close to every day on Sup Forums. like a thread that was so original and crazy that everyone would hang out in there, shit you could only get on Sup Forums. the mods took better care of shit, there was more diverse content, and the popularity of the site made it so that all the cringe threads that people spam of their "wives" and shit would get quickly pushed out.

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The only real difference is back in “the good times” nobody knew what Sup Forums was. So when a bunch of random assholes just showed up everyone was usually caught off guard. If a bunch of Nigras came rolling in somewhere online these days everyone would immediately know what’s up.

If any old fags are actually here does anyone remember the time they had an audio loop of the words "Row Row Fight The Power" on the homepage? I think it was only for 24 hours.

ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER. Yeah there was some filter too that made everything you typed come out like that.

Sup Forums was much more underground back then. There is no more Anonymous now.

Anyone remember the guy that found a rubber sex butt in a bush? Got any memes saved? If only it had been there when Sup Forums convinced him to go back and get it.

About 2005. Was here when cracky was popular
Looking back, it was pretty crescent fresh

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This. 95% of people didn't know anything about Sup Forums so we could get away with anything: Opera troll, Google search result shaping, news stories, etc.

Fuckin nostalgia when Sup Forums wasn't fur niggers Loli pedos and trap faggots. Hurry durr secret threads and installment 37 thousand of iG FaCEbOok ShOuLdNt ShArE

Anyone remember how crazy it was during Trayvon dindu trial?

Understood. There's definitely some weird fuckers here.

Honestly surprised this hasn't 404'd yet. The last good day on Sup Forums was the yellow revolution that lasted all of about 4 minutes.

instead of the usual 2 years of lurking and/or posting here and then sometimes moving to other boards, newfags now come to Sup Forums first and stay there. there are hardly any newfags on Sup Forums anymore.

Oprah troll*

Got here in 2006 after I discovered the photography forums.

Things were a lot more random. I have thousands of dated folders with images from back then till about 2013.

Now it's all dick rates, social media creeping, random spill over from pol, trap threads, and share your bullshit threads. That's about it.

Content has been cut like 75%, and it seems as though people just aren't coming on here as they used to.

I went to college as an adult then, graduated, and am now I'm my mid 40s. People age. I do miss the old /b thiugh.

yellow posting was the cringiest 16 year old bullshit on this board in the past decade

OP here. I'm about the same age as you, which is why I created this thread. I know a lot of us were already adults when we first came across Sup Forums way back in the day.

Here since 09 so not ancient fag but old I guess

It was an ideal of trying to take our Sup Forums back from the endless recycled posts. Guess you're one of the faggots who loves rubbing his dicks to traps day in and day out. Your opinion is invalid and you should suck start a shotgun.

Been here longer than I'd like to admit, but b is pretty much the same content, just with different thread titles. I don't visit as often lately because I've become numb to it all. Once in a while something does impress me. Those are special moments to cherish.

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Been here since around 08' in and off, pretty disappointing

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2009 here started when i was 14. Its pretty much ruined my sex life.

2007 here. I was a faggot then, nothing's changed

I was here when you can find cP every 5 min , just showed to a couple of friends like CP was the most normal thing of the world... Now thinking of it not the best idea ever

Since the first pool's closed mate

2012 fag here.

Like many others, I only occasionally take a trip back here.

Well, not the beginning, but '05. I've only heard to bring back Snax, but never experienced the WT. I rarely come to this board anymore, but the site is now shitty across all boards when before there were at least a few holdouts.

I've been around since like 2006? It's fun to say it was never good, but honestly it's complete shit from what Sup Forums used to be.


Like 2003 or some shit, maybe earlier. Dont remember. Much has changed and much has stayed the same. For sure there was a lot more variety back when.

I miss raids like the Fat Profit

2009. I started lurking around the time boxxy was being memed and mudkips were liek. EFG threads were still viable and I always lost my shit when m00t formatted the board with a song and background changes. Now this board if full of dicks, tranny shit, and nazi Sup Forums shit.
>mods are gods

Been lurkin for 10 years. Not actively for the past few years though because it’s over run with loli porn and cuck gay shit. Unfortunately the fun I’ve had with Sup Forums is long gone and probably won’t be back. I just check in from time to time to see if it’s gotten better. It has not.