Had sex with a blonde 8th grader as an 11th grader 2 years ago. AMA

Had sex with a blonde 8th grader as an 11th grader 2 years ago. AMA

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FBI wants to know your location

How was it

was that a school for retards and youre both +30y old ?

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I fell in love with the girl so the sex we had definitely seems amazing when I think back. While doing it it was pretty good. Wish I had went more rough on her though.

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Did you get her rectum

8th and 11th graders are 13-14 and 16-17 respectively, falling within the 5 year underage limit

totally legal

I had sex with an 8th grader when I was in 8th grade.

I had sex with your mom when I was an 8th grader. She was below average.

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Trips speak truth!

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i had sex with 8th grader when i was in 1st grade

I had sex with an 8th grader who was in 9th grade, but at the time I was in 16th grade and I was a cheese grader.

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I had 8th with a sex grader who was 1st sex

is this her because I swear I recognize her from some jb vids

How? When I tried that in my Junior year my friends never shut the fuck up about it.

How did it feel to rape each other?

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Your peepee goes in the her kitty. Was it that hard to pull off?

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Pic related?

Depends on the state. Sex with anyone under the age of consent is statutory rape in some states

I had sex with a 7th grader when I was a senior in HS.

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What’s wrong with 8th graders?

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How’s it feel to be a rapist?

More pics or it didn't happen

My buddy’s sister is in 8th grade

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You perverted sick fuck.

im pretty sure op is trolling and the girl in the op's pic is that youtube conservative chick

Did you hit it raw? Did you nut inside her?

i did the same thing but i was in 10th grade. you’re a SICK FUCJ.

> guys I had sex with a girl 3 years younger than me
wow, very impress. kys fgt

And still a child. Even worse

>youtube conservative chick

Does she have a name?

The one on the left is cute

Greentext it bitch

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I had sex with a junior when I was 39. I guess you’re an early bloomer.

That sounds legal. You're under 18 at the time. Gotten enough attention yet?

I'd hit 1 and 3

Eh, that's the age they're putting out these days. Well done, being that you were still in hs.

Come on guys, a quick reverse Google search leads to Alina Nikitina. And you're are supposed to be the geniuses of the internet.