He has gotten fatter. Secret visit to doctor about chest pain. He is dying

He has gotten fatter. Secret visit to doctor about chest pain. He is dying.

Attached: Fat trump.png (451x801, 270K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't get my hopes up, user.

Do you have proof?

You're one of the dumb fuck libtards that get interviewed thinking they get Hillary

Attached: !cryingloserliberal2019.jpg (589x588, 87K)

>thinking they get Hillary
>this must be true, I heard it on Hannity. He wouldn't lie, would he???

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Aww boomer is triggered. Take your hourly nap old man,

>an overweight 73 yo man who brags about only eating fast food is dying
>do you have proof?
>God emperor Trump said he would live forever!
Trumpkin logic

I like him
Great meme
Pisses on the media
Literally how can you not like him

Attached: Screenshot_2019-11-18-18-29-00-1.png (1438x2050, 374K)

we are all dying

Because he’s a rich boy wanna be tough guy little Bitch. If he was self made like his dad I could see why people could like him but he’s literally a fat ugly rich guy who got everything from his dad. You can tell this wuss has never been punched.

Pretty sure being the subject of a kangraoo court where only one side can do anything, and it's not the side you're on, is just stressful. Smart money says bowel tension, a little dicyclomine and he'll be fine.

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He also never grew up. He's like a toddler who throws tantrums.
That's why he tweeted today about considering giving impeachment testimony - it drove him bonkers that the media wasn't paying attention to his words for a moment.
That's why he sits like this is meetings where he has to let other people talk.

Attached: 1 7siABdHQ8gDJN0bk2Npqdw.png (1324x1064, 1008K)

>a kangraoo court
>I really don't know much about the constitution,
>but I did watch Hannity last night.

trump thicc

Yeah, should've elected Bernie, right bros?

>he doesn't care that power is slowly being turned over to a bunch of faceless, unaccountable soviets
>except unlike a real soviet there's no actual workers there

it's like communism minus poor people! you know, if you work hard you could end up helping to design and manufacture the very androids that they'll replace you with. gotta dream big.

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You could make it less blatant next time. Maybe by not posting so stupidly? Just a thought for you and your friends on discord.

>should've elected Bernie
He wasn't running in the primary election.
I know you conservative lot aren't the brightest thinkers, but geez.

Funny how that Mueller report exonerated him, yet you still keep insisting that something happened. What happened in Russia was the Steele dossier funded by Fusion GPS and the Hillary and DNC to open an illegal FISA warrant on candidate, president-elect, and president Trump which turned up nothing. Wanna talk about Russian collusion? There you go.

I mean yeah he is old enough to be on death's door, what I mean is the secret visits to the doctor. I hate Trump as much as everyone else, but we must keep our facts strait. That's the only way we can beat the conservatards, with facts and logic.

Yeah, his heart attack was great. And so was Hillary flopping in the sun, or "She wasn't right for a few months," said Bill after granny concussed herself. But wait, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Mitt Romney would have died in office.

It's a broken record with you people.

>that Mueller report exonerated him
You're so precious! I hope you never grow up.

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the world would be better off if trump dropped dead.

but he wasn't running only because dnc rigged the democratic race for clinton; half the reason trump got elected is because left voters were pissed off at pos liberal leaders and didnt vote. the other half was because the working class loves the greatest president alive.
corrupt liberal kys

You do realize you're basically just having debates inside your own head, right?
Maybe your mom might want to take sharp objects out of sight for a while.


>the working class loves the greatest president alive
these threads are always so entertaining, I always walk away feeling a bit smarter.

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>He is dying.
we are all dying
>i'm hoping he is on the express train though

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We're all dying, vaggot.

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>fat old man is dying
no fucking shit
next you're going to blow my mind by saying the sky is blue?

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anything else you want to add faggot? I love to feed lowlife shit posters.

my wife and daughters and I pray every night before bedtime that he has a heart attack or stroke. maybe this is a sign.

>Literally how can you not like him
ask his former business partners
The ones who aren't Russian

This is why Trump won, you idiot.

maybe next you will say carter is the greatest living president lol


>implying they're not just doing a weekend at bernie's
he ded

Good boy. Repeating all our words. have a point

>You're so precious! I hope you never grow up.
fuckin LOL

>media talking points
>debates in your own head
Into the memory hole then, eh? Every single repub candidate has had headlines of, "Too old, will die in office," but the oldest Democrat to ever run was in 2016, Joe Biden is a senile old man, and Bernie just had a heart attack and.... *crickets*

It's not hard to just pay attention, user.

I'm more interested in watching this guy get screwed on live TV.

Best million dollar donor of all time!

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Fucking hopefully. Why do the dumbest presidents identify as Republicans? Fucking weird to happen for 25 years.

there's the typical trumpian retort....
>12 y/o burn

Attached: trump i know you are 1.jpg (233x216, 11K)

That was a point. Have at it refuting any single one of the six facts I succinctly stated in that single sentence.

look at me. I know groupspeak. I smart; hurr hurr!

Nope, just your victim fetish

Yeah, ivy league graduate and fighter pilot, or billionaire real estate mogul, grade a knuckle dragging morons.

Attached: loltrump.png (900x740, 1.07M)

that meme hits the nail on the head. that's literally their only response to any criticism at all. if trump start accusing his opposition of committing a crime he hasn't mentioned before, you know he just committed that crime himself.


very sad, a lifetime of no exercise and mcdonalds caught up with the pederast. now it's wheelchairs, hoverrounds, and stair lifts.

America LAUGHS AT HIM! Wahhhhhhh wahhhhhhh why won't they just leave me aloneeeeeeeeee asks the troll and his retarded sons bevince and butthead

Because you've broken every law known to man, Fat Donald. Justice shall prevail.

Attached: I Love America.png (214x112, 7K)

No, no, no...you're understanding these simple people... YOU are a coastal NY elite. Trump is...well,an idiot, but he's our idiot. so fuck it. We like NYC when it kinda is in our favor... even if NY tells us otherwise. Besides, they're just coastal elites, unlike Trump...from Jamaica, Queens

>foreign opinion ignored

That argument may have legs all of three years ago before he put his policy into place, but it only works on retards who haven't been paying attention to policy decision or effect. He's doing a good job, and the economy is doing well despite the ineffectual Republican majority and the current witchhunt cockblock congress.

>This is why Trump won
because, see pic

>you idiot.
pot, meet kettle

Attached: poorly trumply.jpg (600x360, 46K)

Nah, he ain't dying. Just a stunt to draw attention away from the impeachment hearings. Don't fall for it.

Not before we can impeach his fat ass!!

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>implying it wasn't the russian propaganda campaign

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wtf am i reading

he is pretty old guys

i'd rather see him dead, tbh.

I was born and raised in NY, some NYC, some burbs.
He's been a clown for DECADES.
Only the stupid think he is more than a grifter.

It's kind of obvious when you paid libs dogpile onto a thread with mindless one-sentence posts, and literal "the left can't meme" memes.

The funny part folks, is they can't actually engage in conversation. So it's painfully obvious.

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Is this what 100 million gets Bloomberg? Shitty bot threads on Sup Forums?

The economy has been fine since 2011. What are you angry about? Because that's why you voted for him. Misunderstood anger. There's always a villain in your eyes, even though you're working.

Now you have AOC...who is saying what Bernie is. Let's a'll help each other and make the 1% help us as well, but that's somehow evil in your eyes.

So why do the Liberals target students and ethnics? People with no life experience and people lacking education.

Even if he dies of a heart attack, you've got to admit that no president in the history of the US is healthier

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poor Donald and the retard sons. Ivanka's nose pre-nose job was megajew. just nasty.

trump's done more for those greedy Israeli's than anyone. of course his tax rate's given him billions, too.

his retards (trumpanzee base) have suffered under him, and still chant his name. one has to wonder at their level of retardation.

Attached: TRUMP2020.jpg (759x863, 256K)

It’s all about the bottom line

Bloomberg donated 100 million dollars to run online trump smear campaigns about a week or two ago.

Best President ever; KEEP AMERICA GREAT 2020

>everything I don't like is a bot

OP is a libtard faggot

like he is gonna die soon just because his old

>The economy has been fine since 2011
Oh, I thought Obama said that >2% GDP growth was the new normal, and that under Trump that underemployment is too real and he's just not doing enough. Funny how the facts bend when other people are in charge.

And by definition, we can't "all be the 1%" you absolute fucking retard.


80% of the anti trump posts are literal bots including OP.
Report and hide

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>look I can be antisemitic, will these people I despise like me now?
liberal logic


Attached: blonde loves blackie.gif (500x375, 472K)

Thank you, $30.00 has been deposited into your account from Bloomberg.

erp stupid fingers,

Not true, I post quite a bit of them

You bend over backwards for some fuck who couldn't give a shit less about you. But I guess that argument you just posted proved something. You're still stupid. Before you claim otherwise, you attacked personally first. You're a dolt.

>Justice shall prevail.

you gonna make it happen?

>one word
>one picture
It's funny how obvious you guys make yourselves. Like one of those skinwalker stories where they try to mimic human behavior, but end up being eerily and blatantly unnatural.

The sky is falling!

Bots/being paid to do so
It's the same thing.

That literally didn't address a single thing I said.

using the word “libtard” = I have very low IQ and live in a dying shithole part of the country.


It got your dumb ass to reply, so it must've worked.

Uh-huh and are the bloombergs in here with us right now? I have to ask

Yea, but here's the thing...you won't listen. I can give you facts. I can tell you how you're losing the fight and the census will be against you, but you won't listen. You're a lost cause you're over-ruled. And it's coming, baby. You are the fucking minority.

>thinks the house part is the trial
Nigga u dum