I found an old folder of memes from Sup Forums in 2009. The times have changed, so let us reminice in memes of days past. Only memes before 2010 accepted.

Attached: 1546954620089.jpg (750x600, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1566468417607.jpg (561x684, 154K)

I can't be the only old-fag

> r-right guys?

Attached: 1570888049178.jpg (757x657, 60K)

Attached: 1562370854035.jpg (518x600, 81K)

Attached: 1561913558878.jpg (750x600, 89K)

Attached: 1563378394967.jpg (500x500, 143K)

Attached: 1543671457541.gif (600x750, 286K)

Attached: 1552178207498.jpg (395x364, 32K)

Attached: 1552078032743.png (458x334, 144K)

Attached: 1505772329453.jpg (500x431, 66K)

Attached: 1560717317313.jpg (251x226, 8K)

Im having flashbacks.


glad I'm not alone.

Old screencap from 2009

Attached: 1563720301229.jpg (1272x1024, 244K)

What were we even arguing about then? Was it those caption porn stuff that was new? Was it portal 2?

I miss demotivational posters.

Most of us are dead or in jail

When this place was mostly chaotic and not full of politicized garbage and pathetic incels. 2006-2012 internet was interesting. I remember when Sup Forums wasn't retarded, then become ironically retarded now is authentically retarded. When /x/ wasn't full of authentic schizos and chrisfags.

Attached: 052.png (555x399, 250K)

Also the fuck happened to /ic/ ? like 6 months ago was full of the crabest of the crabs, negative and pathetic, now most crabs are gone and is a lot more positive, I like it but what happened ?

Attached: 207.jpg (522x700, 128K)

Attached: 422.jpg (638x960, 110K)

Attached: 150.jpg (1280x1024, 458K)

Attached: 143.jpg (600x400, 68K)

>also the game

Who remembers?

Attached: 4chan vs the internet.jpg (600x375, 73K)

Do you guys remember stoned comics ?

Attached: 028.jpg (736x827, 151K)

Attached: Exploding-van-jpg.jpg (680x544, 34K)

me too

Attached: 1567171066242.jpg (600x900, 91K)

Attached: 004.jpg (500x390, 21K)


Attached: 1558635463084.jpg (555x416, 35K)

Attached: 059.jpg (492x486, 39K)

Attached: 2557125.main_image.jpg (512x512, 52K)

Attached: 1193650616191.png (500x500, 211K)

Attached: 1195531095171.jpg (575x383, 40K)

Ok boomer

Attached: 1418540317169.jpg (479x422, 50K)

From 2006ish

Attached: a7bcdd728af335b9296ba49e961cede7252173cd16b2644c2ace943a57472252.jpg (600x750, 47K)

Attached: 1392346030681.gif (502x600, 109K)

Attached: 1482778436635.jpg (800x600, 84K)

Attached: 048.jpg (450x548, 21K)

Attached: 1485747033649.png (667x645, 105K)

Attached: 208.jpg (605x405, 42K)

Attached: 1486666730365.jpg (700x530, 85K)

Attached: 1384540732042.png (1331x752, 564K)

Imagine trying to be an oldfag posting about 2009

OP is a faggot

No one wants to see our cringey memes from when we were all 17

Attached: 1586864839151.jpg (251x251, 5K)

Attached: 1341418987230.png (500x355, 293K)

Attached: 029.png (986x3959, 358K)


And now we have phones that are 4x the power

I'm sure Sup Forums was as coset faggoted as you op.


Attached: 1573950014064m.jpg (1024x577, 94K)

Holy shit a call back, what was her name? Shay something?

I have a bunch of stuff from 2006 and on.

Attached: 1279902102758.jpg (711x4096, 333K)

Please post

Attached: 337.jpg (1262x793, 418K)

Attached: 1282976044743.jpg (2400x3380, 699K)

I miss efg threads

Attached: 1289343450103.jpg (1941x3717, 715K)

Anybody remember asshole jesus?

Attached: 1284516658306.jpg (1024x768, 105K)

I herd u liek mudkipz

Attached: 1318211766298.jpg (550x400, 21K)

Oh god I miss stoner comic threads so much why did we have to grow up

cant do this anymore it stops you at "why are black p"

Attached: somali_lightbulb_rapeface.jpg (227x336, 10K)

Attached: And the Angel Stop hitting yourself.gif (500x365, 131K)

Attached: 1468799942247.jpg (300x300, 81K)

Fuck yea I never saved that one thanks.

Attached: 1284515863274.jpg (500x375, 30K)

Attached: 1474078959156.jpg (400x542, 43K)

reminds me of this

Attached: 1313991847572.jpg (500x516, 36K)

This always bothered me because the only comfortable way you can sit like this is if you don’t have any pants on

the classick skullfucker

Attached: 1431097179481.jpg (4527x3586, 1.71M)

Don’t you get naked to take a shit?

What kinda of animal takes a dump with clothes on.

Fucking funny af

Attached: 1311067149819.jpg (728x674, 143K)

Used to have that on a t-shirt

Fuck i loved these

Last Jesus one

Attached: 1432219029166.jpg (1076x1080, 307K)

and a bunch of noncreative douche bags using them

zoomers are the worst

Fuck, i lost the game


Attached: 4chansuperheroes.jpg (750x600, 160K)

Attached: 18 times speed of light.jpg (750x600, 58K)

Attached: 1559597772066.jpg (500x209, 22K)


Attached: 1204572126039.jpg (750x600, 99K)

Post some gmask images

...gotta post this one

Attached: btools.jpg (750x600, 52K)

Came to /b right around the time these threads were popular. 2009 or 2010

Attached: 1467659638909.jpg (620x620, 55K)

Attached: 95f5fa0c4a57088b0a2208a3d7c598f60c6370244beffa6b2192bde856e8e242.jpg (548x420, 63K)

and MANGA!

What am I supposed to be seeing in this image? It looks the same when I click on it.

It's 2013 you mongs

These all sux ass go fuck your self op and watch my vid


Attached: EE89E2CD-9FCC-4502-94D6-042B586512FE.png (3024x4032, 169K)

Ikr? good ol days

Attached: 135.jpg (425x567, 78K)

requesting guy falling down stairs yelling oh balls

Attached: 5ytgsk0.gif (151x132, 338K)

Attached: 1275018297840.jpg (1210x837, 598K)

Attached: 1265342428134.jpg (470x600, 65K)

the boy who wrote this is in his mid 30's, is now in low-level management, and is tempted by television commercials that claim they can fix male pattern baldness

>implying she fucked the dog.

Attached: yl27.png (475x452, 482K)

Attached: crabboob.jpg (565x710, 114K)