Do you think republicans version of heaven has a giant wall seperating white rednecks from mexican people?

do you think republicans version of heaven has a giant wall seperating white rednecks from mexican people?

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Republican heaven is a Jewish cock in their mouth and Saudi cock in their ass

Nope, my heaven would be everyone seeing eye to eye and there being no reason for politics or even a president. I just feel like right now the wall would be what's best for us but ultimately we're all people in the end and we need to stop trying to fuck eachother over so much. Politics are alot like Sup Forums, an endless field full of "gotcha" remarks and nitpicking, the fact that politics cross over into Sup Forums just makes the cesspool even worse.

>Pearly gates

funny how you say there's no reason for politics yet you talk about a support a president thats brought politics into places it doesnt belong.your just another idiot like your president

I said that would be my idea of heaven you absolute fucking idiot, there you go with the aforementioned nitpicking to start blank arguments.

listen snowflake,take your feelings somewhere else

Republican heaven is when they are dying on their deathbed of heart disease at 55 and they realize they lived a really shitty conservative life of hate and (alleged) hard work in hopes to be rewarded with a nice afterlife.

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also,keep calling me an idiot when your redneck retarded trump supporting ass is the one who brought up the wall to begin with.just like every other hillbilly moron who supports donald trump

The wall was part of OPs post, you oblivious retard. You just make things look so much worse on yourself, did you even fucking read anything?

i am op you fucking retard,also im suprised you even know how to your beloved president,deep down inside your just a cant buy everything

Kek, you're actually a fucking idiot, you twist words like every other libtard there is. You're whole argument was based on nothing factual at all, saying I brought up the wall when that was the whole point of your post and saying that I said there was no reason for politics. You're truly a fucking moron, this is why no-one will ever try to be civil with you, you can't have a conversation without sperging out and resulting to insults because of a differing opinion. You're fucking gay, dude.

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explain to me why you think im a libtard?

or let me guess,you think hating trump=your a libtard.even though donald trump has been a democrat most of his life,his family are life long democrats.and he supports gun control just like a "libtard" does

besides,why would anybody want to argue with trump supporters? if it isnt kissing your presidents ass,its considered fake news.your even worse to argue with then the "libtards"you criticize so much

Explain to me why you think I'm a Trump supporter, is it because I agree with one fucking thing he said? I never said I agree with most of his shit and for the most part I don't. I think you're a libtard because you instantly jumped to insulting me all in your first reply because I had a different opinion than you and tried to label me a Trumpsucker all because I don't agree with you on something. You radiate that type of antifa anger, it's so unhealthy, why would you always wanna be mad at someone?

>antifa anger

lol,what a sound exactly like a trump supporting idiot.your comment about antifa proves it

antifa is no better then the trumptards who threaten civil war if trump is impeached.which is probably the type you are,your president was to big of a pussy to fight in vietnam

Mexicans go to hell.

>it's so unhealthy

coming from the mentally ill and obese party that calls donald trump "god emperor".whatever you say pal

And I'll also make it clear that I often try not to argue on here and especially not about anything because it just gets us nowhere and makes us hate eachother without even knowing eachother. I support whatever opinion you have, dude, I don't really think it's a big deal. I truly think people are dividing eachother more over Trump than Trump is dividing us. Sorry for the hostility, dude.

also,you seem to think your side is any less angry then antifa.donald trump's supporters have been angry since the day he got elected.his voting base are 100 percent angry and white

Told you already that I'm mot a Trumpsucker, painting your own narrative again to have something to be mad about for no reason

>trump is dividing us

nah,the country was divided before trump.maybe you should get your head out of your cuck ass.go figure you probably blamed bush on everything obama did for the past 8 years like the typical american retard

make america great again? america isnt worth making great again,its filled with idiots like yourself

The last 3 things are all necessary to keep public order, or do you think we should leave the offspring of illegal spics on the street when we prosecute their parents for disrespecting our right to determine who can enter the country?

Also, you guys didn't seem to care all that much when Obama was doing the same thing.

>not a trumpsucker

>brings up antifa like a trumpsucker

whatever you say libtard

Kek, never said Trump was dividing us, I said people are dividing eachother over Trump when they try to complain that he's dividing us. There you go again, dude.

>antifa seething with anger over a differing opinion
>you doing the same

Yes, I did bring them up and for good reason too

whatever idiot,you brought up trump and dividing.why cant you just stop the bullshit and admit your a left wing retard? this is pretty damn obvious

>seething with anger over a differing opinion

>meanwhile,trump and his supporters have been spending the past 3 years doing this but you only focus on the left wing

I already said I wasn't a Trumpsucker and I agree with him on only one point, are you actually retarded? Never claimed that I was full righty.

Good on them, dude. Said multiple times that I ride with neither, I agree with whatever point makes the most sense to me, it just feels better that why. Conservitard says something I agree with then good on them, libtard says something I agree with then good on them too. I don't feel the need to stand behind a cult or be represented by one person who could never speak for me, if you do then you're just as dumb as the people you cry about.

Op to answer your question, Yes. It will resemble the one being built as we type.

I fucking love you people. Honestly some of you make conservatives look good.