Would you fuck your daughter if it wasn't frowned upon by society?
Would you fuck your daughter if it wasn't frowned upon by society?
If she was hot
It's hard to do that without taking advantage of her. That's the only problem.
If she is a whore liye mine then it wouldnt be taking advantage. Slut doesnt wear underwear ever n tells me rubbers r for wonan that cant fuck properly
No. There's something fundamentally wrong with having sex with your offspring. On so many fucking levels.
No way. mess her up for life. Make her cynical and ruin her future relationships. I can’t imagine being attracted to my own child.
Id fuck my daughter even if it is frowned on by society.
Not daughter but DEFINITELY step-daughter!
Not only would I not fuck my daughter, but I would chainsaw the living shit out of any man that tried ... unless he was a doctor and my daughter just turned 21.
Wrong. There's something fundamentally wrong about reproducing with your offspring since it leads to sub-par results. Sex is just about bonding and sharing pleasure.
Shut up faggot
I do fuck my daughters. Start doing them when they toddlers. Fuck the police. Theys my daughters, I'm going to fuck them, it's my right.
Or what? You’ll tell on me?
I'd do it
You can bond and share pleasure with your daughter other than fucking her, retard.
From a natural standpoint, sex is purely for reproduction. Bonding and pleasure are just chemical incentives in your brain to encourage you to fuck with reproduction as the product. Contraceptives have allowed humans to separate the act of sex from reproduction, turning sex into something more than a need.
True. The concept of sex as something differentiated from reproduction is an artificial one. Just like how humans create artificial landscapes and artificial lifestyles, we must create artificial needs and goals to replace the obsolete and irrelevant/easily-met needs and goals which defined our past as hunter-gatherers. As such, our values and morality, which were designed through natural selection for survival as hunter-gatherers, must also be updated for our artificial world lest we be caught in the whiplash of society-wide cultural values dissonance.
naw... i'd give her playful spankings and pinch her booty though.
Yes. I would fuck her and even be in a relationship with her if it wasn't frown upon. She's 19 years old, so she's legal. If she was into it? Oh hell yes I would. Without question. Just thinking about fucking the pussy I created?? Being inside of my little girl? Fuck, that would be the best pussy there is.
if I had one and she looked like the one in OPs pic I would
No I wouldn't because I'm not Trump.
Shut up.
You're mentally fucked if you say otherwise