How to fix America
1. Get rid of electoral college
2. Go back to PAPER ballots
3. 1 person 1 vote no absentee bullshit. U don’t vote you are SOL
4. If all out fails ditch capitalism (doesn’t work anyway) and go with a monarchy
How to fix America
1. Get rid of electoral college
2. Go back to PAPER ballots
3. 1 person 1 vote no absentee bullshit. U don’t vote you are SOL
4. If all out fails ditch capitalism (doesn’t work anyway) and go with a monarchy
there's no fixing that shit.
There is if u do this
an elective monarchy perhaps?
Screw this democracy bullshit
>>make a high school degree a requirement to vote
problem solved (and republicans never get voted in ever again)
Make prior or active service a requirement.
>1. Get rid of electoral college
No thanks
I.e., if my idiot plan still doesn't get left wing extremists in, burn it all!!
5. Only US citizens who pay taxes can vote.
I found the jew.
The electoral college is there so that the most densely populated areas dont determine elections
Good suggestion
It’s bullshit it need to go back to old school
>get rid of electoral college
asshurt democrap detected
How to fix America (fixed)
Get rid of gun laws.
Retard detected
Divide USA into 4 different parts, north east, south east, north west, south west
make hawaii and alaska their own countries.
dont give me the "united we stand, divided we fall"
you have already falled
rest of the world thinks youre a joke
You are literally too retarded for words.
Only US citizens who own property can vote.
Thats the dumbest thing ever. What about people who rent lol
This, but its strictly illegal to rent out your property to others
What's next? People that sleep in a box? Get to the back of the line poorfag.
> go with a monarchy
pic unrelated
>gone with gun laws
>everyone owns a gun
>crime rate eventually goes down because everyone can now defend themselves
This retarded shit again. The electoral college is part of a representative republic. The only thing that needs to change is the bullshit winner take all state laws for electorial votes. Before the 20th century no state had all their votes go to one candidate unless that person won every country. States keep doing this shit to be more relevant. Last century it was winner this century it's every state moving their primary date up
You fucking retard. Are you saying kids should bring guns to schools to defend themselves? I fucking hope youre trolling lmao
I’m sorry ... capitalism doesn’t work? Capitalism is the driving force behind every successful nation on this earth. It has literally lifted more people out of poverty in the last hundred years than anything else in the combined history of humanity.
Root out deep state. Get rid of these dem commie cunts. Reelect Pres. Donald J. Trump.
Or niggers
The movie " Starship Troopers " has the perfect government. You have residents and you have citizens. Citizenship has to be earned. It's not a birthright. Certain jobs can only be held by citizens. Only citizens can vote.
Ah yes. Capitalism or monarchy. The only two options
Hawaiian here
Basically our own country anyway. We really give 2 shits about what happens on the mainland.
We vote blue. More consistently than California, and on election night, everyone was like “well look at that. See ya at work tomorrow”
have to change the way donations rules work
you just can't have a good leader if they are purchase-able
You realize that the electoral college is in place so that 4 or 5 cities don’t speak for the entire country right? How are those few metropolitan areas qualified to make decisions for people from entirely different worlds than their own. Electoral college makes the voting process fair.
lol wut
college kids can be fucking retarded. obviously you've never seen campus reform.
require that the applicant be
25 years of age
has filed at least one tax return
dumb kids voting for officials that want to waste away tax dollars, yet have never contributed.
>the majority of people shouldn't get to decide elections because a few rednecks mald
yeah fuck that