NASA is total BS Sup Forums

NASA is total BS Sup Forums

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>men on the moon

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This thread:
>Let's all play retarded! It's so much fun!
Kids. Gotta love 'em.


Anyone who doubts that NASA is an organization of liars and frauds, I ask you only to look at this video of the Apollo 17 moon take off and ask yourself “does this look legitimate?” (go to 2:45 for the launch)

Aerospace engineer here. Looks perfectly legitimate. What about it doesn't to you?

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the fact that it looks retarded

we need giant ass rockets with giant tanks of fuel to lift it off earth but on the moon we can throw some firecrackers under it and it will lift off? (>inb4 the moon has a 1/4th of the gravity) It doesn’t matter, it’d still take at least a big ass tank or two, not what was shown.

It’s a joke, that and the press conference when they got back from Apollo 11 tells all. We supposedly went to the moon with a TI-84’s processing power in 1969 but we can’t go back regularly in 2019? Bullshit, NASA embezzles money from the US gov, it’s as simple as that

So I hope by now you've figured you're talking to kids having fun.

>the fact that it looks retarded

And pictures with no caption but implying the rockets are coming back down.

It's the nextgen flat Earth.

why would they lug an extra camera up there just to get a picture of themselves taking off? And leave it behind. Was it that roomy inside the craft for cargo?

Also I rewatched the video and the fucking thing was wobbling and self correcting on the way up. Holy Shit. How can anyone be stupid enough to believe this is not a hoax? This 9/11 believing or holocaust believing levels of stupid.

I swear, NASA could fuck you up the ass and tell you you are getting a prostate exam and you stupid fucks would just defend them to us

anyone who believes we actually went to the moon is a retard. plain and simple. You’d have to be a child to watch the Apollo 17 take off and think it is legitimate.

Do you watch marvel movies and think Iron Man is really flying too faggot?

Sure kid.
Go have some chocolate and break out.


enjoy NASA’s lies

Your humor is like farts - only you can enjoy them.
Enjoy your own.

I liked the moon buggy I never saw them put together. Did it run on batteries? I doubt they took gas with them. Surprised electric cars didn't catch on sooner.

lol you guys actually think the moon actually exists? adorable

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I love how flat earthism started as a joke on facebook and here, and retards thought it was real. Lol.

Lol oh sweet child.

How young you must be, if not in body then in mind.

Based Rammstein poster

>put together
You mean their manufactrure? Just Google "building the lunar rover"

Yes, batteries. IC engines would also require oxygen, and gasoline is dangerous.

It hardly "started" here. Sup Forums doesn't deserve so much credit.

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Why are you trying to engage them intellectually? It's pretty obvious they abandoned that.

When I say started, I mean "serious" modern consideration.

You made me look it up. Cool!

Fair 'nuff.

This is really cool thanks for the history

Nah it's cool. Clarification of terms is important.

There's always hope that someone might actually want to learn. (I hear your laughter)

Life as a whole is bullshit. What's your point?

This is a marvel of space engineering and only highlights you have no idea how to interpret what you see. Enjoy being below the bell curve. I doubt you even know what that means.

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If your goal is to teach, Sup Forums may not be the right place.

I guess there's always hope for lurkers, though.

it always stuns me that retards try to use the "if it was a hoax, wouldn't russia try to call it out?" argument.

if we made a video of our legendary "charles atlas" lifting a 100-story building with one hand and it looked sort of real, who would lower their dignity to even argue it?

in the 90s television special that starred the guy from "star trek: the next generation" who played "number one", they had a clip of a supposed russian "cosmonaut" who gave a blurb that "of course they knew that nothing could get through the van allen belts". the van allen belts are seven layers of million volt electricity. the space station is right next to earth, nowhere near them. the only supposed "life" that made it through them was sent to the moon by japan and they were plants that seemed to survive but immediately showed they were dying; hence, dead by the time they got there. plants move slow.

"It's just a joke" is not a defense of promoting idiocy.

If you're using a smart phone in your life at all, you're a total retard for saying this.

I agree, but still bait

...? Did you have an aneurysm while writing that?

Lmao, what a retard. Stick to waifus and collecting figurines.

You are a fucking moron. Please kill yourself you useless waste of carbon. We went to the moon, deal with it you fucking piece of shit.

I meant the astronauts putting it together, maybe I missed it. I don't remember how they fit such an item inside or on the lander either, I just remember them driving it.

Dunno... seems like it's needed here more than most any other place.

>who played
There's your sign that you're an idiot.

Not because you're too stupid to even imagine they went to the moon that they necessarily didn't went to the moon. Stop seeing the world like a tiny box not going further than your mouth breather brain.

The problem is there's still a fallout of people who will look at this (mostly kids) and think there's something actually legitimate there. If it goes uncontested it's basically making future generations dumber.

maybe (probably) the OP that's been posting all this nonsensical almost-ideas is doing it in bad faith, it still merits a response to abate the retardation it causes. That's the true power of this shit, not me and the one or two other posters "being caught" by the bait.

Look up the rodent on Mars and tell me that's a rock.

I agree it's needed, but I don't think people are here to engage intellectually, especially the soft-brained children who promote and primarily consume this. I'm asserting they respond much more effectively to ridicule.

Wikipedia is a good source.
"Astronaut deployment of the LRV from the LM's open Quadrant 1 bay was achieved with a system of pulleys and braked reels using ropes and cloth tapes. The rover was folded and stored in the bay with the underside of the chassis facing out. " etc.

I agree with you, I just believe it has more of an impact on a platform such as YouTube than Sup Forums. There are tons and tons of space deniers and flat earthers on YouTube (which let's not forget has a very large children demographic).

I'm not saying you're wrong in doing so, I totally agree with you. I just think it'd be cool if that was brought also on the main platform for these retards.

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Meh. I've got time. And I know what I'm talking about, so it's not like I'm delivering hurr-durr or wasting time looking everything up.

I dunno. When I was a kid on Sup Forums over a decade ago I remember having a sort of reverence for this place. Things seem much more... clear? When you're a kid? I mean it's probably just ignorance and a lack of experience, but there's no denying that this place has a sort of biblical authority to those who aren't terribly critical.

Why do I still come here, asks no one. I dunno. Probably the same reason why some agnostics/atheists still go to church.

And it's true that I'm only basing that assertion off of conjecture. I don't have any research to point to that would help show that to be the case. You may be right in your approach.

there was not enough space in the return craft to take it home
it would have been useless back here
it was used for a publicity stunt to have the people back the expeditions

It works, though
We left a mirror on he moon, you can shine a laser into it to measure the speed of light, if you want to

Also we have robots and satellites scattered throughout the solar system, and we can still contact some of them. Is that not impressive?

the russians left mirrors on the moon without landing men.

i know exile russians that deny moon landing saying the russians backed it because usa paid them stuff to shut the fuck up
so there are not even like million american workers that are into this hoax, it's a million communists, too

earth is penis shaped i guess

But... You can see artifacts from our landings with a decent telescope. Or are telescopes black magic and lies also?

Easy thought experient to realize that NASA skeptics are morons
>play KSP
>get good enough to plan an interplanetary rondesvous
>Then realize that KSP is for babies because the planets are scaled to 1/10th size to make orbits easier, and all your delta allowances for planning stages are at least twice as restrictive.
Easy, right...?

There is also a working apollo 11 computer still kicking around, it is basic but it worked. It weighed about 70 lbs and all the ram and memory was copper wire. You really don't need a lot of processing power just to manage a few systems.

Yeah, it least when it comes to "man-made global warming" The emails between NASA and The IPCC proves the whole scam

Large rockets also make sense if any if you took simple introductory college physics, i mean Jesus Christ

I love the 4chins. The whole system of logic behind flat Earth and "NASA is lying to us"...

Plants move slow.

>You can see artifacts from our landings with a decent telescope
But the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has imaged the stuff left behind and the rover tracks.
But I get it - the LRO is fake too. Ha ha.. You're such a clever little kid.

Lol, it is pretty good, isn't it? It's not unlike listening to a crazed preacher on a street corner. You know, the drunk one who was sexually abused for his whole life, almost made it with a family and kids before some major fuck-up and then had to seek redemption by shouting to strangers passing by? That's the effect.

It was inflatable. It took up very little space in a small broom closet when it was all folded up during the flight. How did this work you ask? Well the pressure on the moon is so low that it only took two good puffs of air from one of the astronauts to inflate it. Two puffs isn't too long to have your helmet open so it all works out. The real question is why was there a broom closet on a space capsule in microgravity where dust mostly floats. Some things will just remain a mystery...

But I enjoy my tiny mouth breathing box. It's a major improvement over my older less efficient and heavier mouth breathing box.

Broom closet for broom closet purpose

Being retarded wasn't enough? You had to show it to everyone?