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Reposting here Because I want an answer.
I not saying that Only the Furry fandom has a Sexual Side to it, and I'm not dissing your fetish. Not here anyway. I'm Civilly asking a question here. I like to believe that you're all fine people IRL.... But why is it when I bring up the Fandoms Sexual Stigma, Furries get Semi-Defensive and Say "That's only a Small Part of the Fandom" When a Majority of the Art is Smut?
Stuff like
And maybe is Fine.
But that' Dwarfed in Comparison to all the Smut.
I'd Be a furfag if it wasn't so Sexual, as I've always had an interest in Anthropomorphs and Beast Races, but again it's all sexual.
tl:dr I think Furries bad name is their own fault and they won't admit it.
>pic unrelated
Apology for Spam, just want an answer.
I hate you fur fags making this threads, aren't there other boards for your faggetry? /aco, /h ?
And you don't even post God-tier juddy hoops
Bunch of fags I swear
Read the site rules, fur is only allowed on Sup Forums
What About Trash?
Why is
So perfect?
Like I said on the other thread, they just don’t want to believe and/or be exposed for the perverted degenerates they are
Same goes for fags; the only purpose of the pride parade is for voyeur fetishists to get off on being so outwardly open with how they fuck (and political brownie points)
Most fags don’t give a fuck and just move on with their lives
Bills don’t pay for themselves
Humans are lustful creatures by nature. Our entire base existence is to eat, sleep, and reproduce. When we're not eating or sleeping, the mind wanders to sex, and also, smut makes bank. People who produce quality smut have made tons of money in their field. People tend to eat that shit up, and that's attractive.
most furries are autistic fucks and the community is toxic. They deserve the reputation. I like both the smut and non smut stuff, i like the exoticness of them, you're never going to see me go to a convention or delude myself into thinking i'm anything other than a human
>they just don’t want to believe and/or be exposed for the perverted degenerates they are
>the only purpose of the pride parade is for voyeur fetishists to get off on being so outwardly open with how they fuck (and political brownie points)
>Humans are lustful creatures by nature. Our entire base existence is to eat, sleep, and reproduce. When we're not eating or sleeping, the mind wanders to sex, and also, smut makes bank. People who produce quality smut have made tons of money in their field. People tend to eat that shit up, and that's attractive.
>most furries are autistic fucks and the community is toxic. They deserve the reputation. I like both the smut and non smut stuff, i like the exoticness of them, you're never going to see me go to a convention or delude myself into thinking i'm anything other than a human
I suppose that Answers My Questions.
I actually Pity Some of the More Tame Members. Shit Dude.
I’m only into it because of games and shows from my childhood influencing me, because of characters I developed feelings for. Of course I like the smut but that’s no different from the guys on Sup Forums beating it to anime or the guys on Sup Forums beating it to vidya that isn’t fur
Like this user I am a human and not autistic enough to make a “fursona” or any of that gay shit. Just a guy who like the exotic look and more variety furries offer
>mfw lewd side of the fandom.
Im into it because of the nonstop fucking with IRL furry sluts
I'm morbidly Curious, what is it like?
lots of fur and panting. No bar tips. No alimony.
No kids dude. feels good man
Are you talking about female members of the fandom, or god forbid is pic related?
>"pic related"
or so he clams
My Curiosity is Replaced with Regret.
In what way is a guy getting fucked in the ass straight?
Just let it happen.
You a berserk Fag too?
No touch my anus pls
>female members of the fandom
no balls touching
>lots of fur and panting. No bar tips. No alimony.
>No kids dude. feels good man
you couldn't have phrased that worse.
Give me that ass.
wat dude
Depends on what you think about boats and getting off of them. Then symbolic fallacy of a three legged dog and a coffin doll in a dream?
The Way he phrased it left the Imagination to paint a... Morbid image.
Women don't have balls. That's a cop out.
B-but... no.
No no touch my no-no hole.
>three legged doge
Almost absolutely Symbolic of Guts
>coffin doll in a Dream
Cassca being a... "Plaything(?)" to griffith, or her frail mental state?
yeah dude for real, alimony is a hell of a drug.
So are some of these fur sluts ok people or are they as Bat shit insane as I've heard?
Ya you could call me a fan, that last page from a few months ago hurt and I can't wait to see how it goes from here on out
I'm a passive fan, like to keep upto date but not obsessively.
i mean what
Das gey
I've heard some Furry horror stories about really weird women at fur conventions and meet ups.
>sex between male and female
I feel about the same, I check to see if they have an update once a month. But I can't really say if I'm a to passive because I did end up buying the full hard cover box set of the manga awhile back
>putting things in a guy's butt
Yeah, pretty gey
nothing wrong with sex toys
i wouldnt know lol
What's it called when the female is human-like but still has an animal vagin?
Oh. Then unless you're behind these posts
I've been talking to the Wrong user.
No, of course not.
But men putting things in their butt is still ghey
I'm the same guy dude. Lol but sometimes I post anthro. I prefer 4 legs
this is why the woman is putting the things in the men's butt
But I thought You said You Fuck Fur sluts?
How Do you meet up?
>did someone say
>A L I M O N Y ?! ! !!!
by buying them but its a contract for life my dude.
Good luck with your search lmao. Wrap your shit lool.
It's still ghey >///
>life contract
...I..Is this Some Sex trafficking shit?
Also, What Search?
this is one hundred percent heterosexual activity
damn straight.
No dude... what? Your mind is going to some weird ass places.
I gota head to bed lol. Later dude
>...I..Is this Some Sex trafficking shit?
>Also, What Search?
This might help
Nice Feet...
Maybe it's my bias against furries, maybe my asperger syndrome... Idk, sorry man.
What might help?
See pic relatedAnd again so he says
Imagine not wanting your GF to punch your literal G-Spot
Are You Retarded?!?
...Am I retarded?!?
I don't Understand!