I hate that people are going to call this bait because these are my honest and genuine thoughts...

I hate that people are going to call this bait because these are my honest and genuine thoughts. I'm not just saying this to get a ruse out of you, this is really how I think and feel. With that being said...

I'm extraordinarily grateful to know that some gun-nut fathers have lost their son / daughter in a mass shooting. I know Karma isn't real but sometimes things just happen as if it was.

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Well if you did believe in Karma you would know that finding joy in the misfortunes of others is also bad Karma. The gun nut fathers as you call them want guns in the believe that they will protect their families. Even if you consider that believe a wrong one, the fact that you are celebrating the death of children puts you on the moral level of the shooter.


I don't feel so bad about that considering I don't reinforce that belief system that gets children killed in the first place

so blame responsible gun owners and not the mentally ill.

I hope you get fucked by a horse.

what system?
Saggy faggys like you who think the guns are the problem. Millions of gun owners, a handful of idiots who shoot people.
Let me guess
China isnt ruled by a tyranical leader, the people are just lazy and need to be squelched.
Fucking stupid ass ideology

not him but they see you as reinforcing a belief system that will put their childrens' generation into a peasant caste under the absolute rule of an elite.


Or just kys

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nice pasta for your plebbit screenshot IG now please kys

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>bitching about guns

what the fuck is this ever going to accomplish op? what do you seriously think projecting your shitty opinion about a tool misused by people will affect?
... nothing faggot

hitler only took guns from non germans

that's kinda surprising how that number compares to gun related deaths, albeit majority of which are self-inflicted. if you consider the % of people with cars, the amount of time they are in use and compare to guns it's quite ridiculous that guns aren't as regulated.

to even compare the two begs the question of stricter regulation on both, not neither.

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How'd that work out for them?

stop crying faggot. we're taking your guns.

There are roughly 100 million more guns in the US than automobiles.

>guns aren't as regulated
thats not true.
>to even compare the two begs the question of stricter regulation on both, not neither.
no. go to the uk and regulate yourself to a sedentary life of alcohol and football programming.

you cant take muh guns user, theys my guns

Driving a car is a privilege; it is an inalienable, god-given, natural right to possess arms.

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Ok. When I hear about a mass shooting I use the 40% rule. Meaning, at least 40% of the people killed were likely pieces of shit. Just selfish, lying, cheating garbage. Maybe a pedo was in there, or even a future one. Yep. A fucked way to look at it, but whatever. Actually it’s for anyone who dies in an accident which is what a mass shooting is and should be treated as such. Not some “special circumstance” and politicized. Many gun owners are responsible individuals. Not getting into some rerun gun debate.

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I can see where youre coming from, Americans are Fucking Retarded for thinking that guns arent the problem but I dont believe their children deserve to die.

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what country?

good luck

>reinforcing a belief system that will put their childrens' generation into a peasant caste under the absolute rule of an elite.

Good thing the right doesn't do that. oh wait.

I'm merely stating how to right to bear arms was viewed by our founders and enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

i disagree, dead kids are good for the environment

politicians only take the guns away from the working class. theyll still have armed guards.

Ever notice how the people who want to take your guns aren’t giving up theirs?

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both sides are doing it and largely want you disarmed, monitored and reliant on them. vote against them, not straight ballet.

You know what user? I'm a gun nut and I'm glad about it too. Every place where people are attacked by some psycho is where they're disarmed and subjected to horrific leftist indoctrination.
That kids aren't safe in these places, schools, churches, malls, institutions faggot SJWs turn into a smorgasbord of retarded defenseless commies, is the strongest incentive I can imagine to pull kids out of harm's way.
Rational people will be encouraged to get their kids out of these fucked off mass indoctrination centers, and that's a good fucking thing for those kids, America, and the world.

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Are you advocating that only the government have guns? Do you trust the government? Right now that’s the Trump administration. Let me hear you say it - you trust Trump to protect you and your rights.

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gr8 kike b8 m8 10/10 r8

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You sound like a real charmer. Bet all of the backwoods shitkickers are itching to suck your scabby, one inch pecker.

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Wonder how much this nig got paid.

pretty much

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I'd appreciate it if you kept your perverse fantasies about sucking my cawk to yourself. I'd appreciate it more if you ended the sick twisted pretense at a mind that conceived of such things.

Motherfucker’s probably in the Nation of Islam. Go disarm them, let me know how it goes.

Why are you happy his kid died bc of guns? That doesn’t make any sense unless he was advocating for school shootings. It’s just odd that bc he liked to hunt, shoot at the range and wanna protect his family From wildlife or other people trying to break in that you’re happy his child died. Also, I don’t think you understand what karma is. Sounds like you’re below average intelligence and have a hard time taking in the world around you, not trying to be a dick either. You can literally google all the gun statistics and facts and for some reason you’re choosing to not think for yourself and think irrationally and impulsively like low IQ people do.

Then one day Gomer is laid off. Wife finds him less attractive. Kid has a eating disorder. What’s this, a suspicious mole on my back? Wife might be having an affair. Gomer’s angry. Yep. Still can’t take away Gomer’s rights. Maybe make it a bit more difficult to get a double drum gun with a suppressor.

Or served in one of Bush 43’s “wars” and has a ptsd flashback.

They’re so delusional that they should be designated as mentally ill and NOT be allowed to own firearms.

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Sup Forums is full of retards. Nobody on this shit website can debate a single topic. It’s so cringy watching people just fire off factually incorrect memes at each other like they were well thought out counter arguments or something.

OMG 400 million opportunities to harm free people in America. That's how leftists see gun control. They want to make free people pay for the privilege of being competent to live on their own merits, which faggot leftists cannot do because they're incompetent to do so.
So incompetent in fact that they cannot imagine controlling the power of life and death they think personal arms are if they were to feel insulted at work, or unhappy in their relationship.
They just project their incompetence on everyone else, and this is why they constantly agitate politically to subjugate everybody to the same totalitarian nanny state they need to stay alive.

This is a crystal clear example of liberal morality - it’s ok for kids to die as long as it advances our cause. You NEVER hear them shout about black on black killings because 1) they don’t really care about black people and 2) it doesn’t advance their cause.

Liberals are a cancer on humanity.

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I hate to say it because part of me agrees with you ... but that’s exactly why we need a 2nd Amendment.

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nice divisiveness. other liberals who arent op are gonna read this and make the same conclusion about conservatives

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I hope one of your loved ones are raped in front of you, and you can do nothing about because it’s an illegal scum that has a gun after the ban.

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OP sounds like one of those guys back in the 80’s saying they were glad every time a homosexual died of AIDS. No difference.

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