Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose, you really win...

>Sometimes when you win, you really lose, and sometimes when you lose, you really win, and sometimes when you win or lose, you actually tie, and sometimes when you tie, you actually win or lose. Winning or losing is all one organic mechanism, from which one extracts what one needs."

Other urls found in this thread:

it was all niggertalk to distract you from the fact a white man was good at a blacksport

I actually really like this movie. There back and forth banter is hilarious.

Ah yes, the good old days of the Woody & Wesley connection. Black & white working together, and screwing each other over.

First they played high school football together, then moved to street hoops before becoming a pair of transit cops along with J-Lo.

pretty racist name for a movie

You mad white boi?

White men can't fuck.

Reminds me of
>If you kill your enemies, they win

why is this reply so acceptable, yet if a black man moans about racism and I reply with 'fuck off you dumn nigger', I receive alot of hate?

>pretty racist name for a movie


its a racist observation, moron,

Because it wasn't an actual black person saying it in earnest. In fact, you were probably same fagging.

well they seem to be when it's facts about niggers

explain this antifa

>why is this reply so acceptable, yet if a black man moans about racism and I reply with 'fuck off you dumn nigger', I receive alot of hate?

because blackie is willing to back up his word with actions unlike yourself

well that's a way to support literally acting like a monkey

how's that working out for you niggers

>“You'd rather look good and lose than look bad and win”

I fuck all your white women lol
Stay mad little dick white boi

Go ahead and fuck all the white women when you want extinct your own race.

Master race, even beating the niggers at their game

Hey guys you do know that this movie is making fun of the stereotypes.

no, i don't watch nigger movies

>Movies that can't be made in today's world because Sup Forums would get triggered

>the character that is neither black nor white (or male) talks about how idealized concepts aren't really real

From what I can recollect the people posting in this thread probably never had a black friend or a friend in general.

>we can't have one nice discussion about this basketball kino without someone starting an argument about race

You can thank the Jews for that

no shit, i meet people in school, university and work and niggers don't exactly hang out at those places


Dirk can dunk

altough probobly true, its more likely a bot or samefagging

guess what, not every country has niggers in it, even if (((some))) work on it to change this

Maybe you should get out more.

one of Kubrick's favorite films.

>nigger thinking all places look like detroit


I think it actually went:
>you'd rather look good losing, rather than look bad winning
