My absolutely perfect in every way for me girlfriend has gone to Europe on a tour for 7 weeks where she will definately...

My absolutely perfect in every way for me girlfriend has gone to Europe on a tour for 7 weeks where she will definately be having fun with other guys.

Or relationship didn't last that long but it's really fucking with me, and she expects to maybe get back together when she is done back into a fully committed one.

Problem is I have no desire to get with any other women while she's gone so I'm just stuck here feeling lame. What do?

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You know this?

Forget this whore ever existed and move on with your life.

start making new connections. Go to parties, ring up old friends. Just in case.

don't worry user
nobody will bang your ugly gf
just enjoy your time alone

Considering she's going to be having "fun" with other guys she isn't "perfect" for you.

fuck her sister or mom
cmon you can so it

OP don't talk to her again and move on.

Don't worry user, if you don't bang anyone your gf won't get banged as well.
When she returns you have to believe everyhting she said, and don't listen to her friends they will lie

Yeah most likelly as her sex drive is insanly high, for the past 2 months we were having sex around 3 times a day 5 days a week.

Not a whore

Why tho? I actaully do love this girl and I know for a fact she would be devistated if she knew i was fucking or getting feels for any other chick.

She is very attractive. I expected I would but its hard to

Her sex drive is perfect for me, were in our early 20s btw

her mum went with her haha

I was going to do this, but she wants to keep talking

Haha this is word for word the exact opisite thing I would think and do, however she is so honest that we agreeded to tell eachother if we sleep with anyone else.

Sexually, yes, she can be the most perfect woman you've ever met, but sex doesn't completely build a relationship. Emotionally she seems to be completely awful for you.

No, emotonally she is fucking wonderful, the emotonal side is actually stronger then the sex side, we talk alot and are very kind to eachother.

I bought her a necklace and she aparantly hates them an has not worn one for 6 years but she keeps it on everywhere now, and she always sleeps in one of my jumpers I gave her (took it with her to)

Its just that she is going overseas on one of thoes contiki things with other young people.

I hate the idea of being a ball and chain to someone, thats why we took a break.

Also she tried to get me a ticket to but it was to late.

Brother, pull yourself together. It was just your turn with her and now you need to move on. If you know she's going to get with other guys, she is absolutely NOT perfect for you: she has weak morals and is not attracted to you. Time to move on.

Now what are you going to do about it? First, you have a date with the gym. TONIGHT. Idgaf what you do, just do something to build the habit and get your mind off of her. In the next few days you'll teach yourself the best exercise program for novices: Starting Strength. Read about the program on their website and watch Mark Rippetoe's instructional videos on the exercises. Commit and do it. You'll be healthier and hotter.

Second, you're going to cultivate your attractive traits. What is the most attractive thing a man can display to a woman?
It's competence. Everything else (wealth, fitness, clothes, charm, etc) are either proxies for or a type of competence. What are you competent at? Are you intelligent, conscientious, witty, creative, charismatic, hard working, good at what you do? Write down your strengths. Now, how are you signaling your underlying strengths? Do you show your conscientiousness by dressing well, keeping your home clean, maintaining your hygiene, being thoughtful of others? Your intelligence by engaging in thought work, remembering things about others, cracking occasional jokes? You need to outwardly display your good traits in order for them to be attractive. You don't necessarily need to make changes to who you are to be more attractive (except for get fit, shower, and brush your teeth if you don't), but to signal what makes you a good mate. I recommend picking up Mate by Geoffrey Miller to learn more about the practical psychology of signalling.

Third, get off the internet and get some sleep. You'll look and feel better almost immediately after making this change.

Take this to heart and your ex will be begging for you to take her back. But it will be too late. You can do better than a slut.

You kill yourself you fucking cuckold.

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Someone who's emotionally healthy for you very likely wouldn't made you for lack of a better word feel like shit. You really have to ask yourself, is she genuinely attracted to you truthfully if she's fucking other guys? Loyalty tends to be another important part of a relationship if you aren't a cuck.

Op just think, she will be at least 20% black semen (by volume) when she gets back. It's your chance to get a little diversity in your diet.

I forgot to add, then you shouldn't be in a relationship if you don't want to be someone's "ball and chain". There's also balance with relationships where you aren't without getting cucked.

No person is perfect; let alone any woman from the modern era that believes there's anything mystical to discover or experience by roving around Europe as a literal bum, while entertaining every dick thrown her way.

She interprets it as exotic attraction and reaffirmation of her beauty; they see her as just another gullible american slut opening her holes to be filled.

Best-case scenario? She finds one of those poor refugees that just needs to be shown that someone cares for their plight, and you hear about her closed-casket funeral in a few weeks.

Worst-case? You completely cuck out and continue whatever painful lie of a relationship she tries to push on you when she gets back. The pain and betrayal you feel now only doubles, but you don't understand it, repress it, and one day you end up in the delivery room with a baby that clearly isn't yours.

Truth is, you love the idealized version of this girl that lives in your head. Unfortunately, that's not who left your ass for Europe. Fortunately, and it might not feel like it now, but this is your second chance. This is your window of opportunity to wake the fuck up and realize no one will or can ever give you as much love as you can give yourself.

Put together a list of short term and long term goals. Focus on them, and see them the fuck through. Repeat ad nauseam. Don't go fucking around with other twats in the meantime until you're good and ready, because you can use that hurt and anger to your advantage.

Take it one step at a time, leave this bitch in the dust, and never, EVER go back.

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This is some dope as fuck advice for anyone, and its actaully what my game plan has been, since with her around I have been very distracted and not focoused on as much self improvement, the problem is how do I shake the idea of the fact that I want to do it for her?

Im not a shlub I have a good job (lined up) Lots of money decent looks (face and body) and passable personality... its not a problem of be not being able to get with anyone else, I just dont want anyone else, but I also dont wana be a cuck.

>Take this to heart and your ex will be begging for you to take her back. But it will be too late. You can do better than a slut.

She is not a slut just because she will be gone for 7 weeks and want to fuck

But I only saw this girl for 2 months? I feel like its a lot to ask of someone to not see anyone else even for a hook up for 2 entire months on an expencive trip.

If she was here or I was with her I could fuck and cuddle her every day, thats the only reason im the ball and chain if I said NOW DONT GO SEEING ANYONE ELSE ON UR AMAZING TRIP.

Well im 25% black so I dont need anymore

How old are you? (serious question)

This shit is getting dark...

sounds like she loves you and you love her; fuck all these dipshits, you decide how to define your relationship

my god are you really going to listen to people on Sup Forums instead of working this out with your girl

accept that you are a cuck or get over her and move on. those are your only 2 options

what happens when you're in this mythical committed relationship but then you or her need to go out of town for a few weeks? shes gonna fuck other dudes because of her inhuman sex drive and you're just gonna rationalize it away like you're doing right now


Mid 30s, and I personally know a couple handfuls of guys from high school and college that dealt with this sort of situation. A couple of them made the right decision, and the rest either "did the right thing" or "followed their heart". Four are dead, two from drugs, one was shot in a burglary gone wrong, and the last was suicide. One ended up homeless. Two still live with their parents and haven't managed to make it back on their feet, managing a chili's and working fast food/gas station. I don't hear from the others much, but, they never want to talk about anything but the fun shit we did when we were younger before their "wives" cause a scene and I don't hear from them for another two year stretch.

The cuck shit isn't just a meme, kid. If you play into it and let other people point you in a direction because you lack a spine and can't take charge of your life, don't be surprised when it becomes a nightmare you can't escape from.


Improve yourself for her then. If she's been loyal to you when she comes back then she'll find you even more attractive and you win. If she has dishonored your relationship, then you leave but prepared for the dating market and you still win.

>She is not a slut just because she will be gone for 7 weeks and want to fuck

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck. It's the actually doing it and destroying the trust in your relationship that's the problem. My girlfriend is in the middle of a 4 month trip to China right now, but she and I can 100% trust that we're not going to mess around even though we both really want to fuck. I screened hard for personally conservative morals and low neuroticism the last time I was on the dating market and found a girl worth trusting.

It's not too much to ask that she not sleep around even though you've been together a short time. If its a relationship worth continuing and protecting, then you should both do what's necessary to reach those goals.

Yes but you most likelly have a stronger relationship time wise, its only been 2 months for us.

But ok, im keeping this entire thread to show her if she thinks its unreasoable if I dont want to get back together.

Its not just out of town tho its a tour with people her age, young hot people.

Where as I can control myself because im at home doing my own thing, she is ment to be having the time of her life...

Its not black and white, she misses me as much as I miss her. My question is how do i forget about it?

Again she agreed to tell me if she fucks anyone else, if she tells me that I should break up with her for good correct?

you should call her and tell her how you feel before anything happens. hell, tell her about this thread. you feel strongly enough about it to ask random strangers for advice, that says something. if she really cares about you she'll understand and your relationship might end up stronger than before

blindsiding her with it after she already did the act and thought you were cool with it isn't the answer either. tell her that if she does it you won't feel comfortable staying together and tell her ASAP

my dude, you sound like the thoughts in my own head, the only problem with this is she WILL lie to stay with me, she might get high or drunk and get with some guy and it mean nothing but if i tell her that she will lie about it.

I wish I could say that but then I wont know for sure when she gets back, however as I said we agreed to tell eachother if we see anyone else, so she knows for as long as I dont tell her I have been with anyone she knows im staying loyal, so she kinda will already know how I feel.

oh... its that kinda thing. well i would tell you its not a good fit if you already know that she'll lie to your face about something she knows will hurt you, but it doesn't seem like you wanna end it so abruptly

in that case ignore my previous comment and just wait it out. if she thinks you're cool with it she might be honest with you about it. then you can make the final decision to be a cuck or not. if she says she didn't do it and you think she's telling the truth then i'm happy for you man but honestly i just don't like the idea of being with someone who i feel like would lie about that stuff. the trust already isn't there, where can the relationship go?

I can't even say that this thread is a well-disguised cuck thread because it's not even well-disguised.

Just post her nudes so we can all fap and you can enjoy feeling useless again.

>emotionally she is wonderful.
She wouldn't have left you to ponder 7 weeks while she fucks other guys if this was true.
She's not the one dude.
Be friendly.
When she gets back ask about her trip.
When she mentions how many guys she fucked, call her a whore and walk away.

She will lie to me to stay with me, not to hurt me.

I can say with 100% certanty that she will tell me if she sleeps with someone or meets someone she likes if she knows id stay with her when she gets back because she wants to have a long commited relationship, because I specifcly said "lets tell eachother if we hook up with anyone" and her responce was "I dont want to hear when your hooking up with people but ok" and she will tell me and I would tell her.

But the moment she knows that It might sour the relationship she would lie to keep it going, Its not a bad lie...

Hwr mom went with her and you're butt hurt?! Grow the fuck up. You made it sound lime she was on a trip with the girls on a 7nweek fuck fest and now you come clean and tell us she is with her mom. Jeeze, snowflake, I hope she dumps you. Do you hink if you were to marry her, you would never, ever be apart? Its part of life. I can't believe you. I'm glad its not my daughter fucking you. I'd beat your ass just for general principles!

that really doesn't sit well with me. a lie to keep the relationship going is self serving for her. if she selfishly wants to stay with you after you've made it clear that you don't want her fucking around. there's nothing good for you about that. a lie is a lie. a healthy relationship is built on mutual trust. if you think being kept ignorant of that is a good thing then i hate to tell you this but you might just be a cuck after all

Isn't this a movie you are pretending to be? Faggot

oh na, her mum went with her but they split up, she is on a tour with like 24 people her age

Just think user, some monkey is going to lift that jumper up and plug both her holes. She will squeal like a whore with delight and he will pull her head back by the nostrils and slap her ass with the other hand. Picture that when she comes back to you.

And you're assuming the worst about her? Whats wrong with you?

uhh... the whole reason I cant talk to her about it is because I know she will lie, and she will low key know I know she will lie about it to.

Because she likes sex WAY more then usual girls, more so then me I think and usually I can cum 3 times a day with 20 mins of sex. (on average every day)

oft, besides the racisim, that actually shook me a bit... Maybe I should just treat it as if I have lost her already... thats the exact picture that makes me sick.

> My absolutely perfect in every way for me girlfriend has gone to Europe
> perfect in every way except that she is on another continent

you've answered your own question user. you know she will lie.

if you have any self respect let it be over

So what you're telling us is that you can't trust her? Then next her. You WILL be miserable if you try to start a committed relationship with an untrustworthy girl.

shes trustworthy while she is here fuk man, its only because of where shes going and how long we have dated for, she planed this trip before we started dateing, and when we started dateing we expected to break up before she left.

you're grasping at straws bro. none of that matters
she either loves you or she doesn;t. there's no "i love you but i'm gonna take all these outside dicks cause i planned on it before we met kay?"

and you literally just said you KNOW she would lie. the polar opposite of trustworthy

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she is going to get raped and murdered by a musim or a nigger

As an older user with experience, you do not want to be with a girl who isn't willing to sacrifice her sexual freedom for you.

Move on. Seriously.

If you want to be happy and self-respecting and not a pathetic wallower in the future, tell her to fuck off now. Do not get back with her.

You going back to her will only do more bad for your mental health and self esteem than good. It'll hurt for some time trust me. But you'll feel better later. If you go back, it'll just drag on and on.

There are plenty of bitches out there for you. No need to give up your manhood for one that doesn't care about you. It's a waste of time.

>I'm just stuck here feeling lame

You're a beta and you know it. You're always in scarcity. When the "perfect" high-sex drive woman enters your life and rocks your world, you fall in love. There's no other woman for you can that create this satisfaction. It's her or nothing. And now that she's on plane to Europe to literally fuck every dude she finds, you're out here crying your eyes and thinking more and more about how depressed you are getting.

The perfect description of a beta male.

Make plans with friends. Take a trip somewhere, yourself. Have a good time. Maybe ask out that cute girl at the coffee shop you passed over because you were already seeing someone. Never, ever expect loyalty from a woman, especially when she’s been removed from the social environment she is used to. She is going to get fucked by Pablo, Pierre, Sven, and likely at least 4 other guys over the next 7 weeks. She will lie about it. When she gets back, if you decide to use her for sex, use protection and then ditch her as soon as you realize she never was perfect to begin with.

As a guy I did this in my early 20s to a girl when I went overseas for a while. It basically meant I kind of liked her but wasn’t sure, so I wanted to have doors open for something better that came along.

Eventually, it did. But not on that trip. If you find the one, you know it.

tl;dr she doesn’t care about you as much as you think she does otherwise she wouldn’t have put you in this situation, stop being such an emo faggot.

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So serious question, as a guy, if you dated a girl for 2 months, but you had a vacation planned to go over seas and party and meet new people and couldnt cancel it, would you obstane from sex for the entire trip if you loved the girl?

Love makes you stupid. It makes you do stupid things. That's why you don't fall for a slut, user. Don't ever try to make a ho a housewife. That's just retarded.

Just fuck as many bitches as you can and don't cling to anyone. When love comes, it better be with someone that respects you. If you make the decision to date someone who knows you allow them to walk over you, then I will feel no sympathy for you. You make your own bed. You can either sleep in it alone or with a woman who will make you forget all about what's her face.

You cant just call every girl a slut because they like sex holy shit this board sometimes...

Shes not a slut she just made plans beforehand, she is actually one of the most loyal chicks I have ever met and shares alot of my ideals.

You asked for advice, here are the answers.

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So that's why she's on vacation with other guys you aren't?

Fucking hell, user. I understand you're hurt. But you're fucking delusional if you think she wants you back. I'm sorry.

> two months
> loved the girl

Give me a fucking break. Stop thinking with your boner, you barely even scratch the surface after two months.

If I was dating a chick for two months and going away for seven would I fuck other chicks on the trip? You bet ya ass I would. I'd be out every night.

then why are you here? some part of you is uncertain about it because you know despite the harsh namecalling going on everyone here is right. high sex drive really isn't an excuse that flies with normal guys. its not that hard to not fuck other people when you have someone you REALLY care about

i absolutely would abstain. having a trusting relationship you feel good about is way more fulfilling that fucking a 10/10 hottie one time that you'll never see again

Unfortunately this. Good luck OP. Hopefully you dont waste your life

Your “relationship” was over as soon as she committed to taking this trip, rest assured. There’s no point using the “what would I do” round of logic because you’re talking about a woman. She doesn’t think like you do.

You are looking at dating wrong, but it's to be expected, because I did the same.

If you're dating someone, you need to ask yourself these questions:
If I were to have children with this person, would I be happy with their current behaviour?
Would I be happy with them influencing my children in this way?

If the answers are no, then they are not perfect for you. Even if you don't want kids.

Best advice here. Take it anons

She looked for tickets for me to go with her but it was to late???

How do you know if she wants me back or not? A few of her female friends have told me you should keep dateing her when she gets back becauses of how she speaks about me, I think she is more in love with me than I am with her.

So im a cuck if I get back with her for doing that but as a guy I can and should be fucking everything that moves if I was in her place. Makes no sence. I could get laid tonight If i wanted to but I dont and that makes me a beta?

So its honestly not an excuse? The only reason I dont have a desire to sleep around is because im stil at home.

She was going before we started dateing, again she looked for tickets for me without me even asking???

I would have kids with her, we even talked about moving in together recently.

Typical "sunday school" advice that is the signature of a mama's boy. Nothing authentic in here.

Gym won't magically make you alpha. Neither will sleep. An urge to outwardly display what you think is attractive only reflects your inner belief that you are not attractive.

Old fag advice: Never move in with a girl before you are engaged.

1. You need to be REALLY committed to each other before you make it hard to separate from a girl. You do not want to sleep on a friends couch for a month and then slog through getting your stuff back in small claims court if it turns out things aren't right.

2. I think it has a real tendency to doom relationships to move in too early. It's like a trail period where you think what you do doesn't really counts, but it does and you can easily sew the seeds that destroy your relationship
3. It works very well in your favor to have the plausible threat that you could leave her for acting up and start dating other girls right away. If she thinks her bullshit doesn't have consequences then she will wee how far she can push the envelope the way toddlers do. (Everyone does this, not just girlfriends).

You know what makes you a beta? The fact that you've clung to this chick like a leech. You've put your happiness and completeness in the hands of making whatever you have with her work. Without her you are nothing. You're out on Sup Forums like a fucking loser, and when people tell you the truth about the situation, you're in denial.

i think the point is that you'll always find other women attractive just like your partner will find other men attractive. thats part of what makes the commitment you make to the other person have meaning. but actually going and fucking someone else means that sooner or later they were gonna do it anyway. if she really valued the relationship with you she wouldn't even want to. she would prioritize keeping the integrity of your relationship

and if the only reason you're not fucking around on her is location then you need to re-examine the whole thing from the perspective of your own feelings too

i'm not even sure what the fuck is going on here anymore

trips of truth
to be alpha is only one thing. to not give a fuck and MEAN IT. no external validation necessary

If you're trolling, you're doing a great job of coming across as someone who is living in complete fantasy.

If someone who sleeps around is someone who you want your kids to witness and learn from, you go ahead and continue on this path. Your children can witness mom going off on her usual business trips where she completely disregards your existence for her own selfish desires. Seems like a great example to set to children. What could possibly go wrong?

This is true. Fact is values is something you need to share before you let yourself emotionally commit. You also need to consider age an maturity. I met my girl about 8 years ago, she was 18, and was in a bad spot. Was doing H. She wanted out, i gave her a way. Her going cold turkey sober made me love her, and the first 1.5-2 years we had a Slave/Master relationship used I used to get her shit straight. After that I wanted us to just be a couple. 8 years later, and lots of fucked up shit we did to each other we always never gave up, and never cheated.

2 Months before we broke up, I got locked in hold for 16 hours. She and I had just had an abortion, neither took it well. She was caught lying again about drinking, and I stupidly got piss drunk I dont remember much, but a good friend heard it all. I fucked up bad, blood on the walls (from myself) and ended up locked in a hold for 15+ hours until i was sober enough to be checked out and deemed not a threat to myself. Came home she left, this was fair and i expected it. Poured out the liqour and swore it off as a lesson learned. She came back, said she loved me and believed in me, but no more alcohol. Easy to do, decided that already. 2 months later she just looks sad all day. Finally blurts out we want different things from life and leaves. Weeks later we talk (with the same friend who was there for the hold) and she tells me she stopped loving me that night, only came back because she was afraid she couldnt make it on her own. In the 2 months she met another guy and made plans and had a support group planned out for her to leave. It was all a lie, no 2nd chance. The worst part was accepting my fuckup and how.. blessed (for lack of better word) I felt to get a 2nd chance, but none of it was real.

I got majorly fucked up since. Drunk as shit 2-3 times, made a major dick of myself each time too. Decided even if life feels empty, no more. Ive lost 35 lbms and have been working out every day.

Dont be a cuck and hve some god damn respect for yourself

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I get no pleasure out of life, aside from that one friend. I Know I fucked up bad, both during the hold and since. But I also cant help but hate her for giving me such an amazing feeling of being able to earn a 2nd chance and none of it being real. I wish I could just hate her, but in reality I dont and still love her. I hadnt even looked at other girls for half our 8 years, as I felt she was the one for me and she was the only stable thing I had in my life.

Point is nothing to do now but move forward. I feel nothing positive, so instead I choose to improve myself every day. I find new hobbies to do, whether I find interest in them or not. I will either eventually move on and when I do I will be a better me at that time, or I will stay feeling this way and never feel better.. but i will still be a better me. Thats life sometimes, shit doesnt work out.

Go eat rat poison you faggot

>I know for a fact she would be devistated
Why do you care. She doesn’t care about you that way. Move on. Find someone new. Newsflash, pussy isn’t rare and neither is this slut. She is a basic bitch.

He speaks truth user. Sorry life isn’t butterflies and kittens.


Ok well im OP and im still here, Dont talk shit about me using Sup Forums to ask this question as its a good place to get unfiltered opinions.

She is yet to fuck anyone yet and she was reluctant to admit that she may want to.

Her exact words when we spoke about it were "well why do you think I would want to fuck anyone else when I go over seas?"

As long as she stays loyal should I stay with her? Or is she literaly a whore and the worst person ever the moment she planed to go over seas? because again she planed that before she even met me.

You guys seem to asume I would want to stay with her if I found out she slept with someone else and I wouldnt, the moment I found out I would be on to other girls because I can control myself and not want to sleep with anyone else while shes gone (So far and pretty confedent that I can stay this way the entire time) I actually have been improving myself for when she gets back.

The girl is special I dont know why you are all speaking so poorly of her when shes yet to do anything.

That was a mess of a sentance, but is it my place to outright tell her that I dont want her sleeping with anyone else and that were done if she does?

if she behaves herself, then keep her. that's pretty simple. if she sloots, then scoot

But If i tell her to behave herself, I wont know if she did or not for sure.

If I say nothing she will tell me the truth but im pretty sure she will if I dont say anything.

See how im stuck?

don't threaten her with the consequences. just tell her that you think you have something special together and that you will be waiting for her

so you don't trust her? see above comments

first of all if any word is devoid of all meaning its "special"
secondly now you're making it sound like you're just being paranoid. now you're saying she didn't say she was planning on fucking other guys, but rather posed that question which clearly sounds like SHE was testing YOU. and now that its in her head its almost a certainty that she will should the opportunity arise

but its difficult to say. you're the one who knows her. with all that you've said i really think its best to just call her and talk it out. you said she'll lie to you but she'll probably do that either way. what you need to do is make it clear that you are committed to only her and put her in a position where she'll feel guilty if she fucks around. hopefully she cares about you like you care about her and she'll remember the conversation before she agrees to fuck some random eurochad

>"well why do you think I would want to fuck anyone else when I go over seas?"

Let's see how you can respond to this direct question,

- you have a young pussy (assuming here) and ultra-high libido
- during your vacation you will be surrounded by nigger cock
- having been fucking so frequently, it's impossible for you to suddenly stop for months
- you're dating me, so you have no standards

>you're dating me, so you have no standards

You have to take her word for it regardless unless you find physical evidence that she had sex while gone. Traveling is such a tricky thing for young lovers because young people find it nearly impossible to travel abroad and not have sex. I loved the shit out of my gf I had when I was 18, but I still cheated on her to an embarrassing degree while backpacking through Latin America under the guise of "what happens in a Nicaraguan hostel stays in a Nicaraguan hostel".
If you're in a committed relationship and you're any kind of considerate and mature adults, tell her not to fuck anyone while she's gone. Simple as that. Maybe imply that you understand that what you don't know won't hurt you, because you'll never truly know if she fucks around or not anyways, but she should NOT be looking for sex while gone if she cares about you. If it just happens and you never know... well then you'll literally never know.

Here's a fundamental question nobody is asking: why is she going to Europe for 7 weeks without you and who is she going with?

honestly one of the best possible to that trap of a question. if delivered correctly

>ere's a fundamental question nobody is asking: why is she going to Europe for 7 weeks without you and who is she going with?

read the thread moron

>what you need to do is make it clear that you are committed to only her and put her in a position where she'll feel guilty if she fucks around.

THIS IS WHY I CANT TELL HER, I actually think im in a good spot at the moment, where we have agreeded to tell eachother if we fuck someone, becuase if she hears nothing from me she most likelly wont do anything with anyone else?

actually my honest responce in my head was well you wouldnt because im better then most guys you will meet.

That does not change the fact that its a 7 week gap, also who hurt you?

In my opinion, you are a bad person, I honestly think I could control myself.

>Maybe imply that you understand that what you don't know won't hurt you

Ok buddy.

>>8143780054379012798242529>>814380600143821953825082817Anyway after reading everything posted (thanks for the replys btw Sup Forumsoys)

I feel like my options are:

Be a cuck and just accept that something will most likely happen and stay with her.

Say nothing and wait for her to tell me she fucked around, ruining any chance I have with her.

Tell her that I will not see her again if she gets with anyone, then she will lie of she does making me a schrodinger's cuck for the rest of my life.

Break up with her and cut off all contact now, risking losing a really quality chick since she might not even fuck around on me.

Oh yeah I forgot you can get banned for doing that smh, just trying to show my gratitude plz no report.

Why did you send your anime pillow to Europe?

Kek rekt

op, u think this r/relationships? kys


it's pretty simple actually.
Do you believe what she say 100 ? then stay with her.
Do you feel she ll lie to you ? Then leave.
You can't build a healthy relationship if you don't trust your gf. It will end up being a emotional mess for the both of you.

you would be the one who knows that best. if you feel like she already gets the message that you'd be upset if she fucks someone else then leave it as it is and let it play out

the viable options are say nothing or call her and let her know you're definitely not fucking anyone else. DO NOT frame it in terms of consequences like "i'll leave you if you do" that will just create negative feelings. if you do call her make it all about how you just wanted her to know how you feel since the whole "we'll let eachother know if we fuck or not" thing is real awkward and you could't stop thinking about it

>My absolutely perfect in every way for me girlfriend has gone to Europe on a tour for 7 weeks where she will definately be having fun with other guys.
>My absolutely perfect in every way for me girlfriend (except for this one big cheating issue)...