ITT: We laugh at Europeans who don't even refrigerate their eggs

ITT: We laugh at Europeans who don't even refrigerate their eggs

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Nice bait retard.

They usually get their produce fresh, unlike ours which have to travel for long periods of time

I heard eurofaggots don't even wear their shoes to bed, ha ha ha, can you believe it?

t. totally not a euronigger

ITT: We laugh at OP who doesn't steam his own hams

>fucking eurotrash

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does yurop have a substantially higher or lower salmonella rate compared to ameridonalds?

either way, they both have aids

Count out frogland from that calculation, they go so raw it basically shouldn't count
They eat minced raw beef, topped with a raw egg, occasionally slathered in mayonaise.
they call it tatar.

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Europoor teeth only permits them to eat them raw, otherwise they couldn't eat it at all.

The problem is not the salmonella, but the heart attacks induced by high cholesterol levels.

Fucking delicious. It's not just mince, it's top quality beef, mixed with condiments and you eat it as a spread on warm sourdough toasts.

thats uk and they officially left europe and are now somewhere else

cholesterol has nothing to do with washing eggs which is why amerifats have to refrigerate their eggs. i do not know how salmonella infection rates compare with yurop so i can't say which is better.

…and eat it quick before the E. coli multiply.

I wasn't talking about the UK eurocuck.

man that looks tasty as fuck

Yeah because they're unwashed, so they don't have to be. In the US they are washed, so they have to be. You should know what the fuck you're talking about before making fun of something, it just makes you look like an idiot. Which isn't surprising because you're American and your public education system has been de-funded, gutted, and messed with by corporations for generations.

>he thinks brits are europe

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo..

>thinking busted teeth is exclusive to britbongs.
Italian, aren't you? No wait, Portuguese?

Monsanto funded the creation of Disneyland's "Tomorrowland" exhibit back in the early 1960s.

That image makes British smiles look nice in comparison

Straight out if a chickens ass you dont have to. Damn op learn some farming buddy.

Fucking disgusting. That mr Bean episode where he has some at a restaurant is pretty damn funny tho.

Americunts literally have no right talking shit about food

Yeah considering the FDA is so laughably corrupt.

not enough cheese and salt for you?

oh.. you think we have our meat infested with poopy bacteria. We don't. It's 100% safe to eat, same as eggs, since salmonella is prettymuch non-existent in eggs and is being slowly bred out of breeding flocs.

You guys may try, but the whole world knows who's the nation of dummies :>

Found the salty french

close but not at all

>when south africans have better teeth than western european and north americans

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Doesn't your country have a literal water shortage?
Basically Africa.

>we're gonna breed bacteria out of our chickens dna

Europoor education at its finest.

I mean I'm pretty sure anyone's teeth would be fine if the only thing they had to worry about eating was dirty water.

>he thinks salmonella is in chicken dna
>laughing about european education

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Pretty sure the US has a lower average IQ then any European nation.

You cant have cavities if you dont eat

ITT: American begin to understand the poor quality food manufacturing, handling, transport, and preparation practices in their country.

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You fucking mong, I guess reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit. They don't really get that far in Hooked on phonics do they?

You must be trolling, there's no other way. I'm not gonna bite and explain anything about this, because leaving you to your stupidity is precisely what you deserve.

Are these burger and fry Americans trying to coach France on haute cuisine? lol

probably just one

I mean, I completely agree, it's really difficult to defend something you know nothing about.

Maybe if reading comprehension was prioritized at an early age, you could understand that.

are you brain dead?

The only people who care about French cuisine are the French.

Sooo..he was behind of all that..

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And they ban guns too! AHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

what is your problem with reading comprehension? it's very clear you don't understand why someone can breed salmonella "out" of a chicken. it's so obvious how much of a fool you are.

Brits are the only Europeans that matter anyway.

I mean, who really gives a fuck about the Spanish?

maybe if you knew that pathogens such as salmonella are not treated with antibiotics in the livestock, but rather by selecting breeding birds, which are not carrying said pathogen.
But what do I know about breeding, right? I just used to go to uni literally at the place, where someone discovered the laws of genetics.
Dumbfuck burger made me bite, I couldn't help myself.

Just bought one. Thanks for letting me know. Still had to pay for express shipping though, but i desperately need a watch so whatever.

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So what you're saying is that salmonella is a genetic trait that can be removed through gene editing or selective breeding, as opposed to a strain of bacteria completely separate from poultry?

Man, private school did wonders.

Firstly, it's EU they're leaving, not Europe, and secondly, the deal has been post poned again.

I'm not terribly interested where you spend your time unicycling, but thanks for sharing. Here's a cookie.

Last I knew, there were no laws of genetics, otherwise it would be a crime to allow you to exist.

>the only Europeans that matter

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When was the last time you saw someone care about Turkey?

Swiss Pepe say What?

and hotdogs come in jars

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see? you do not understand. you can breed floc that it is not a suitable, or at least not 100% suitable host for salmonella. and you don't know this. this makes you a total fool.

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In England the eggs in the store still had chicken shit on them WTF limey?

They say erdogan blocked youtube, but it still works over here.
what gives?

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dude you can't read man

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>can't even spell flock right.
You're not breeding out salmonella. You're breeding in a resistance to salmonella.

I'm sorry it took you so long to reach this conclusion. Maybe your parents should have spent less time at aldis.

Ineffective commands at the hands of an incompetent leader.

Par for the course really.

in california you can eat frozen raccoons

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You can eat raccoons anywhere.

You can buy them from Asian grocery stores.

And you can't meme frendo.


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I don't know man, the turks i know are like 80% erdogang, the others are indifferent. In general they seem to be content. Don't care.
Then sometimes some turks claim they're kurds. They look and talk the same, yet hate each others guts.
too weird man.

love me some pickled eggs

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Op is a faggot this pic is taken in America

They do refridgrate their eggs just not in france

It's the difference between Glasgow and Wales.

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>eggs from callaise
>taken in America


Part of the EU, but not a European country.

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>European Union
>Not a European Country
I guess Mexico could join the EU too?

Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye [ˈtyɾcije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti [ˈtyɾcije dʒumˈhuːɾijeti] (About this soundlisten)), is a transcontinental country located mainly on the Anatolian peninsula in Western Asia, with a small portion on the Balkan peninsula in Southeast Europe.

>Not a European country
>Southeast Europe

How does it feel to play yourself?

>a transcontinental country located mainly on the Anatolian peninsula in Western Asia.

Turkey is considered a middle eastern country.

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It has nothing to do with DNA but salmonella free parents will have salmonella free babies, they killed entire flocks that were found to have salmonella, it's probably too complicated for you to understand but I'm sure there is an explanation on google somewhere for retards like you.

too few companies like that
some products are so incredibly cheap to produce if you go skip all the extras and simplify supply chain
but its the way to go if after all this economic growth we finally want to keep some to ourselves

>we get fresh eggs, so sophisticated~

did you know you can just buy a baby chicken for like 68 cents and then it will just lay eggs for years if you feed it cheap seed and leftover food? they flip out for dried up mac and cheese, they'll fucken swarm you for that kraft dinner.

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Europe has a substantially lower Salmonella rates. Enjoy your diarrhea, amerifat.

turkey isn't a part of eu.
they're a part of nato though.
which is weird because they're fucking up syria. maybe not that weird when i think about it

"Salad, chilli sauce boss?"

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Clearly op is mistaken this inst eu this is some cointry to the brink of bekoming a third world country, so stop replying