Help a Sup Forumsto out. I was fucking raw all my life since I was in long term relationships all my life...

Help a Sup Forumsto out. I was fucking raw all my life since I was in long term relationships all my life. Now I met this new girl that wants me to put on condoms and I can't fucking cum with a condom on. I feel nothing. The only thing that kind of worked was durex's invisible ones but they're small and 3/4 broke. That's too high of a chance. Duo's thin ones have way too much lubricant which defeats the purpose of trying to feel more. What are some condoms where you can feel?

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Nobody here has sex, but if I remember correctly before i started lurking, fuck her in the ass raw a few times then she'll let you ditch the condom.

I'm in this same boat, with bareskins I sum like half the time and it sucks ass. I haven't had to use condoms in 4 or 5 years and now I have to but I just went with bareskins cause commercials or whatever. Need to know what is the best. Also what's the best lube for condom use lol? It's a whole different game when not having to use condoms.

Get a Vasectomy and get tested for STDs together. That's what I done and makes your sex life so much better.

I won't wear a condom for any woman. If she doesn't trust my pull out game she can take the pill. I'll even buy it for her.
But I will never wear a condom. Never have, never will.

>boo hoo cand feel nuffin wit condom
maybe stop fucking hallways with your micropenis then

That was my thinking - then I got the herps by a hot blonde. Sucks. Don't be like me.

Condoms are a jewish meme meant to cheapen and commodify sex. Also, foreplay.

I don't have random sex with random sluts. I only have sex when I've gotten to know a girl after a month or two of dating.

Could you please fucking stay on your containment board? Jesus christ aspie.

Found the virgin

i wonder if i jerked off too hard my whole life, ive been waiting so long to finally fuck and now i have a gf, and cant feel shit when she blows me, barely feel anything when i fuck her. I can only cum doggy style after forcing myself to cum after like an hour.

It's much much much better without a condom my dude don't worry. Shouldn't have a problem once y'all start doing it without one.

Because I know that sex with condoms still feels good? Yeah, that's a strong argument retard.

Trojan bareskin has been alright for me. Don’t love it but it might be worth a try if you haven’t already

>can't feel shit when she blows me
your dick is dead dude

Better than letting you be memed into using condoms when you could be settling down with a qt 3.14 wife and pumping her full of cum without worrying about the repercussions of her becoming pregnant. Just doing my part bro.

Yeah, you can take your ironic 1950s values and fuck off forever with them zoomer

Sometimes theres just no connection. I had 2 diff girls in the span of about a month. One of them got me rock hard without even touching me, just mental stuff. The other one would suck my dick for a half an hour and I felt nothing. Literally have to force myself to get, and even then it was iffy. Sometimes it be like that.

I would put huge care-free loads in my last girlfriend like a solid 2 weeks a month because she was super careful monitoring her cycle. I would just pull out the other two or she would give awesome bj's.

Right, enjoy never being able to feel the true pleasure of sex because all the girls around you are brainwashed into rejecting familial commitment in favor of the freedom to become wageslaves for the rest of their lives.

I used some condoms called "skyns" or something like that. Worked well for me and felt great.

So what condoms are best anons? Let's get to the topic at hand

LMAO unlike you, unnecessarily restrictive, scared to talk to women, disdain for tattoos and colored hair virgin, I've had sex with women both with and without condoms, and the difference is not that profound, so yeah I guess continue daydreaming while I plow.

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Just fuck with a condom for like 30-45 mins or until you feel she's came enough then get a bj to finish or just jerk it onto her face or ass or something.

I haven't experienced them myself, but look into female condoms user. I'm guessing in theory she'll get to feel how shitty condoms feel from your point of view.

The herp aint that bad bro

>Unnecessarily restrictive
Pray tell how? I'm not stopping you from chasing the 'sex-in-the-city' lifestyle, I'm just advocating for the equal legitimacy of more traditional lifetyles.
>Scared to talk to women
Why would I be? The women at my local church are very welcoming and accomodating.
>Disdain for tattoos/Colored hair
Never said anything about that. Are you feeling self-conscious about your tattoos/colored hair user?
>The difference is not that profound
Lucky you, but OP would disagree.

Yes but that's like saying getting punched the gut is better than getting kicked in the nuts.

Beyond seven is my favorite condom brand

It is not possible that you feel nothing at all when you wear a condom. If it was, there wouldn't be a billion used condoms filled with cum in the trash and in the sewer.

Yes I'm sure the 80-year-old women at your church love pinching your kewpie cheeks and telling you what a dear you are, while the young women are chugging dick on the regular the rest of the weekend kek.

This hasn't been helpful at all. I might try to buy Trojan bareskin but I'll pay something like 2.5 eur per condom since they got no European distributor.

Just find someone new. It’s really simple.

I like Skyn


Itt cuckholds and virgins.

Not OP but once you feel a pussy without a condom there's no going back

Yea, it's more the stigma that comes with it
No girl wants to be with a dude that has herpes...even if it's only an outbreak every 4 months, take 6 pills and you're done

It's a figure of speech, damn anons are stupid.


Vasectomy is win because kids are fucking awful nightmares and complete wallet drains.

All ages come to worship under The LORD's roof. It is the duty of the parent to raise their child to be faithful throughout their life.

Get some MyONE Perfect Fit.
They send you a measuring tape. Maybe your massive donkey cock just needs a tailor.

>girls are prudes not wanting me to give them diseases ghat are easily avoided.
>*tips fedora*

I'm not even that big. I'm 17-18cm, I mostly get compliments on girth. I really think it's not the fit, it's the thickness of the condom.

You may be on the wrong website

This is not the case. Sup Forums is the board for randomness, why is the MESSAGE any less fit for this than porn and toxicity? No, it is written. "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

> 'easily avoidable', is incel

Wear a ribbed condom, and turn it inside out for your pleasure. Also, to save the girl's face if she can't make you cum, put a dab of mayo in the end before you put it on, so you can fake it.

Id rather masterbate than fuck with a condom, so i dont fuck with condoms. If you set that rule then when u get hot and heavy she'll eventually be like fuck it idc

if you honestly think Sup Forums is a good place to proselytize then you should rethink your priorities very hard

Stop watching porn OP

I use magnum thin condoms. It doesn’t give you too much sensation. But better than others. Plus if the condoms you are using are breaking. Maybe you need to size up.

It may be the size but I think they're breaking because they're not designed to last a fucking hour of many different positions that you do because you can't fucking cum.

Honestly, just have some fun during foreplay, fuck her with a condom for a while and then just have her suck you off after she's satisfied. I know your struggle dude. I barely feel anything without condom so sex isn't that great.

I've been using condoms for the last 6 years. Gf was on birth control but fuck those crazy pills not worth it.
We use Trojans because we have the same problem as OP with the durex and most other brands. Some brands even gave me pimples and shit. Basically it's all about her. I dont really feel much but I can watch her cum on my dick so that cool. Some people use designer condoms but they are expensive and in my experience not worth it. Trojans have broke on us before but far less often than most. My biggest problem is I'm too wide for the trojans and it feels like chastity. Like especially around the base. So no help here just rambling I guess.

I think this is honestly the only way to go

I was going to suggest this. Used female condoms and most girls realize how much condoms suck

What the fuck is a condom?

Condoms feel shitty for everyone involved. No matter whether it's on the guys dick or the girls dick.

This is the only good advice you will ever get on Sup Forums. You get used to them. It sucks for a while but eventually your so used to them it makes no difference. Don’t let these betas tell you there’s no way around it or it’s not worth it. It isn’t worth for them because they get laid about twice a year, and that’s for a reason. If your utrathins are breaking you need more/better lube. If you go for a half hour without nutting change the condom anyway, they stretch and break easier at that point.

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3 people suggested Trojans so I went for it. I'm kinda torn between hoping they are or aren't what I'm looking for, since they cost about 2.5 eur a piece. Current gf is so insatiable a baby might be cheaper.

>If you set that rule then when u get hot and heavy she'll eventually be like fuck it idc
this. hold out OP.

The bicurious is strong af up n here fam

Well the bitch is the kinkiest and horniest one I've ever met, holding out is impossible.

I never mine don’t break even when fucking in different positions for a long time. My guess is you need to size up. I had that problem with regular condoms back when I first started fucking, I didn’t know magnums were for bigger dicks until a buddy told me I needed to size up. I know your pain though. I have trouble cumming too because of condoms.

If she's truly that horny then the same thing applies she'll eventually just want the dick regardless. If not she's definitely not as kinky and horny as your saying

>Well the bitch is the kinkiest and horniest one I've ever met, holding out is impossible.
in that case it will definitely work, she will be so horny that she will cave and let you rawdog her