The impeachment is destroying him, people actually think he's still not being impeached lmao

The impeachment is destroying him, people actually think he's still not being impeached lmao.

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yup you are wining

Not a Trump fan, but when is he going to be impeached? Been hearing about for these past three years.

You'll probably be hearing it for the next 5.

I like Trump. But I also got this fantasy about outing myself as a Trump supporter with anti Trump people, and that they are so angry they start to torture my nipples.

>I like Trump. But I also got this fantasy about outing myself as a Trump supporter with anti Trump people, and that they are so angry they start to torture my nipples.

Truly deplorable

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liberal crybabies, start therapy for 2020 now ok?

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Don't get your hopes up they'll probably just nah you to death

>Well user is full of great ideas being a
>Trump supporter *everyone snorts and rolls their eyes*
>But I think I'll look elsewhere for clout

For the rest of your life

Didn't they impeach Clinton for getting a blowjob and Trump's like raped 5 girls in the 90's but on paper he's in trouble for something every politician did ever when it comes to foreign policy like what are our priorities

not falling for those twitter links


I didn't vote trump and I wasnt planning to, but after this shit I'm voting a full red ticket until Pelosi is out.


Hey, Peach, I'm Orange!

impeach the peach hahaha

Keep dreaming tranny Jew nigger .

No. he wasn’t impeached for getting his dick sucked and trump hasn’t raped 5 girls

except all the long standing civil servants who have been working in foreign policy for decades, some who worked for reagan, saying that they've never seen a president pull bs like this.

yes he was- they changed the impeachment for that after their previous attempt failed.

and you're right. he's raped way more than 5 girls- including his own daughter.

I'd say it's nearly impossible for him NOT to be impeached by the house, but it all means nothing because the senate will swiftly acquit him of any wrongdoing, and he will be emboldened by it. His new campaign in 2020 will be all about how democrats are corrupt and they ran a hoax, failed impeachment probe that got nothing done.

It's far too grand to assume the phone call alone is enough grounds for criminal prosecution. The only way he can be removed is if commits a real felony like finally fucking his daughter like he's always wanted to.

He was impeach for lying under oath about getting his dick sucked. No one cares about the sucking...

You’re right. Bill wasn’t impeached for the blow job, and Trump has probably raped more then 5 girls.

>Not a Trump fan, but
Silence, hasbaRAT.

Well, it seems like a funny thing, but there used to be a point in time that the American public had standards for behavior. Take Nixon for example. He got caught, and while the impeachment proceedings continued the public opinion supporting impeachment went up to 57%. By that point, the rest of the party approached Nixon and basically told him to resign, because if they tried to defend a person who polled so badly to the public they would all have been voted out for being bootlicking shills. It's all about the will of the people.

Fast forwards to today, Fox News exists. They have a large viewer base, and they and pretty much EVERY Republican have sold themselves out to Trump. They're doing EVERYTHING they can to sell him to the base, to convince him that he is their god incarnate. There was a poll that came out a while ago that asked Trumpsters the question "Is there anything that Trump could do in theory that would make you support impeachment?", and I think about 60%~ of the pollsters said no. In their minds Trump can do NOTHING to be impeached. But if you could sway those other 40% of his base to agree to impeach him, the Republican party would turn on him the next day to save their own positions. Or at the very least those 40% of Republican politicians being represented would vote to out him, which would be enough to do the job.

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Monica was fucking hot though.

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It's literally destroying him. He was rushed to the hospital after the last impeachment hearing.
(The white house nearly has a full hospital in it, must have been major.)

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Congress is filled with his cronies (see: republicans). They've all lobotomized themselves and legitimately believe defending criminal actions is a good idea. It'd have to be after 2020 (when the dems retake congress).

they sure cared back then. the republicans, at least. america as a whole didn't give two shits about any of it. we were too busy laughing at his stupid attempt to hide it.... "depends on what your definition of the word "is" is...." or something to that merit.

bottom line though, all the process that republicans are complaining about, was literally put in by republicans during the clinton impeachment and in preparation for an obama impeachment.... which they never managed to get off the ground. it's kinda hilarious when you look at the full context.... pathetic- but hilarious.

That needs an update, Stone was found guilty.

Yea, I forgot to mention.

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Impeached?! What happened? Did I miss Mueller time?

Garrison on point as usual.

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i may sound dumb but it is just a twitter link vruh

Garrison is and always has been a delusional idiot.

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The day when someone or some bot comes up with some actual reason why he should be impeached lmeo

anybody convinced this is going anywhere is legitimately retarded

most people, even anti-trump, are unable to watch the impeachment hearings because theyre sick of hearing about this shit constantly. it's not interesting or important to most people.

trump is winning 2020 because biden is vastly unpopular and warren is unelectable. i give both parties 3 years to totally implode.

saying all this as someone who didnt vote in 2016 and has no plans to vore in 2020. its all a shitshow.

Wow, I didn't realize they were all extorting Ukraine for a faux investigation into their upcoming political rivals. Amazing. Next you'll tell me is they had shady non-officials working behind the scenes, removing those that didn't worship them to enact their plans too.

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okay zoomer

Well, they kinda cared about the sucking. Mainly his choice of woman. He could have done much better. And I think that hatchetfaced Linda Tripp would live vicariously through Monica, go home and finger herself endlessly.

Two felony campaign finance violations on the book isn't good enough? His lawyer is currently serving time for those and Trump is listed as a co-conspirator.

If he wasn't president he'd be in jail as we speak.

This is just facts. I'm not a D or an R so I couldn't care less about your party squabbles, it's just a fact he's a criminal and that warrants removal.

>quoting Maxine Waters

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>most people, even anti-trump are unable to watch the impeachment hearings

Citation needed. Also

>no plans to vore in 2020

I mean, I hope not.

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>Delusional libtard believe real estate agent has single handedly taken over the government

Easier explanation is a cabal of TDS retards are throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Impeachment is dead in the water, and you're pathetic for believing it.

If bernie runs I'm voting

Someone made a good summary the other day. And that isn't even everything.

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You're an idiot.

Biden is a fucking idiot. Trump is a bigger fucking idiot.

Warren is a reasonable candidate. Hell, on a global scale, Sanders is just center-left, and even Pete Bg wouldn't be a bad option compared to the two senile retards of Trump/Biden.

Besides that, if you don't vote, you ought to just shut up about politics. At least cast a write in if you want to bitch about the system being broken (which it is).

>profiting off the presidency

sounds legit

they've got the fatass in a wheelchair now!


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fyi... trump has no cronies in washington. The republicans are as against him as the democrats are, the repubs however wouldn't fair well crossing trump. There is literally no national politician that can match trump in a political fight. I love watching them squirm.

quoting mad Maxine
we know your bat shit crazy now

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see what being FAT leads to, republicans? beetus and heart disease!

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Except for the part where it's illegal according to our founding document, very legit.

I mean, he kind of has though. He didn't do it alone, it was the rest of the higher up Republican party who is both pushing and pulling him along. He has personally appointed a TON of officials in all sorts of court positions left behind by Obama, too. Many of those positions are literally life-long positions. Anyone who disagreed with him has either quit or been fired. Its a loooong list
A large majority of important positions are filled by acting officials too. So there is quite a bit of credibility behind the idea that Trump has a large portion of high positions stacked on his side.

as dems lead 30-40 points, and trump's -2 in texas

republicans have lost every national race in the last year, even with trumpeeka's active campaigning for them -- those same people won because of him in 2015. Only 70% of the GOP supports drumpfk now.


hes impeached for sure, get that pedo out of the white house

This is just for his son, too. Not counting all the patents his other kids have in China, millions in money for those. Not counting the fact that hundreds if not thousands of foreign and domestic political officials spend millions at his hotels and resorts.

He could clear it up if he just released his tax returns, but...

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Trump wins bigger in 2020 than last time. Popular vote as well. Libs will shit themselves. Then the fun begins. Day of the rope for leftists

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Despite your fantasys
this is blowing up in the Democrats faces

zero evidence of any wring doing by trump

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Is that trump or a UFO? I can't tell.

You know that being impeached doesn't necessarily mean he'll be removed from office, right? There have only been two successful impeachments in the history of the United States -Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton- and neither of them were removed from office.

Seems to me that instead of wasting their time with this impeachment horseshit, Democrats should be busting their ass to make sure the electoral candidate they pick isn't a huge turd like Hillary was. At least that way they would improve the chances of Trump not getting re-elected.

The ambiguity in impeachment law was not "put in" by Republicans. It was a political event that happened so infrequently historically that ground rules have never been well established. Also, I don't think you are familiar with the ground rules of Clinton's impeachment.

I think out of all the candidates, Bernie might be the only honest one. Not saying he has the best policies, and you can agree to disagree with his values, but Warren is just using the facade of Bernies policies to get popularity. Same for Yang, to an extent. And yea...Biden is just Hillary 2.0

Except Dems have pretty much swept the last two election cycles purely off of people being angry about Trump.

The IRS could clear it up if he were doing anything illegal. They haven't, so he's probably not.

I'll take a pandering progressive over Orange Julius Caesar or corporate fatcat Joe Biden any day.

When did CNN get on the air? That lowered the collective iq at least 5 points.

Repubs picked up seats in the Senate last time

bernie beats trump in every poll since 2016.

his policies are literally the most popular in the country.

he's anti establishment and not actually a democrat (he's an independent who caucuses with the dems because... that's literally the only way an independent can ever win.)

he's been fighting for working class americans for 40 years straight and has never been bought or corrupted.

vote bernie. he's the best choice, and the only one who's not putting on a front to get votes. even warren is just ripping off bernie- though he's probably actually convinced her of some of this stuff, she's a capitalist and conservative to her bones.

All the Dems are turds at this point. They're just hail marying with full blown 'we're going to fix the world from the oval office china style' and hoping that all the closet commies actually vote for a change.

That's not Schiff.

>except all the long standing civil servants who have been working in foreign policy for decades

Yes the deep-state bureaucrat assholes everybody hates who have orchestrated all this horrible shit for decades regardless of who is president hate Trump.
They'd rather have Hilary, who wanted to crank up the destruction in the middle east and ratchet up tensions with Russia. This after directly presiding over the creation of ISIS.
Trump may be an asshole and an idiot but he's not one of those people.
If they gave Sanders a chance and he actually won they would all be endlessly attacking him for the same reason.
He's not one of their groomed to be president people.

>I'm dumb stupider in 2020 than last time
>dumbasses like me will suck Trump's cock
tell us what we don't know incel

Yang has his own platform. Bernie's policies are retarded. You're spot on on Warren. Biden is obviously a decrepit crook. The impeachment is happening because of extreme weakness in the Democratic field. Bootyjej is probably the least scarred candidate running for the Dems.

I think Trump is doing plenty of "wringing" right now. I mean, all you can say is that Trump has done no wrong, but you can't link anything to provide evidence of such. There is no defense of his actions, all the Republican party has are whataboutisms and so-whats.

Trying to watch the hearings and testimony so far has been boring as fuck because the witnesses keep laying out incriminating information and when it goes to the Rep's they just swing back to crying about Obama and Biden. Its pathetic.

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user from a neutral perspective that is indeed quite cringe

And history generally favoring the other party in off-year elections. Obama had the house flip on him too.

Itching for those bread lines I see.

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vote bernie. the progressive movement started around his policies and everyone else is just ripping him off because his policies are so popular. vote for the real thing.

Indeed, hopefully it's more like a week for rope day.

but hes not even really fat, libtard

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>itching for Trump's mushroom cock
enjoy being put in a bread line because you're not rich enough for Trump's world

um.... i wanna give you props for the bernie support, but i take issue with you calling them deep state...... they're not. there's nobody in the "deep state" that will ever be in these meetings. they're the deep state for a reason- we don't know their names and we never will.

For you it's 7 days a week for Faggot Day

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then the Obama's and Clinton's would be in prison so fast so must not be true

Yang does have his own...platform, but he's still using the cover of Bernie's idea for Medicare for All. Its tricky as fuck.
Skip to 3:31

"So you're adopting the label but not the bill?" "That is correct."

>I didn't vote trump and I wasnt planning to, but after this shit I'm voting a full red ticket until Pelosi is out.
Yes I totally believe you. I'm so sure you didn't like Trump before and you are suddenly quite outraged. You are not all all making that up to pretend there are consequences for going after your messiah. Nope. Totally legit guys!

They picked up Senate seats because like 33 Dems were up for re-election at the same time. Considering the number of seats up for grabs, the fact Rs only picked up two of them was a disaster when you consider half of the GOP side of the aisle is up for 2020.

Also consider that in 4 of those races, the GOP candidates are being crushed by their opponents.

I'm not saying polls are accurate (they aren't) and I'm not saying nothing will change. I'm just saying there is one thing unifying pretty much anyone paying attention in this country right now: hatred of Trump. And if that fat shit keeps doing stupid, damaging things every day for the next year, it'll be a grand slam for Dems no matter if they pick shitty Joe Biden or not.

nothing burger
the look on you face when we hold both hoses and trump with be priceless

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"Trump's handpicked IRS chief and IRS legal counsel both have ties to Trump businesses"

The impeachment inquiry just started two months ago, so just wait a bit. You want to know of something that's gotten nowhere and yet is still talked about un-ironically? Locking up Hillary. That's been going on for well past 4 years, and idiots still swear by it that it'll happen any day.

Yeah, economy is a real nose dive huh there pal.

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I will be voting for whichever of Warren or Sanders has the most delegates when it gets to my state to prevent Biden from getting the nomination through a split progressive vote.

.....we have those now. poverty is so high in this country that our disparity levels are literally 3rd world.

this is just like that whole "there'll be death panels!" bullshit... we already have death panels, and we're the only western country that has them. the idea that switching to a better system will make things worse than they already are.... worse than they are, at this rate, is the end of america. that's where we are. so if you wanna destroy this country, keep letting it go the way it is... because that's where it's headed.

Doesn't matter. Yang is a nobody now, but he might get elected in 2024 when people get their heads out of this centrist ass paradigm.

Fox is watched far more than CNN. And if you want to complain about not-Fox news, MSNBC is the next popular, I think.

>we hold both hoses
you sniff your mom's pantyhose faggot