It's actually really good. Thoughts?

It's actually really good. Thoughts?
>inb4 burping

>Reddit: the show

Rather watch Aqua Teen senpai

The burping is pretty funny. You are just contrariant and unfairly hate Reddit.

It is

It's schwifty.

reddit and memey

This. Plus I'm tired of these shill threads.

I suppose it could just be a 14 year old.

How hard can you cringe?

Ribbit and Manchild

Meh it's a good one time watch. Sup Forums gives it so shit bcuz contrarians.

Alright before all the morons come in here calling it REDDIT DA SHOW can I just say, what the fuck does that even mean?

I have NEVER SEEN an episode of this show. I like Archer, ATHF, Frisky Dingo, Harvey Birdman,

Will I like this show or is it just nonsense?

Saying something is "reddit" isn't fucking helping. Stupid fucking retards.

>when your only argument against the show is that is somehow represents a website.

Its basically an edgy version of the community episode with chaos theory. Each episode explores a different science fuction concept from self aware AI to augmented reality to entering dreams to alternate dimensions

Thank fuck, a non retard. Is anyone going answer my above question yet?

Okay then, why are people comparing it to a shit website? These fucking morons sit there referring to this show and that bojack shit as "reddit"

Is this their only fucking argument? Man this board has gone to shit

it's a meme show taylor made for reddit

All reddit jokes aside, there aren't many shows that can make me feel different kinds of emotions. There are moments in the show that make you kind of stop and think about something, then other moments that just make you laugh. It always gets me when Roiland does improv, especially for the tv centered episodes. Just hearing him break character in the middle of a segment just puts a smile on my face.

They don't actually watch the show. They're doing it to make you mad and it's working.

The only thing I haate about this show is the burping

Another fucking moron without a constructive post. How does it feel to be a 90's born queer?


And they collectively bring down the quality of discussion here even more somehow

Rick and Morty is a shitty Adult Swim cartoon pandering to edgy, reclusive teenagers. Putting it a lightly as possible; the show is a scientific clusterfuck, and a bland rip off of Futurama, Back to the Future, Doctor Who, and practically any science-fiction that has ever existed. As with all other Adult Swim shows, it has the child appeal equivalent to that of anything airing on Disney XD, animation that isn't much above what high-school, first year art students could make in their personal deviantART doodlebooks, along with repetitive episodes which entail many sexual, mutated, gore-filled adventures too fucked up to air on any other network.


Anger is a Bift

>never watched this
>constant threads about
>decide to watch it to form my own oppion
>third episode starts with the cuckolding bullshit

Any news on when season 3 really starts?

>closet cuck detected

I like it and so do all of my buddies I've showed it too.

The website it represents is a weeping tumour on the face of modernity that poisons all culture, that is why it is bad, go back there and stay there.

Its good but its fan base does like to run it into the ground claiming its the greatest cartoon ever made

I really enjoy it for what it is but its not near the levels of peak Simpsons or my personal fav King of The Hill.

Nope, the entire concept is abhorrent


I tried that too but I couldn't finish the first episode.

You have no life experiences? Are you even 18 yet?

I've never been there you fucking retard.

Yes you will like it because you are obviously reddit



To clear it up for all you classy gentlemen, this show is hated because it s shit, it is pseudo-nihilistic garbage LITERALLY TAILOR MADE to appeal to redditors, the people who make it deliberately tailor it to perma-virgin white knight bernie bros LE SCIENCE LE UPVOTE GOOD SIR crowd, and that is why you like it. The animation is fucking horrible, the worst 90s cartoons had better animation and the fanbase (you) is insufferable. That is what people mean by it's reddit.

Oh wise one, please share some of your 90's born wisdom and explain how one shitty website does exactly this?

Well it sounds like it would be right up your street you fucking cretin, hitch a ride back with the rest of the_donald

It makes fun of it you spastic

You've already proven that you're a fucking retard. No need to continue. Enjoy minimum wage.

Shut the fuck up. I hate the show more than anybody else here, I'm the least Reddit person on this board take it from me it's shit.

You sound like you live an amazing life, little vapid cunt. Make sense before you try and insult me, pleb.

it's actually shit
no "reddit" memery from me, the show is just fucking shit. Compare it to other animated shows, Simpsons, Futurama, fuck even family guy. Those had a certain appeal during the first episode. I tried to watch Rick and Morty because i had heard good things and it turned out to be the most uninteresting, unengaging piece of shit in the world.

Stopped trying so hard to fit in, redditor


Great argument. Fantastic. Well done. Cockhead.

>the whole joke is that the song is complete garbage that they pulled out of their asses at the last second but the giant heads love it
>normies start spewing GET LE SCHWIFTY as if it's actually funny


I literally sitting here watching all you children fight over a shit website and a shit show.

You millennial cunts are more insecure than /fit/.

Enjoy, faggots.

Is this post a buzzword-laundering scheme ?

Lets talk about Harvey Birdman instead

Aye most of the fanbase don't seem to be interested in much beyond the catchphrases.

its tiresome and would likely ruin the show for me if I saw enough of it. Luckily most on this board seem to hate the show so I see more of the anti-RnM crowd than the lazy circle jerking fanboys.

If you aren't a redditor, why did you reply to me?

No it's a neckbeard for "I own a katana"