Doctor Who General

The great Doctor Who waifu debate.

Just picked a few of my favorites.

Other urls found in this thread:

Charley or bust.

The Power of Kroll
The Armageddon Factor

in two hours on pic related

Once upon a time, /who/ got exclusive leaked access to the scripts and series bible for FOREMAN, a visionary fan film project that aimed to rebuke the misogyny of Steven Moffat by creating something for fans of "the RTD era and Classic Who".

Much hilarity was had at the fanwankiness of the series lore and the awkward, sub-Class-tier dialogue.

>"I was attacked by a tentacle monster and saved by an alien who looks like a lanky white boy. Can’t get shocked after a night like that."

/who/ decided to create an audio of the first serial, for shits and giggles, since Foreman itself seemed to be dead. A bunch of people sent in recordings (of varying quality/effort), and a lot of the parts were filled. It was great fun.
But over a hiatus year, the project stalled because we couldn't find people for two of the main characters:

>Nirvi Chandratreya, the Doctor's new companion. A “brittle” independent biracial feminist former-Muslim atheist politics student (female)
>Alex Starling, a "fiery" young man, a disorganised, sexually ravenous party animal. Had a difficult past. (male)

There were also a group of smaller parts (1-11 lines) yet to be filled, free for people who wanted to put in less effort. Some of these were great opportunities for taking the piss.

However, with the new surge of users that has appeared with Series 10 and Simm, I think we can potentially fill these roles, redo a few, and finally publish the /who/ version of Foreman, well in advance of any filmed version ever existing.


Character list and FAQ for this project is here along with all the current recordings:
This is all up to date.

The wiki page has all the details you need as well as links to the script/other fun leaks. (In particular check out the series bible descriptions of the Master and the Brigadier.)

>leaving out this many waifus
>not differentiating between Romanas I and II

Which Romana?

>this new strawpoll layout

It's not new, it's a different site. is still up.

Both you fucking pleb

What if only one of them is my waifu?

I could update it if you want, I'll be honest Romana 2 is a cutie pie.

would of picked romana but then i realised she would just shit on me for doing fa in my life and brag about how good she was in the academy.

She's so cute.


>no Ace

you forgot the last thread cats


Wow, people actually voted for Zoe? Nice

No, I know about it, just died out, and I'm not cats for goodness sake.

Jenna is starting to age like shit though.

Only and best Who waifu

underrated waifu

That's not how you link threads

>lying on a spanish zoological blog.

Oh shit nigga, let me reset this poll, almost forgot about based liz.

Those dark wrinkly eye sacks.

Very interesting 'black' dialogue, cats. It's really convincing. KEK

Dubs confirm Matt Whelan will kill Adam Orford.

new poll, more waifus.

>tfw mongo is back and it's not just someone posting ironically

>implying you wouldn't lick every inch of her

We'll never get anyone as qt as Clara again

cats actually posted a link to that on his cats12mct twitter account, thereby confirming that cats was real.

what a moron.

Chinball'a first companion will be top QT

You wish. Adam will pummel him to death with his big meaty fists

Daily reminder The Master ≠ cats Just some light skinned kid.

>thereby confirming that cats was real.
Of course he's real.

She just looks tired. She's still cute.

>entire thread hijacked with waifufaggery

much better

We all know that mate which makes that rant about cats being someone's imagination the most retarded thing I've ever seen.
And he linked that rant to cats12mct. He's a nutcase.

>that rant about cats being someone's imagination

pot meet kettle

Oh shit we got a tie.

>He's a nutcase.
He says with a complete lack of irony.

Would S24 be improved by substituting Mel Gibson for Melanie Bush?

Cybermen still did nothing wrong

You sound angry, cloister. Are you ok?

Post good episodes that /who/ doesn't like.

>The Doctor's Wife

Best whofu coming through


Jim dandy! Thanks, bud.

>replying at all in any way means you are angry
Really integrated my matrices.

Hey cloister, it's been a while.

>now the fake conversations begin in desperation

Hello! Keep up the drawings, I enjoy them when they grace my TL. You should post the capaldi one sometime.

Who are you quoting?

I thought I did though. I'm not sure, I mean I could check.

Here? I hadn't seen it but on twitter.

His own diseased mind, please just ignore him for your own sake.

How does it make you guys feel, that you'll never be able to sniff her feet?

Anyone know where to download issues of DWM?

I'm honestly gonna update that pic some time.

W H Smiths

Amy best waifu and best era of the show.

>ywn put your cock in that tiny gap between her shoe and her foot

Oh Victoria... Why does no one love you?

You must have a thing for red heads. I just got a feeling.

>Not thinking Ace is best waifu
what is this shit.

Who is WORST who-fu?

She was okay, annoying at times, but Zoe is clearly the better pick. Smart, great chemistry with the doctor and Jamie, not incompetent. There's no way Victoria could compete.

She looks so fucking old now.


Rose hands down

s4 rose

I kinda do but not always, see below.



Clara easily. I'd quite like to fuck her but she's an insufferable bitch nonetheless.

You will be sued by Girly Lettersn

Sarah Jane

Romana 2


See you in court.

This is a blue board btw.

She's gonna hack my windows 10 :(((


But thanks for the nudes, lad.

Hey man, I don't think a little boobage is gonna hurt this thread, but don't get crazy with it guys.


Didn't someone make a imgur post of companion lewds during the key to time stream yesterday?

Suicidal some days.

Girly Letters will sue this thread.

Devil trips confirm.

Trips confirmed. Well. It was nice knowing you guys

Reminder that it's actually McGann is the basement.

time to hide in the basement with McGann folks.
It's been there for awhile dude

How have we reached 95 posts with zero content in under an hour? What are you all running from?

Andreas lawyers

dubs confirm