Europe, 1933. Lead your nation to domination.

- First come, first serve
- Select a capital, chose a colour and name your new empire.
- You can have a maximum of two alliances and one non-aggression pact.
- You can only attack by sea if you have a coastline terriroty.
- To conquer an enemy capital, you must first seize all its other territories.
- Always state your direction of aggression

1-3: 4T, 4-6: 6T
7-9: 8T, 0: 10T
Dubs: 15T, Trips: 23T
Quad: 35, Quint: 60T

Attached: 1529227644429_1933_nocolour.png (1370x813, 100K)

Lisboa, Purple, New Portugese Empire

Must be at least 4 players before aggression can start.


Well this is gonna die

Byzantine Empire


i remember the old days when the risk community was very active and almost at all times there was at least one risk thread on with many different maps

now how often does a risk thread happen?

I hosted one two days ago which lasted 6 hours. Was 6 ppl playing and went over several threads.


Those were the days


To dominate Europe!

do you have any small maps? I want to host again some day but not for so long time

Update so far. One more player now

Attached: 1529227644429_1933_nocolour_1.png (1370x813, 106K)

I do have Europe 1933 with national borders only.

Orange as The North Arch


post it pls

will try to find it

will start the shitshow as soon as i get a capital

New Nookland

chose one of the capitals on the map, matey

if not I'm just gonna assign one to you

Sorry, college mad me away for sometime, Oslo

South Eastern most territory as the Ottoman Empire. I'll take Green

all right, you get Helsinki


To clarify, I guess that means Cyprus is the new capital of the Ottoman Empire



Let's way 2-3 more min and maybe we can get one-two more players.

Attached: 1529227644429_1933_nocolour_1.png (1370x813, 111K)

OP Here
Ok, let's start! To make this civil, we will follow the list of the nations.

So Portuguese go first, then Byzantine etc. MAKE SURE TO MENTION YOUR NATION'S NAME IN THE POST and direction of aggression. If a nation does not roll within 2 minutes after its turn, the next nation shall roll.

Se rules above for more info.

Portugal rolls north east

and of crouse is people are constantly not following this; ANYTHING GOES.

Byzantium expands in turkey

Ottoman > Turkey pushing North West towards Istanbul

>Meme-het I, Ottoman Empire

I would like to get in, is the dark blue one in eastern europe claimed yet? doesn't look like it. call it mother russia lol

no problem, just make sure you follow

He can substitute North Arch, family problem popped up I am very sorry

make sure you dont skip turns. Niggers and North Arch has notplayed yet

btw, how can west of cyprus be towards istanbul?

no problem.

you good with this, ? if not I can just erase North Arch and you start in Moscow

NIGGERS you still here?

That's fine. Is anyone actually going to play though... I used to LOVE Sup Forums risk but whenever I see a thread it turns into this... no one sticks around lol

I can take that and the other user get Moscow

Into Turkey with using the fastest available route to attack Istanbul. Also I was just getting my attack in this turn, you can order the movements however you'd prefer.

If it's not too late I'd like to join, I'll have my capital be Shetland islands, be called the Scott's against wankers and our colour will be magenta

Arch goes north

no prob



there is a wonderful strategy game series called making history with exactly this scenario... a very good little game, very interesting features. played countless hours of that shit, worth a try!

ok roll south for mother russia

Choosing Ireland
Colour pink
Name: Redheads

Sorry I misread, you must chose a capital already marked on the map and which is not taken.


Alright then I'll take London and call it Scotland's revenge, will attack North to take Scotland

Room for one more OP?

London is already claimed by Niggers, sorry.

And chose another colour than magenta, please! See pic above for what is available

Yes, one more slot

SORRY FOR THE WAITING IN THE BEGINNING. As soon as everybody has a capital and colour we can finaly get this thing moving

REDHEADS please make your move


Redheads invade England towards London

Sorry for the wait captcha is kicking my arse

Is the dark green place in Ireland taken?

- Portuguese Empire, Lisboa, PURPLE
- Byzantine Empire, Constantinople, YELLOW
- Niggers, London, RED
- The North Arch, Solo, ORANGE
- New Ottoman Empire, Nikosia, GREEN
- Mother Russia, Moscow, BLUE
- Redheads, Dublin, PINK

Attached: 1529227644429_1933_nocolour_1.png (1370x813, 116K)

Did I miss the cuttoff after all that?

Ahhh sweet! I'll be Greece at it appears untaken (Scotland guy) and will call myself Greeks against Yobbos

If you're not on this list please restate your capital, colour and chosen name. I will ignore all previous messages to make it simple for myself.


Then attack towards the ottomans

no, you did not miss yout turn

Sooo..he was behind of all that..

Attached: 1171573135056813.jpg (1398x1155, 118K)

Greece, Athens, Greeks against Yobbos, aqua

Roll to surround Istanbul from all sides as much as is possible

>Meme-het I, Ottoman Empire

can we start rolling again?

Looks like we finaly made it. Am I missing someone?

Attached: 1529227644429_1933_nocolour_1.png (1370x813, 118K)

please dont skip your turn in the future

Oh good. I got the buses thing and it can't tell the difference between those and trucks

Portugal rolls east


Yeah that's my bad, I pretyped it and then hit post instinctively
>Meme-het I, Ottoman Empire

Round 2, Greeks against Yobbos continue marching towards Ottoman

Byzantine missed its turn.

NIGGERS, it's your turn.

in the future, please follow >To make this civil, we will follow the list of the nations.

So Portuguese go first, then Byzantine etc.


>tfw in a 2 on 1 with no nearby players as prospective allies
>Meme-het I, Ottoman Empire

NIGGERS missed its turn. If you're not responding the 3rd time, you will get kicked.


Byzantium attacks Ottomans

sorry im late, captcha didnt let me post for some reason

North Arch expands into all nordic territory


Ottoman > Surround Istanbul as much as possible
Since this is a reroll I'll understand if you just use the lower value with >Meme-het I, Ottoman Empire

also, since you are so far apart of all the other (so get this moving abit faster)

please make your attack

You should have made an alliance prior to the start.

Redheads conquer London, spillover to fill up to the channel

It will only make my victory more glorious

see rules in >To conquer an enemy capital, you must first seize all its other territories.

But you got 4 new terriroties, tho

Venice, capital Venice

MOTHER RUSSIA please make an aggression or we will move to round 3 (I've taken your previous post in this round, Greeks).

I don't understand, what other territories does red have?

If you're gonna join and want to be Italy, you need to take Rome. Please select a colour that is not already taken, and name your nation. While you do that, please roll for your agression. You have to minutes, or else you ust wait until round 4.

My fault. You take it next time,unless Niggers comes back active