What conspiracy theory do you believe in

What conspiracy theory do you believe in

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Epstein didn't do 9/11.

True love is possible

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The proven ones.

they're not conspiracy theories if they're true

Epstein was the PizzaGate Mater Mind along with Billy Clinton. Thry controled the underground Chesse Pizza market.

We are already in Mars with a colony.

That assmonkey didnt kill JFK.

911 happened and it was the Goat fuckers.

Operation High Jump was a secret mission to kill Hitler in Antarctica after WW2. Seriously, it was

>911 happened and it was the Goat fuckers.
That's the official story

Protip: 911 didnt happen

Operation Mermaid was a concerted effort of L Ron and his followers to infiltrate high levels of government and media and destroy/alter criticisms of Scientology

Tell that to the people that were there moron

Chiquita banana is only powerful because of cia backing and us support in instilling corrupt regimes that serve global export business at the price of the blood of the people

Name one of them

The Salem witch trials were a cover for eliminating women that had genetics for passing on traits that could eventually overthrow our extra terrestrial masters.

WW1 started because of a literal conspiracy.

Anything deep sea related. Also WOW! signal being contact


The Spanish did not blow up the USS Maine.

You dangerous fool

Fake article, everyone knows that wikipedia can be edited.

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A couple:
>water making people diabetic
>mountains were trees
>schnell online
>Iraqi giants
>Michelle Obama is a man
>the world ended in 2012
>moon is alive
>YouTube monkey torture

Lol u wild

Yeahh..Elon Musky..you was all time..

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Nintendo had Gunpei Yokoi killed as punishment for the failure of the Virtual Boy.

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Am I the only one that hates this faggot?

Our towns officials have been lining their pockets with oil money.

All women are just dudes with tiny dicks and a permanent wound inflicted by God cause they were sinful in their previous life

Mandela effect! I’m sure we’ve all known about it kinda makes you think!

Circumsion is sexual lobotomy.

The US has released at least 3 separate biological agents on an unwitting public for no other reason than to see what would happen

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Gypsy's are poisoning the water supply

What are they?

Sup Forums is 70% cops on there freetime


Starting in the 50's to test microbe spread amongst a clueless public. They've since shut down (quote unquote) tests on its own citizens, but there have been other incidents, plus fatalities

I mean do you know the specific biological agents? Or just that they spread them?

They did that in SF in the 50's. That's why everyone there now is a ratarded communist faggot.

No Jesus fucking Christ I don't know the exact chemical formula for the death spores they released you did I just know that there's enough goddamn evidence that people in fucking government or at least funded by government are pulling Rick and Morty shit on the populace just to get results. Shit

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning

Is it even a conspiracy if fuckdamn wiki is covering it under unethical human experimentation? I'm just pissy that this isn't common knowledge or covered in goddamn history class

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not really sure if it is "conspiracy" but mandela effects are a real thing

>believe in
L0Lno fgt pls

Proof? Would seem like it was a good use of excess degrading equipment.

Big fan of LSD here. For some reason when i was a kid i always had a fascination in the substance and would spend endless hours in my teenage years googling and looking at every piece of infomation to find out more about the substance. I'm sorry i can't source the artticle but this substance alone was administered to the american public waaaaaay more than 3 times.just to see what would happen.

What, nigger? Reread what you’ve written. Now I’ll help you grasp it.

Conspiracy = a crime with more than one perpetrator in on it.

Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Even if it ends up being false, it was still a “conspiracy” theory if it had been imagined to involve multiple criminals.

The American Diabetes association does not want to cure Diabetes. Insulin is often prescribed which is not a cure, but allows the patient to remain on their Godawful diet. Have you seen a 55 year old mother of 3's Come to Jesus relief when she is told she can still eat McDonald's after her diagnosis? It's sad. There are many cases of Type 2 Diabetes being reversed by outing carbohydrates but many officials don't seem keen on sharing this information.

The Food Industry has sickening levels of power and influence and uses it insidiously. Sugar is in everything and is addictive to many. Processed carbage junk food is cheap and available while truly convenient affordable health food is hard to come by. This is of course intentional as keeping a population fat, sick, and miserable will further increase their profits. Oh, also Statins which help a very small minority of patients are prescribed like wildfire and cause erectile dysfunction. The Statin manufacturer also sells ED pills.
The American Diabetes association does not want to cure Diabetes. Food companies want us sick fat and miserable so we keep buying their products. Despite the numerous success stories of people reversing their type 2 Diabetes, they continue to recommend a high carbohydrate diet.

It's astounding how little self control the average person has over their diet. A lot of it comes down to sugar being in everything and a lack of truly convenient healthy food. This is of course intentional. It's seriously hard to quit an unhealthy diet and the previous point really adds to that.

Type 2 diabetics are prescribed Insulin which is not a cure and told they can still eat McDonald's to the utter life saving relief of the patient. Realizing how much we're being manipulated is work that the average American would rather not do. Billion dollar corporations have way more control over life than most people realize and chose not to think about as dealing with that realization is more pain.

This is true though, same with dole. They’re just the remains of the banana republics.

I watched the 2nd tower get hit from the NJ side of the Hudson. Yes, it was real.

What the fuck does “mountains were trees” mean.

I unironically believe that Israel/Mossad was involved or responsible for 9/11.

There is no Flat Earth Movement and there are no Flat Earthers. It's all an elaborate troll created by Jews to fuck with the normies.

Companies and the government have their finger on the pulse of internet culture, even Sup Forums. Memes are often made to influence public opinion or as subtle advertising. They act ignorant and inept, but it's all an act so that we don't kick back against the manipulation.

There's a lot wrong with this but I'll just mention the obvious one: why did they kill men too?

The US government has built or has been building a more top than top secret aircraft, possibly the Aurora project, which is responsible for the majority of UFO sightings.
And that there no less two groups of global elites fighting for world domination rather than a unified one.

The us government is continuing experiments similar to MK ultra and other fucked up shit in that vein

mountains are dead, petrified giant trees.

if earth is millions of years old, why are our biggest trees just a few hundred years old?

Main problem with this is if you are brought up with processed foods your body becomes used to them. When you eat for example a sugary creamy snack your body has to do little to prepare the food. Whereas if you eat broccoli there are multiple different steps that occur to ensure that it is prepared properly before entering the intestines where the substance will be absorbed. It basically makes your body unable to identify it as food and you can see these on this fat channels on TV where fat people cant eat a salad. Companies then put colours, characters and flashy adverts in hopes of targeting kids. Hoping this will happen so they can make sheckles. It's the same thing the tobacco companies did but on a much larger scale. Also the reason behind using this product is simply because it isn't as perishable and can be transported at lower cost.

I bet that was fucking awesome to see

Nah bro there's quite a few trees that make it over 1000 years old. Oldest known single tree nearly hit 5000 years old but some trees that grew from an older tree's root system have been going for a few thousand years.

Honestly I'd love to see a fictional setting based on this idea

The President of the United States was brought down and disgraced because 5 people couldn't keep their mouth shut.

Any secret conspiracy that requires more than 4 people's silence to work I do not believe.

>The President of the United States was brought down and disgraced because 5 people couldn't keep their mouth shut.

You actually believe Watergate happened and wasn't an elaborate democrat hoax? You must be in a comfy sleep.