Can we get an ACTUAL trap thread going? None of that weird trans shit

Can we get an ACTUAL trap thread going? None of that weird trans shit.

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transvestites are traps and both are gross. Your father must be so proud to have a son as faggoty as you

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Trans are not traps. Traps are biological males with no external changes. Transvestites are the opposite.

I’m a faggot, now? Okay. What’s your point old man?

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transvestites and traps are both male. Youre jacking off to pictures of men.

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traps are just eggs, quit lying.

Problem? It’s me who’s jacking off to traps, not you.

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that look like a perfect butt

your faggotry is attracting the europeans

ok boomer

you are jacking off to pictures of mens assholes and dicks

and you know what, no one care, oh and also, you are wrong

homosexuality is a mental disorder

and you are retarded, to each is own

Hey, man. I just said it didn’t I? I’m jacking off to them. Not you. So why the butt hurt? You’re only in this thread If you enjoy what you’re seeing. Why’re you still here?

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You’re all gay so I don’t see what the big deal is.

i'm not. But all trannys and gays are. You can defend the aberrant behavior all you want but at the end of the day your just lying about being mentally defective.

these are men who are sick and will eventually kill themselves. They need help not some kids jacking off

Do traps take HRT?

Cool beans.

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quit replying to him nigger

because your faggotry is attracting other mentally defective trash.

most will take a bullet later in life

nope mate, you are definitely retarded, it's useless to fight your own nature

Would unload my but inside

Nope. Actual traps take no hrt whatsoever.

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your jacking off to pictures of men. my nature is perfectly normal compared to yours.

you could all take this thread to a board where it belongs like /lgbt/ but you want the attention

Nobody cares

this is a blind man attempting to lead the blind

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90% of the people saying trap for trans are trans themself and most trans don't care so you point is?

if you actually cared you'd prevent these men from doing this to themselves. You'd work to prevent the inevitable suicide. You'd work with whatever issues are forcing them down this horrible direction where only mutilation and suicide lay. Just so you can jack off to them

Not a slur. Deal with it.

Nah. That's gay.

I’m just going to give up on this thread. I just wanted to post and share trap images.


why don't you faggots post this shit in /lgbt/?

>and most trans don't care
Lie more, Im in deep with that online trans sphere and 99% hate the term. Most big trans youtubers also and have pumped out videos on it.

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thats right user. brush it off. ignore the fact that the human being in those pictures is going to off themselves for your entertainment.

mate, the more you talk, the more you seem like a retarded nigga, just leave the fucking thread instead of trying to make your 2 brain cells work

A trap just means you pass as female
With or without hormones
If you take hormones to pass you're still a trap because "you pass"
Quit this newfag revisionism

That makes it hotter tbh

I'm trans and I don't give a shit, every one of my trans friends doesn't give a shit

its too hard to pretend that what your jacking off to is another person isn't it? some other dude who probably has to shave like you. Who's father probably expected him to be a strong father figure and would bless him with grand kids or at the very least grow into the young version of himself.

anyones father would understand some normal porn but this user? youre staring at men for sexual gratification

because we all know that the crazy blue hair witch of twitter represent all trans, oh wait? that's not true, and you can try the argument that you know them, 2 of my best friends are trans so i can say the same thing, you are just a moron that can't help but try to ruin the fun of other because you have a shitty life, get yourself together brah

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I hope you remember how much your trans "friends" genuinely didn't give a shit about you when you off yourself.

Will do

You're literally the minority, I wont disagree that some dont think it's a slur but the majority do and that's generally what matters most. The few that dont are to expected to lurk this site, but outside of here? Most share my view.

thanks for proving what i was saying to that guy

its easy to pretend. but you can't lie to yourself. you were born a man and you'll die a parody of one. your "friends" will only be saddened by the fact that their disease now leaves them without another creature to commiserate with. Not true camaraderie just a sick joke that keeps perpetuating itself. self mutilated figures mutually licking each others wounds. too afraid to face the world as you are you cover yourself in gore and lie.

Hell yeah

the majority doesn't just because you know some retard of twitter, doesn't mean you know all of them, most trans hate them and hate the trans youtuber

The 1٪ bitching about stuff nobody cares about once again

The biggest trap related videos on youtube with several million views are anti-trap. Quit being so dishonest.

Even if something is a slur you don't have to be offended by it. Find me a white person who's offended by honky

Sticks and stones. Ntm your anecdotal evidence is also just wrong. A vocal minority within the trans community arbitrarily decided trap is a slur. And then also take offense to it when it's used to explicitly not refer to trans people like in this thread for example. It's clear self sabotage and you can't expect sympathy for it.

Yeah see I don't think that's true
I've only ever come across this crap online, never irl
And it's always the non passing hons that couldn't trap a wet paper bag that screech about it the loudest too
But whatever I don't care enough to prove you wrong
You do that yourself when you speak
Yes yes yes blah blah blah same old same old boring junk
Its gotten so silly it's almost becoming entertaining

Holy man pussy, Batman!

having a lot of view prove what exactly? oh yeah nothing, you are just a sjw piece of shit that try once again to act as a savior

i bet it is. but we'll see how entertaining it is when your at the end of your rope both figuratively and mentally. You could unfuck the damage youve done to your body while youre young but reason isn't something we have when we are.

you could make today the day you stop pretending to be a golem. You could stop yourself from ending up like this man

that the video was massively shared and had a huge positive reaction? most people agreed with the contents. Cope more.

that's a sick burn

They can't have it both ways either to boot
If you don't want trap associated with trans people then
Hint hint, people just think of it as a gay guy fetish now anyway and they hate trans girls because they look too much like a girl and that ruins their boner


You realise a video or the amount of views it has means nothing?
Even if a part of the trans community considers trap a slur guess what bigger community doesn't? Why do you even want it to be a slur so badly?

Becuase they need something to be professionally offended over

i gonna answer that for him, he want a reason to be offended and say he is a good guy

Same fucking thing

Compare the like/dislike ratios to the pro trap videos then.

remember brushing it off user. remember that someone out in the middle of nowhere gave a shit enough to speak to you as a human being. You are destroying yourself for the entertainment of others. Find your center before it ends you. Because all these "friends" and "allies" that do nothing but lie to you won't be there at the end of the day.

Sure feels like it. Luckily were talking about a stupidly small amount of people within an already small group of people in the trans community.

Hell, most trans people I known are laid back af, they just wanna do their thing.



Wrong, it's more like you have so many terms that arent tainted like trap is but you're just overly stubborn about holding onto a dumb term.

you are really retarded, nobody care about those vid except sjw who raid every vid to ratio it, but yeah keep being a white knight buddy, maybe one day she will love you back

I would suck that.

I have to sort out the evidence AGAINST my side of the argument myself? If that's the case the other side doesn't even care to be right.

Let's have big tabacco study the harmfulness of cigarettes while we're at it.

Except no, I just don't care about a word
Sticks and stones user
Words will only hurt you if you are weak and let them hurt you
Be stronger than that
All the trans detractors want you to get upset over a simple word
It makes their argument more valid
You could just not let them win but oh well you do you
Caring so heavily on the opinion of others will only lead to sadness

yeah that's what my trans friends said, nobody care, most of the one that got problems are the one that live only throught their gender/sexuality (wonder why)

10/10 would have them sit on my lap.

Can you all just shut up and post more traps?
Also if you get offended by "trap", just become part of them and kys

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would let suck cock.

Because they've fetishises it
Also known as agp
They tend to live that neet life too because "society doesn't accept me waaaaahhhhh"

or post this shit in /lgbt/ where it would be welcomed

You'd get banned numpty
No nsfw content allowed on blue boards

just say twink thread

Nobody cares if trannies get killed, we're her to coom

if you faggots do it enough you'll just force gookmoot to change it to a NSFW board

make sense, they always scream about being rejected and when it really happen, they cry even more, sweet irony

>ACTUAL trap thread
>literally no face posted in the entire thread

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this is probably the truest statement said without knowing

Because OP doesn't know what trap means my man

All the pro trap videos are full of comments against it, you go to any of the anti-trap ones and nothing but agreement. Just come to terms that most people arent fond of it already. You trying to make out most people are for it just makes this more mind numbing.

ITT: guys jacking off to men pretending they aren't flaming gay

My dad loves both me and my trap BF

Ur a cuck if you'd hate your son over something so trivial

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I'll be honest
I find it very amusing when it happens
I know horrible of me but gosh it tickles me pink when they get a real dose of reality