Sup Forumsros my girlfriend and I hardly have sex anymore. It's weird because we live together...

Sup Forumsros my girlfriend and I hardly have sex anymore. It's weird because we live together, but she never seems to be in the mood. She's a little big so maybe she's not comfortable in her own skin? Need some help here

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You've been fucking a fat fold all this time and she never told you, and she's tired of it.

Attached: UpperPussy.jpg (289x174, 6K)

God no where near that level of fatty lol

Tell her to move the fuck out if she just wants to be a roommate. Make her extremely aware of what you want. Dump her doritos over her head and fart on her phone.

well here's the gif for your viewing pleasure.

Attached: UpperPussy.gif (525x317, 1.17M)

You think an ultimatum is the route to go? Seems like a last resort but I'm running low on patience dude

Could have done without, but thanks for sharing.

Just go and take it man, be spontaneous and passionate retard. Mash her fat face into the couch or bed... Shit even the floor nigga, and fuck her like the first time, slap her around a bit and then cum on her face. Treat her like the pig slut she is, good luck retard.

Checked. Thanks for the positive reinforcement. I'll be sure to take your great advice and rape my girlfriend..?

1. you have a micro cock
2. you suck at sex
3. you do the same things being bland and boring as fuck
4. shes cheating

Well I'm average and there aren't any signs of cheating aside from the lack of sex. So let's go 2/3. Can't exactly spice it up if I'm not given the chance.

If she's depressed could cause 0 sex drive, or if she's chubby she might want to do it but be a beta female and not want her belly hanging out and hides in her clothes.

numale detected.

no wonder she isn't attracted to you anymore.

What age btw?

Low T, low energy, high soy... Nevermind don't listen to me, I mistook you for a real man. Disregard what I said earlier, and sulk in your room browsing Sup Forums. Take care and have a blessed day.

Seems to me your ironically doing the same thing shitting on me lol

25. 6", average size, 175-180lbs.~

Yeah but I'm thinking it's just body issues man. I catch her beating herself up at times about her weight, intelligence, etc.

I'm shitting on you because I think you are a bitch ass pussy who doesnt know how to treat his girl right and instead lets the relationship lapse and fade away. I'm just calling a retard a retard, nothing special.

I sense a lot of problems in your life too my dude. Far be it for someone to call you on your bullshit though.

Projecting as fuck, sounds like a personal problem, take care my guy, I hope Tyrone treats her better than you do; who am I kidding... Of course he will treat her better than you do.

Could totally be weight, my ex gained like 20 lbs and we had sex like 1/4th as much or less and I mentioned it a lot but she always said she felt fat or bloated and that was the main reason she didn't want to.

Well seeing as we're mainly homebodies, i can't see where she'd even find the time to cheat bro lol

Did the issue resolve itself or was the breakup speaking for itself?

We talked about it a lot and it never got resolved she just talked about being fat all the time and I told her she wasn't but I worked out with her too, she just had too low self esteem and self image. It wasn't her only problem, and wasn't out only problem together but definitely part of the problems causing the split.

Yeah I hear ya. I do love this girl but sex seems to be the driving factor in this whole thing. Mentioned above, we're homebodies and VERY rarely are we not together. If either of us go out on weekends, we're with each other and I sense no signs of infidelity.. Even when we go out. No flirting, no bullshit running away to dance with dudes. Very good girl. But man this thing is taking a toll on me. I guess I should start working out for real and do the spontaneous shit a little more.

Yeah if you're always together maybe make a purchase of a stationary bike or treadmill or elyptical for your place. Then if she sees you working out on it she'll want to as well, and cardio is a great way to lose a little weight even if you don't need to, it should motive her and make her more confident. You can slip extra compliments into conversation too if she starts working out, even if you haven't seen results yet they'll be positive reinforcement.

Yeah thinking about getting her a bike for xmas since i have one already. Then plan around workouts

Yeahhh, I just hope that goes over well cause the gift of an exercise machine to a woman may cause animosity rather than positive workout attitude.

I see a bunch of 14 year old virgins answering to this thread.. /b is sad these days. Bro, buy herself some lingerie, sex toys, etc.. Make her feel wanted and beautiful and spice things up. Don't just wait for sex in bed like a useless dog... Treat her and it will come naturally. Especially given the fact that she may be self-conscious about her weight. You gotta show it's not a problem to you. Also, be the driving force to regulate your diet and hit the gym together and grow together. Be a man

Shes cheating on you george