So the gf found out I'm a Trump supporter and totally lost it and she's going to fuck a nigger for "punishment...

So the gf found out I'm a Trump supporter and totally lost it and she's going to fuck a nigger for "punishment." I know this is Sup Forums so do your worst, but seriously do I have anything to be worried about? Pic related. It's off her phone.

Attached: her phone.jpg (320x240, 11K)

Man, you deserve better than that. Have some respect if this isn't a larp, you should leave her, there's always gonna be someone who will support your opinions and ideas, you're better than this.


No, you have nothing to worry about.

Attached: 162550B3-00D0-49FF-94A4-969F70F52B44.jpg (1100x732, 148K)

How long had you all been dating? How did she not know you supported the president before hand?

Regardless if this is real that's complete bullshit. You deserve better than that user. It's best to forget her. Go find a nice lay and forget about it.

But wait I thoughtt the Mueller Report didn't prove that was happening

Impregnate 5 bantus to show her a real lesson

Move on from the coal burner your life will be better for it.

Attached: 1574033275982.jpg (624x414, 274K)

You could always try for a Russian girl. They can "handle" their Trump supporters.

A woman should conform to her man. That she doubts you is a sign of trouble. She deserves the STDs she will no doubt catch

Yall niggas eating stale pasta

>a Russian girl

Attached: images[5].jpg (183x275, 8K)

Oh no it's just like 80% of this website

You seem like a tall and skinny white guy with glasses and acne. And a long, white t-shirt.

But what do I know?

Nah whites not my color and 6ft is only average. As for the acne depends on how frequently I shave right now it's bad cause I wont shave cause I hunt

Just imagine a world where people didnt eat stale ass pasta

Pics of your guns?

Separate property. Dont have room for a proper gun cabinet and dont want my kids finding them. Just a basic 30 30 a bow and a few shotguns for geese and ducks though nothing extravagant

Gotta say for a Trump supporter you're not exercising your NRA-given American right by not owning a high-capacity AR.

Not a trump supporter. Republican sure but not a trump supporter. If he wins the nominee and yang gets the demo. I'll probably vote for yang

Let's both say fuck Trump and move on, fellow American(?)

American. Kentuckian to be exact

This is the 7th image that comes up when you search "black dick selfie". Nice larp.

>having to use google to recognize stale pasta

Is this a fucking RP? So many threads like this are posted so often. Serious psy-ops shit. Lefties and niggers should all be lynched.

>if this isn't a larp,
It is.

Well, if there's anyone in a similar situation then I think they deserve to know that there's always someone better. Don't stay with someone just because you feel like you've fooled them into being with you, be great.

>Serious psy-ops shit
No. It's worse. Maybe it started as a psyop but it's now self-sustaining after it infected the populace. In other words, NPCs now create posts like this because... well who the fuck knows, but they do it anyway.

Well if there was ever something fake. Op is next level fag.

>mfw have a bigger dick
>uglier dick too
>phimosis so virgin
So close yet so far

why does the guy look white, but the dick looks burnd to a crisp?

Dude, if she can't handle you having a different opinion than her, you probably shouldn't be with her. Just enjoy the freedom of being single for a while and then get back in the game.

That's not a nigger dick, so you're good cuck.

Obviously you need to fuck a nigger first for superiority. Then dump her.