Getting a box of these cunts today. Tell me Sup Forums, will it do the job? Can I end it all PAINLESSLY with this...

Getting a box of these cunts today. Tell me Sup Forums, will it do the job? Can I end it all PAINLESSLY with this? The “light target load” thing bothers me. It needs to be powerful enough to obliterate a human head. If this sounds stupid (which it likely is), sorry. I don’t want to fuck this up. It pays to be careful. Just want to hear what you fags think.

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>Sup Forums
>for people who can't even figure out how to kill themselves and want the advice of similar losers

>i want the guys on Sup Forums to pay attention to me
>better google a picture of shotgun shells

Fuck off, you attention-starved little shit

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Just do it faggot

Probably wont kill you. If it does it'll take some time and be extremely painful. Get buckshot or slugs instead. Dont worry about cost. You dont need money where you are going.

I’ve heard too many stories of people botching their own suicide and am paranoid. Probably even a bit irrational. When I pull the trigger, I want the comfort of knowing it will actually be the end of me. And that I won’t feel a damn thing.

>Sup Forums
>for people who don't even trust themselves to get suicide right

smaller number = less shot and larger

also try and get 3 or 3 1/2 inch shells, even if your shotgun i'snt chambered for those, you can usually shove one in and it will fire just fine

might have some trouble extracting the hull however. but i doubt you would care.

>actually thinking I want anonymous attention from stupid fags like you

Going to. Been contemplating for years. I have a box of 3 inch 00 buckshot that I know will do the job, but it hasn’t been handled with care so I’m getting some back up shells. I will an hero in about a week. I want to time it right.

Complications prevent me from getting a hold of more buckshot. And yeah, that’s what I was afraid of. Will it still be less painful than how Dylan Klebold died? He shot himself with a 9mm, and actually died from drowning in his own blood. Sounds pretty fucking terrifying.

Those are target loads you fucking moron. You can't cough up the extra tenner for buckshot?

I won’t deny it. It’s a contributor. I don’t trust myself to do shit.

Thanks for the advice. Haven’t seen 3 and 1/2 inch. My shotgun only accepts 2 3/4 and 3 inch.

Aim for the brainstem though the mouth, do NOT do it under your chin. You wanna hear worse? That guy who played the ROTC sergeant in Malcomn in the Middle/police chief in Super Troopers/sheriff in O Brother Where Art Thou put a pistol under his chin and was still kicking enough to have to call 911 since he only lost his frontal lobe.

I have buckshot, but it’s only a box of 15 and in poor condition. Not sure if any of the shells will fire. Haven’t tried. Can’t get more buckshot right now. Will it be more effective than a 9mm bullet though? I’m weighing my backup options.

Do a trial run with a BBR first.

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Dude target loads would scramble your brain probably pop the top of your skull off

If they're plastic case with modern primer and weren't stored underwater, I can assure you they're fine. And even if not, just reload and try again.

Good advice, and yeah, that sounds unreal. Trying to prevent something stupid like that. I never understood why anyone put the gun under their chin. Pretty much anyone who’s ever blown their face off and survived took that route.

If that was me I'd go for a second shot

That’s the plan, but four of them are literally busted open and leaking. So long as one fires, then I’m good. But I have no clue how hold the shells are or what conditions they’ve been subjected to. All I do know is that they were not handled carefully.

For fucks sake just rail a shitload if fentynol, I’m a degenerate who’s seen 5 different people almost die from heroin/fentynol and not one of them have any recollection whatsoever of what happened. They only remember what they were doing before they nodded off. If you don’t wanna do that than just shove the shotgun in your mouth and aim at the brain stem which is impossible to miss from 1 inch away with a fucking shotgun. People who fuck this always wanna put it under their chin for some reason I’m unaware of bc it makes zero sense and only a retard would do it

use gas instead. even 80% helium will kill you more reliably than shooting yourself.

Probably because they saw it in the movies.

And yet, you still don't even know how to spell it.

do you not live near a tall building or bridge?

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>not going to kill you at point blank range

OP, it's more than enough. your frontal lobe will be mush and you will bleed to death if by any chance you survive. you would have to fuck up royally.
so aim right under your chin at a 70 degree angle.

hope you feel it's the right decision
only you have the right to decide and anyone outside your family and inner circle who says they genuinely want to help you is bullshitting


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>target load
>not 00 buck

Nigga you gonna be a vegetable.

for someone who wants to kill themself you sure are a pretentious faggot

not like thats special about this type of person though

>12 gauge
>Not getting a fucking slug round

It's literally ONE massive fucking ball of lead...

Take one to the dome and you won't feel a thing.


slug round. youll feel nothing besides quick reflex.

To be fair, he could just make a wax slug out of any shot. I would've done it right with 3 1/2" nitro though. Who am I kidding, may as well just do it slowly with drugs, alcohol, and hedonism until you're a shell of a person, then just do too much one night.

>Light target load

Enjoy becoming a vegetable OP

Use 4 you'll do great

With a rifled slug you'd be dead before you even know the trigger was pulled. Birdshot you'd probably stay alive for a bit. Use a watermelon test as an example, slugs with explode a watermelon birdshot wont

Saw off the barrel so you can reach the back of your head more easily.