I think you will all hate this but I am bored so what the hell

I think you will all hate this but I am bored so what the hell.
I am an actual historian, Doctoral degree and all. I currently teach at a uni I will not name- I am 30.

AMA I guess

or call me a faggot. I don't care because you're the faggot.

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were the romans white?

What's the best way to destroy a republic. Asking for a friend...

What kind of history do you teach? Where do you specialize? What about it appeals to you so much?

Why are people racist?

corruption, heavy burocracy, low tax rates, low quality education, infinite reelection

Do you enjoy teaching or did you imagine yourself doing something else?

explain the French exodus in the late 1800's.

I don't know.


I teach 20th century history.

Because they're stupid.

I love my job.

I don't know what that is.


You are not me- fuck off

I specialize in Roman history

double dubs is LARPing
worst part is if he isnt he has a career equivalent to a child typing something in a search bar for wikipedia

I enjoy it a great deal. I really do love history. Uni is the best place to teach

Are you or have you wrote a book on all this knowledge you have? Why is it important for students to learn this? I am a firm believer in trades not stupid shit you will never use.

No, they were brown

No, I haven't. I would like to write something though as my superior brain might do the job quite well.

Op here

We can take the Romans as the best example for how Republics actually fall. There is one cause


When Rome came unglued and the Civil wars of Sula and then Caesar broke the bounds of what was politcally acceptable the Republic fell. Sula set an example of total power and all of the pwerful Romans after him would ask "If Sula can why can't I.

After decades of constant civil war, economic stagnation, and political fear the citizens were happy to abandon their rights for some normalcy and stability.

You will find that when people are afraid and when violence rules the streets the loft ideals of Republicanism die fast.

Augustus didn't have to oppress the people to become the first Emperor- or Princeps. No- the Romans begged him to take power. In fact the issue Romans had with Augustus was not that he took too much power, but they he did not take enough. They calmoured for him to make himself dictator numerous times.

Yes but if I show it everyone will know I go on Sup Forums and that is a dangerous thing working at a uni...

No, YOU’RE the faggot

Dubs is not OP. I am OP

Go ahead ask me something complex. I am an expert on all things Roman.

Could be true. I am here after all.

I have a wife- she is skinny and has a nice ass-and I have a decent house. Yet I am here

romans were brown, like italians, spaniards, portuguese, and greeds

And what appeals to me is teaching. I just love talking about it.

Rome is a really interesting topic. In many ways they are a proto america. The big sexy stuff like the conquests of Aurelian or the madness of Elagabulus can catch your eye but the details about the society and culture are really what sell me. Everything from the Patron/Client system society lived by to the familial norms and the Pater Familia... it's all just damn interesting.

Who was responsible for the assassination of Tsar Alexander II?

Eh brownish. Would you call a Spainard white? I would. They are European after all.

The dark genes from Africa hadn't really set in on the Italian boot at this time due to limited trade and travel.

Italians of antiquity were certainly darker than today but I would still consider them white. Culturally they also serve as the bedrock of all European civilizations so that too makes them white

I honestly do not know. I don't know all of history

I only call germanic people white. Antonio Banderas is not white, he is brown. Al Pacino is brown too

Well I suppose we disagree there

>I only call germanic people white

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do you think Antonio Banderas is white? really?

And for all the superiority the Romans sure kicked the shit out of the Germans...

Before you bring up that forest I will inform you that I can name dozens of battles where Roman bested Geman tribes. Hundreds of thousands of Germans were enslaved, perhaps even more were killed. And emperors from Aurelian to Marcus Aurelius, to Claudius and more dealt the Germans crushing defeats.

In the end Germany could never best Rome. Only Rome could defeat Rome and their internal flaws left them so weak that anyone could have destoryed them

germans and romans were very different racially. Germans were called barbarians and were enslaved by romans

Sure but I am really not looking for the nazi racial superiority discussion. Or the "purity" discussion either.

Vietnamese are Asian, Arabs are Asian, and Japanese are Asian. White, or Caucasian refers to people of indo-European orgin. This includes Italians, Greeks, Spainards, and Germans

arabs are caucasian too