Is being a black male pretty much living life on easy mode for fucking white women?
Is being a black male pretty much living life on easy mode for fucking white women?
In today's society yes, without a doubt.
This also applies to other things as well.
They can complain about anything as long as they play the race card. Moreover the perpetuated lie about penis size has made them a sought after taboo. Which has led to an alarming amount of single white mothers that a lot of white men find disgusting after said use.
In fact look at pop culture, everything ranging from the bastardization of English "be like" memes, slang, the overall dumbing down of UK/American culture. Most of it stems from the "nig/hip-hop (urban if you will)" culture.
Seeing blacks complain about having it so hard... facepalm to the extreme. The whole world is swallowing their ignorance, hell even Asians now have their own "gangsta" hip-hop crap. But yes, not to get off topic, definitely easymode for pussy in general.
As the old saying goes, if you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, it eventually becomes true.
in coastal california, yes
Up until he gets shot over a chicken sammich.
> that a lot of white men find disgusting after said use
lol fetish number one for white men is cuckolding. I've seen enough amateur videos to come to the conclusion that you don't find them disgusting at all even to the point of letting the other mans semen drip into your mouth directly from your "used" wifes pussy.
yeah i knew a guy who was a refugee from sudan, he was out clubbing and a bunch of girls basically objectify him as a stereotypical sex machine with a giant dick so they just invite him over to use as their sex machine.
The guy told me he thought he'd died and gone to heaven because these cashed up white girls were just paying for everything and using him as a sex toy for the night.
That's horseshit.
None of the whites I know find that stuff arousing.
You are confusing "the internet (Sup Forums/reddit)" with reality. The only people turned on by filth like that are the same people having no issue with being fucked or sucking cocks. Usually your average beta soyboy looking softbody who looks like Seth Rogen. Yeah, no thanks. Moreover those of us in the know, also know that herpes, hiv, and syphilis are at an all time high in the black communities. Pretty sad for a race that allegedly makes up such a small demographic... oh wait... but yeah, tell us how we are attracted to this filth.
Not a troll or a pro black cuck, im mixed race with darker tan skin amd i actually fucking hate niggers. To be honest it seems like there is something that makes white chicks really like darker men. Not just blacks. I get told all the time, mainly by white chicks, young and old, "oh you were blessed with darker skin". Im about 50 percent hispanic, 30 percent spanish and european, and 10 percent a bunch of mixed shit. My skin tends to be darker but i honestly only identify as american. Idk what it is but it seems more pronounced than when i was younger. Whores i guess.
kike thread alert sage this whores where paid by kikes to fuck their nigger pets for shekels.
I'm an ugly black guy and I've fucked a few really hot white girls. A handsome black guy is on cloud 9 tbh
So i'd rather believe you and the people you know and what they say to you (weird topic of conversation btw typical american degenerate stuff to talk about).. anyways to continue my point, i'd just rather believe what I've seen with my own eyes on videos on amateur porn sites. The fast majority of american women having sex with strangers and their cuck american husband/boyfriend licking the semen out of their wives vagina.
You people are absolutely lower then human feces. Just fucking die you worthless cuck.
Jewish brainwashing
Daily reminder its the same mentally ill discord tranny flooding the catalog several times a day. Archives shows that he has made thousands of threads these past few months.
Range ban him and all the catalog flooding will stop in a day.
It's absolutely mind bogling how you people let jews bombard your youth with the most disgusting, degenerate images and narratives on a daily basis. Every race with some dignity would never allow filth like this to spread like a virus. Americans have no backbone, you cucks pride yourself with having the strongest army while the rest of the world laughs at you for letting the jew enslave you.
Bad bait
Im not saying its a good thing. I think its genuinely fucking disgusting. I hate niggers. I honestly think black culture is ruining society. But as a darker skinned male i have noticed that white females tend to be attracted to darker skinned males. I think its fucking gross. I think popular media like rap and movies and all the culture honestly does affect females. Idk if its jewish or not but i would believe theres some brain washing.
Don't be fooled, the Jews run the World. You're not so different faggot.
You hate yourself? What a worthless way to live life
Any white girl who goes for filthy nigger dick should be executed and shamed
I told my daughter the other day
"You know what they say about black guys right? Once you go black... and she kind of laughed and looked embarrassed, until I finished and said "you become a single mother. Guess only true in about 85% of cases
Let me brake things down for you. Interracial marriages make up 15% of all marriages in the US, 11% of them being between whites and blacks.
>self-described non-practicing jew
neck yourself cletus
Im not a roody-poo just tan. You could call me a spic but not a nigger.
found the nigger keep giving tbe kikes your shekels subhuman
lol. fuck spanish women. so much better than white girls
You’re so unattached from reality it’s not even funny, you wrote all this out for what? So other people online can realize you’re dumb af
That's not true. "Hispanic" and white is much higher at this point.
i mean.... harder to get work, harder to get a house, harder to get loans, significantly more likely to go to prison, most likely born into a poverty you'll also die in.... but ya can get white girls!
it's not quite equitable, but hey, it's something.
lol you fake internet nazis are so easily triggered it's hilarious
Yeah buddy. White girls are useless. Spanish bitches want to be nurses. White girls want to sit at home and get fat as fuck while not contributing.
shut up pussy chink
post your address or shut your mouth
no because the hottest white women in the world (eastern europe) hate niggers and are openly racist
hitler when?
Why do you reffer to american women as "white" lol you are far from actual whites. Btw does your mother eat shit too from time to time like the old american hag in the pic? You can find more just google american eating shit and you'll find another fetish americans can't get enough off. Subhuman trash!!
if that's not white then what race is it, Eurocuck?
>tl;dr j00z!11
also nice thumbnail aspie
hitler's dead, like your life prospects
I'd laugh if this fag was German, the inventors of fucking scat
so are 6 million Jews, bitch
you're not even a nigger
you just larp as one to attack whites cause you're jealous
hahahaha mate shut the fuck up and go actually travel to white countries in the upper parts of Europe. You'll see what whites look like. immediately you'll notice the difference in skin,hair, body and muscle proportions, height . You guys are fucking watered down wannabe whites with God knows what disgusting non human creature you've mixed with to get to this end result. I can immediately tell the difference between a fake american white with an actual white. It's obvious and too easy.
Where is this from?
when did I once LARP as a nigger triggered fake nazi dicklet?
lmao your impotent manchild rage is palpable
what race are you? a Jew? since when do Jews have big cocks? how the fuck are you in any place to call me a dicklet? Germans are some of the tallest and most robust people around while Jews are short scrawny inbreds.
genetically white Americans are retard
I have been to Germany before
you are fucking delusional and you act like Euro women don't fuck sandniggers
>what race are you??! a jew??!!! a nigger??!! I HAVE TO PUT YOU IN A BOX SO I CAN COPE
lol rage harder faggot
really. tell me about your potency kike. all you do is post pictures of niggers with white girls online. how the fuck does that make you tough you dumbass untermenschen?
so answer the question then, faggot
are you ashamed of what you are? clearly
name one race besides niggers with bigger cocks than whites.
niggers mostly have average dicks too. spics, Arabs and Indians aren't particularly gifted in dick size
>being like this unironically
yikes bro
and lets not get started on chinks
>having no arguments
Anyone who agrees with this comment is a complete cuck. I don't know any white girls that date any black guys.
I live in a very diverse area and nobody gives a fuck about niggers. Just because you found a photo somewhere it doesn't mean that that's the norm.
Every girl in that picture hates her father for whatever reason.
Niggers are literally retarded with substandard IQs and never become the secure men women need, and if they do it's rare. so unless trayvon releases an album or becomes a basketball star those fucking coal burners won't have anything to do but get dicked and left.
This is why female pornstars require more money to fuck black niggars.
I think first you have to be attractive and not an incel, so that rules out most of you.
Last week I had a 4-way with two white chicks and an Asian girl.
>implying this is a debate that you're somehow winning
cosmically asspained keyboard warrior dicklet
kill yourself you filthy nigger vermin
you have no arguments, incel Jew
Neither do you stormfag babydick
Germans have bigger penises than Jews
oh yeah... lol... easy mode. You realize of course that fucking strippers, prostitutes and drug addicts isn't really a demonstration of one's ability as a romeo.
I'm sure you're an authority on cock
yeah my mom told me Jews have small penises
found the incel
found the kikecel
> If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough it becomes true
Goldstein died poor and hated by everyone, even other porno types
ug iik ug
what the fuck is that even supposed to mean dipshit?
t. schizo Jew freak
its really not
theres tons of weird looking black dudes who never get laid just like weird looking white dudes
being ripped with chiseled features knows no race
wow, that image is almsot as big as black cock! huge!