What does Sup Forums think about Andrew Yang?
What does Sup Forums think about Andrew Yang?
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he is not a natural blonde
jewish puppet
raised his hand to give illegal immigrants free healthcare
memes aside i dont think hes too bad a candidate
you should have seen how fast he backtracked and bowed after he announced that he's against circumcision.
I could hear that whipcrack all the way over the atlantic
Does this guy think there's just infinite money?
he is the way
just git informed peeps~
(UBI) youtube.com
(Automation) youtube.com
MLK: youtube.com
Emphasis on the fact that even the biggest of the big say it is NEEDED at this point: youtube.com
SC: youtube.com
Yang #wrecking Warren: youtu.be
TV ad: youtu.be
UBI is inevitable and there is no better time for it than now; when an entire generation is depressed because they have to work 3 jobs to support the crimes of the boomers
>Muh communism
>Muh magical hyper inflation
>Poor people will just waste the money
All of this has been debunked.
>poor people waste money debunked
Ok zoomer
I can't argue with people for whom caring for other people needs to be explained.
You can't argue, period.
he already proved that when he said "debunked".
i think he's funny and i like him as a dude but i don't see him winning the presidency
Just educate yourself jesus
Watch the vids
Not much, he has zero chance of winning.
>educate yourself
Straight from reddit, huh?
Didn't he already bow out, or was that Beto? Funny that Mayor Pete is still in. The current crop of Democrats are a barrel of chudmonkeys.
He's only growing breh
Protip: just saying "hurr u wrong" isn't arguing, it's being a big stubborn turd with more opinions than knowledge
Yeah, they need a strong, sensible candidate like Donald fucking Trump. Delusional fuckwit.
Are his fans called Yang's Wangs?
i wasn't arguing. read up.
But nice of you to amplify the correct opinion about using "debunked"
I think he has some solid ideas and good reasoning, carries himself well and is very professional, there's just no way to tell if people are going to bite on his ideas (and if they will actually work on such a large-scale economy like the US) but as a conservative, if I had to vote Democrat I'd vote for him.
Might as well try his ideas out rather than having this moronic status quo perpetrated by the other democratic contenders and the orange orangutan.
Me too
> as a conservative, I'd vote for him.
which is key
this is the mindset for many
you're right though...
poor people, by definition, suck with money. the reason people are permanently poor in the united states is not because they don't have money, it's because they suck with money" - ben shapiro.
I legitimately think teaching people HOW to prioritize wants/needs, budget well, save money, live frugally, invest, etc. would be key to helping end poverty.
he's kawaii
>ben shapiro
Speaking of which
Ding. Yang is easily the most moderate of the Dem candidates (and most likely to woo conservatives, especially educated ones) because he actually has well-thought-out reasoning behind his economic policies.
You're crying about someone using the word debunked, but haven't offered any counter-evidence.
Who's really the charlatan here?
>don't take that job at walmart if you have starving kids
Maybe you should make better life choices.
No amount of government freebees is going to make people less stupid.
yang is the shit. anyone that reads can figure that out for themselves.
legal marijuana
medicare for all
data ownership
$1,000 a month to every AMERICAN adult
already giving out 14k a month to 14 families which he pays 1k a month to as proof of the success.
joe rogan approved
elon musk approved
Only candidate that understands automation and AI technology.
Oh, and check my pic to see his take on Israel instead of smearing fake shit.
All this and MORE brought to you by the Yang Gang - millions strong and growing!
Also worth mentioning - every other candidate will result in China's tech center out pacing ours in America. If you dont want your kids to speak Chinese get your shit together and vote.
75% of americans already don't pay taxes. Fuck it lets just give them money. I'm sure they will save it for their future.
But can he legalize cute lolis? 0w0
Chink faggot who is Bernie and Obama's worst aspects.
>not left not right forward!
such a lame slogan and fucking cringe. His campagain team should commit soduko.
>if you don't want your kids to speak chinese vote for the chinaman goyim
what the fuck
he is the son of parents that feld Chinese tyranny.
They are from Taiwan you ignorant shit. LOL, I've so rarely come across someone too stupid to even be racist correctly.
>joe rogan approved
lol wtf. How is this in any form a plus?
What's Ja Rule's input on this candidate?
I'm trying to figure out if "committ soduko(sp)" was trying to be funny, or if you're actually retarded. Either way that comment is hilarious.
You should read more about that shock-fact you read somewhere.
If you listen to Joe Rogan's podcast its exactly what you say - a dumb average intelligence guy asking Yang questions.
The point is, if you go check it out, Yang's answers - not Joe's questions.
Careful there user your reddit is showing
lurk moar
Ha imma downvote your comment haha. oh wait...
>he thinks taiwanese are ethnically different
>read somewhere
I'm a CPA, I am well aware of how taxes work.
fucking hell user
He's like the newer version of Ron/Rand Paul. No fucking way in hell he'll ever accomplish anything but still has a legion of screaming autists backing him.
>all the way over the atlantic
Go to sleep yang you're done kid pssshhhht
>Ron/Rand Paul
except ron/rand have held/ are in public office while basket head hasn't done shit
Fucking based. "We should be less involved" re Israel. Offers market based solutions to our garbage economy. Taiwanese. Data-informed policy. The only good choice for 2020
he's the Democrats Ron Paul
perfect opportunity at the perfect time but the establishmention is gonna win so probably 4 more years of the orange puppet
yang is dope and will legalize it fully, no bullshit.
Also, the only candidate to legit support the release of every non-violent prisoner that is locked up for marijuana charges.
Kamala Harris' backing the MORE act is the only one even close to this level of cannabis support and thats why the majority of smokers are behind him.
Who are you voting for then faggot?
not you chinaman that's for sure
They actually are. A lot more Hakka from SE coast, less cold Han Beijing types. But the huge difference is in value systems. They're like Americans who actually have to fight for their beliefs
I'm conservative
I'm sick of the partisanship because it's fueling absolute garbage on both sides and yang seems to be the only one on the Dems ticket who would legitimately reach out to the right on the issues he and them don't agree on.
everyone else is in that "reeee my way or no way!" mode right now.
Lol this propagandy thread deserves a bump. Good laughs throughout.
>Also czeched
I don't pay income tax
I pay sales tax
property tax
fees and licenses out the ass
in also pay landlords a % even though I'm not actually a tenant now. that shit was post-trump.
we're all screwed anyway
that's like saying that since reps family is from gwemany we are all speaking German now.
we aren't even if you reeaally wish we were
Everyone pays that shit.
But if you were poor:
Free Food
Free Healthcare
Free Housing
Free Phones
Earned Income Credits
Free Childcare
>we're all screwed.
Nah, I'm doing great. Thanks for your concern.
perhaps not to unintelligent white mongrels
there is some bias there. they are definitely right libertarian.
still a good source but worth mentioning the bias.
we already know....
It's just aggregated and computed from IRS figures.
If you are worried about "bias".
I've had friends and family who were or are in poverty. usually it's "their fault" but not always
>free food
ever been on snap or hit the food bank?
>free health care
lol. give medicaid a try
>free housing
never met anyone who got free housing. subsidized housing though.
>free phones
>blah blah blah
doing great now. I hope it stays that way for ya. fingers crossed
nigger what the fuck was that suppose to make sense to anyone but you
97 what a good year
but taxfoundation.org is still biased. it leans right. it's not alot of bias bUT it is there and anyone who might want to dig around taxfoundation should just be aware
and to clarify their bias is in their commentary and NOT the facts they provide. which are accurate.
>ever been on snap or hit the food bank?
No my parents had too much pride to even take free lunches for us when we were kids. But the fact remains poor people get free food.
>give medicaid a try
All but 4 states and DC have free healthcare for poor people.
>subsidized housing though
Do they pay property tax on it?
That's not even going into things like Homebuyers credits, Lifetime Learning Credits, Energy Saving Credits....
also, I trust IRS numbers even less
>No my parents had too much pride to even take free lunches for us when we were kids
hey me too! I hope I never see another cheese sandwich ever again.
so if they get free food now they shouldn't get.....what?
>free healthcare
again, go try medicaid and then come back and call it Healthcare with a straight face
>property tax
why would you pay property tax on subsidized rental?? but the answer is actually yes. the complex was privately owned and so property tax was paid of which some was from the rents paid by the tenants.
Soulless garbage like all Asians. Should be killed, like all Asians.
I don't think he's as smart as yang gang tards make him out to be.