I'm not a fan of Trump. I think he's an idiot. But I see post after post about "any day now he'll be impeached"...

I'm not a fan of Trump. I think he's an idiot. But I see post after post about "any day now he'll be impeached". How can anyone seriously believe that after 3 years of saying the same thing? Or is it just to troll conservatives?

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He won’t get kicked out just for headlines the Russians have trained him well!

If you honestly think that more than 15 Democrats are going to vote against impeachment after everything that's transpired, you're legitimately delusional.

He probably won't be removed, but impeachment is practically a guarantee.

Impeachment hearings continue tomorrow.

Or have you been under a rock?

It's laughable. I'm not a fan if the guy either but I'm sick of the same voices saying the same stuff against him every single day. It's boring and makes them lose any credibility.

trolling republicans. trump's no great prize for conservatives. he's simply better than the alternative.

no sane person wants to give up all their potential just for the sake of making rich people poor.

It is Trump Derangement Syndrome. The liberals are being radicalized into Leftists and they don't even realize.

Observe as magatards larp as reasonable human beings.

just because somebody votes for trump doesn't mean they're a magatard. if you weren't so histrionic about everything you see, you might have a chance at success. at something. at some point in your life.

They can't even pretend

>I'm no fan of Trump
Ok, so far so good...
>but this is just Fake News hysteria
Oh nvm you're retarded

Impeachment is the process and. It the result. He’s already being impeached. Republicans will unanimously vote for his innocence regardless of the evidence presented in the trial phase of the process. Trump will not be removed from office. He is being impeached.

>impeachment is practically a guarantee.

Umm.. you do realize that for that to happen it has to pass the Senate right?

Oi Vey! Trump will finally be done in by this new scandal we manufactured. All the other ones didnt work!
>2 scoops
>muh russia
>muh collusion
>muh raped 1488 women in one day
>muh disenfranchised 6 gorillion voters

Yeah.. this is one the one goys! Its for realz this time!

>Just because somebody votes for Trump doesn't mean they're a magatard
If you're still defending him in anyway, you're a moron. I'm sorry, but there are no 2 ways around it, magatard.

>Umm.. you do realize that for that to happen it has to pass the Senate right?
No, you fuckin retard. The House votes on impeachment and the Senate votes on whether or not to remove him from office

>Oi Vey! Trump will finally be done in by this new scandal we manufactured. All the other ones didnt work!
Different things are different. I know, it's a tough concept.

what are you fighting for? to get honkyhontas elected? you think that's gonna turn your life around?

what a special person you are to devote so much energy to... well, nothing in particular.

>being radicalized into leftist
lol they're supposed to be leftists

It is accurate to say he is being impeached currently.

Whether or not the articles of impeachment will be upheld by a republican senate largely depends on polls and demographics. It turns out 70% of republicans who consider themselves "following the impeach closely" support removing trump from office. The problem is this is an extremely small portion of republicans.

I wasn't old enough to vote in 2016. Even I was registered I wouldn't have voted for him. Despite that ill call out the fact for the last 3 years there's been endless stories and rumors about him. Still waiting for something that they can pin on him. I'm starting to think there's nothing there and may never be

Who the fuck knows at this point

Trump admitted to bribery and extortion in all but name.

Watch the impeachment hearings, it's obvious you haven't.

Why are you devoting so much energy to a flaking, balding orange?

>I wasn't old enough to vote in 2016
It shows. But hey, at least you have an excuse.

Impeachment is easy. It literally mean indictment. He will be impeached. Convicted is a stretch since they need at least another 17 Republicans to vote yes

what energy am i devoting? i'm voting. it doesn't take that long.

i don't like wasteful wars. i don't like illegal immigrants. the people you support do. russian bots don't bother me, nor do they affect my voting position on these issues.

Not true. Different things. One is an ideology, like a religion

>what are you fighting for?
Ask yourself the same question. Ask yourself why you choose to defend a childish, narcissistic megalomaniac whose policies you (probably) haven't benefitted from.

i never said he was perfect. i said he was better than the alternative.

we don't live in an ideal world, we live in a world of choices. often the choice is between bad and worse. this is one of those situations.

>I don't like wasteful wars
Many of the Democratic candidates share your concern.

>I don't like illegal immigrants
The fact that this is so high on your list of concerns tells me you're pretty damn ignorant.

>Russian bots don't bother me
Are you suggesting this is a reason to vote for either side, or are you just being bratty?

Wrong. If it were true the evidence would have come out long ago. Just stop dude. Your TDS clouds your impartial observation. You have been indoctrinated so hard into hating the orange man, you can't see that the democrats are using this as a smokescreen to subvert a duly elected sitting president. You are so hung up on Trump, you let career politicans commit a coup, right in front of your face, to try and take power.

I'm not even a Trump fan, and I can see that he was a symptom of the disease, and that disease is that people were sick and tired of life long politicans and unelected officials subverting the constitution for their own ends. They are SCREWING YOU, chipping away at the bill of rights and making you into a soulless, placated, docile, slug. Giving them your taxes so they can fuck you. This isn't about fucking Trump. This is about your very future.

You may not like the form of the messenger, but Trump, for all his bullshit, is trying to expose the DECADES long corruption. Can't you see it? This shouldn't be a god damned republican/democrat thing. This should be an American vs. Globalist/corporate battle. A battle you are LOSING because you can't get past the surface dog and pony show. Holy fuck. What is wrong with you people?

>I said he was better than the alternative
I realize you're ignorant and misguided. You don't have to convince me.

It's amazing how you make up things in your mind.

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>its easier for me to believe in a deep state conspiracy than to understand that Trump is a career criminal
ok boomer

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That's not really true.
"Leftist" in contemporary political vernacular means "far left" and Liberal still means a left leaning normal fucking person. The media pretend that it's the majority of us living out in the extremes of the political spectrum when in actuality the vast majority of Americans are too busy working and watching TV to worry that much about politics. When the gasoline gets too expensive too quickly then they start mewling too loudly and something has to be done.
Most people aren't Nazis and most people aren't Communists either. A blend of conservative and liberal is the best way to run this country anyway. They're just trying to keep everyone confused and arguing so we won't notice how bad were getting fucked.

>I don't like illegal immigrants

IF you don't think that isn an important concern, you are blind. Who's gonna pay for all those immigrants who won't be required to go through the process and become tax paying citizens themselves? Do you think the economy will magically just absorb all that burden? This isn't about race, it's about fucking money. They are murdering the middle class so they have stupid, low wage slaves. Why are you people so dumb? Why can't you see how trhis is playing out? All over the western world they are killing middle class people so the top elites can suck them dry, and leave behind a stupid, poor, powerless low class of cheap labor. You are committing suicide if you vote for anyone who suports that shit. Fuck sake.

Hey retard, the house votes on impeachment and the senate votes on removing him from office.

It's almost a guarantee he gets impeached just because of party politics and the vote to remove him spectacularly fails.

B b but George Soros Clinton Body Count Pizzagate tho

Also fake news and Obama

Not an argument. Try again.

Truly leftist policies have never been tried in the USA. How we didn't end up Axis in WW2 with our national values honestly blows the mind on a lot of levels.

"still waiting for something they can pin on him"

Lmao imagine wanting your own President to fuck up just because you don't like him, you Amerifags are retarded

>expecting honest political discourse on Sup Forums

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Yeah he admitted it, according to a guy who heard from a friend who overheard someone talking about someone who was there

>Or is it just to troll conservatives?
No. Are you new to this?
It's conservatives making fun of liberals for still thinking that there will ever be a consequence for his actions.

>"any day now he'll be impeached"
I guarantee he'll be impeached.
He just won't be convicted in the Senate,
and if you're going to make threads like this,
your dumb ass better learn the difference.

>if you don't think that isn an important concern, you are blind
I never said it wasn't a concern. I'll admit that most Dems have been far too soft on this issue, but it's not even in my top 10 list of concerns.

Also, it's worth noting that deportations skyrocketed under Obama. Not all liberals are AOC.

>expecting the average Sup Forumstard to understand the difference between impeachment and conviction of a crime

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>I'm sick of the same voices saying the same stuff against him every single day
In fairness, he is a criminal using the powers of his office to enrich himself and carry out Putin's agenda every single day, so the people who bring this up aren't wrong, even if you're sick of hearing about it.
Frankly, we're sick of people who don't give a shit. Hey, if you've given up on life, just go crawl in a hole. The rest of us are trying to keep a democracy here.

>Umm.. you do realize that for [Impeachment] to happen it has to pass the Senate right?

Well, now we know how the retard crowd sees this.

Isn't it amazing how the Russians have time to infiltrate and determine every election, be controlling every world leader and be funding every single war currently going on?

It's almost as if it's bullshit.

It's obviously just to troll. Just like most of what Sup Forums is - just to fuck with the "other side," whatever that happens to be at the time.

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Isn't it amazing how influence and control are different things, and that Russia has a large amount of influence over Trump?


>conviction of a crime
Even you don't understand this.
Conviction in the senate is not conviction of a crime. The impeachment trial is a political, not criminal process.
That's why any Trumpkin supporters who say shit like "he gets to face his accuser" are just dumbfucks who are drinking the Fox News koolaid.

It's just bait to rile people up. It's the same with the ones that post "still your president" or the Hillary ones that say"she should have been president"

Sage and move on.

>Isn't it amazing how the Russians have time to infiltrate and determine every election

Appeal to Extremes
Description: Erroneously attempting to make a reasonable argument into an absurd one, by taking the argument to the extremes.

Maybe it's time for you to sit this one out, Poindexter. Go watch some Youtube videos or study for civics tomorrow or something.

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Impeachment is the vote to start a formal trial

This is done in the house

The Senate holds the trial and likely won't convict

This is why Clinton was impeached but not removed

Not really an extreme though is it? Every election in the world where a left wing party doesn't win = Russian Influence
A right wing leader does something right wing = Puppet of Putin

When you keep saying the same shit in every situation, it loses all meaning and most people are realising it's all BS. You'll see the results of that in a months time in the UK, and this time next year in the US.

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>not knowing that most of the impeachment threads are done by poltard to cause exactly this feeling.
OP is not only a faggot, but a dumb one as well.

Yes, thanks for edifying me on some shit I already knew.

I doubt that rabid leftists screaming to impeach Trump are referring to the actual act of impeachment. Rather, they want him removed from office.

It's a technicality. Colloquially impeachment references the whole shebang.

>It's amazing how you make up things in your mind.

>Reporter: What you've just described is a quid pro quo.
>Trump's chief of staff: We do that all the time.

You Trumpkins are right. The impeachment is just a show,
because all the evidence is out in the public record.

>70% of Americans say Trump’s actions tied to Ukraine were wrong: POLL
>A slim majority of Americans, 51%, believe Trump’s actions were both wrong and he should be impeached and removed from office.

Now we know how many people in the USA are retarded Fox News watchers: 30%.

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>Every election in the world where a left wing party doesn't win = Russian Influence

No, every election in the world where there's credible evidence of Russian interference = Russian Influence.

>A right wing leader does something right wing = Puppet of Putin

No, a leader, left or right, who was helped by Russian interference in winning an election, and who consistently sings Putin's praises and takes part in foreign policy decisions that exclusively benefit Russia = almost certainly under Putin's influence.

Great graphic there, so much truth.

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>and most people are realising it's all BS
>70% of Americans say Trump’s actions tied to Ukraine were wrong: POLL

Another flaw of Trumpkins - they're not very good at math.

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obvious shill is obvious. Go home dude, whatever Soros is paying you I'll double it, just so you shut up. You aren't convincing anyone.

I fucking disagree. Not a lot of shit gets to me these days, but this argument against the president is what truly makes my brain scream. it is crucial to back up your argument with better evidence than that. Who do you think you are?

Now lets warch how many strawmaning answers and insults this post gets.

Not a shill, just someone who has seen a bullshit misrepresentation of what other people are saying, and is calling it out.

Which poll? What was the sample? Where was it taken? Polls don't mean shit, most are made up shit. You are a moron.

Already got one calling me a shill, lmao.


>who consistently sings Putin's praises and takes part in foreign policy decisions that exclusively benefit Russia

Nancy Pelosi: All roads with you lead to Putin.
Trump's General: (Oh my God she's right, what have I done with my life?)

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Gotta flex those thinker muscles. Smooth brain bad, many fold brain good.

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You've seen what your handlers have shown you. But it doesn't matter. I can't wait until this social cold war goes hot. We can end it once and for all.

Either way he gets to pardon war criminals and prosecute whistle blowers that expose war criminals.
Just saying.

... because they paid attention during the 2 impeachment hearings that went so far up Trump's ass that shit came out his nipples.

Only 6 more coming this week from other career government officials that witnessed his treason.

... nothing to see here.

There should be a bullshit bingo for this kind of shit, would give you something to do on the side and laugh about while younare dealing with this kind of retards.

It doesn't happen often, but Pelosi out-Trumped Trump by making that picture her profile banner after he posted it.

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>Which poll?
The one quoted in the link, retard.
Trumpkin reading comprehension: 0%.
Jesus christ you lot are fucking dumb.

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>me throw insult, that show him!

Weak and bluepilled. Bring stronger game :)


And threaten to kill whistleblowers

In the past, you'd have a point. It was pure coping/self delusion before. But there are actual preliminary impeachment hearings going on, and they have been for a few days. The contents of which are pretty fucking clear. So now you are the one coping/denying reality.

I still don't think he's getting removed, but yes he sure as hell is getting impeached. Cope harder.

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>Or is it just to troll conservatives?
Its conservatives mocking liberals. They're setting up a strawnman liberal for the other cons to knock down.

>There should be a bullshit bingo for this kind of shit

You're welcome.
I don't think the dude did the best job, but it gets the point across.

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I was actually agreeing. I come here to have an argument, and it's somewhat compelling to formulate defenses and attacks and shit. Helps you recognize logical fallacies when other people use them so you don't use them yourself.

If you're being an honest, that is.

>Its conservatives mocking liberals.
>It's conservatives making fun of liberals

Exactly. If someone can't comprehend this, they're too stupid to post here or they're just another wanna-be troll.

Exactly. If Donald Trump doesn't want to be investigated for illegal shit, he shouldn't do illegal shit.

That's it. That's the secret.

First there was no meeting at Trump tower, then it was about adoption, then there was a meeting but nothing illegal was discussed.

I mean these guys are shit liars.

Ukraine. Trump says there was no quid pro quo. Giuliani goes on fucking TV and says there is. Trump's chief of staff says they do it it all the time, and "get over it" to a room full of reporters. Now he claims there's no quid pro quo again.

If people want to defend Trump, okay, but he's a fucking moron and the people he surrounds himself with are every bit as bad at lying as he is.

These are not smart people.

op, did you know that during Obama's second term, house republicans voted to start impeachment proceedings against him repeatedly basically with no reason at all? i'm just sayin this shit ain't new and it ain't a leftie thing. read this: usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/09/30/impeachment-trump-forgets-republicans-investigated-obama-column/3813132002/

Am I the only one who thought Joaquiean Phoeoanix's performance in Joker wasn't that great?

>when you are mad that that "stay mad kid" is in there two times, but when you comment on it someone will say "stay mad kid" and you can cross off two fields at once.

They weren't nearly as tough on Obama. The other part of that is the news then was 95% in favor of Obama, no matter what he did. Because of that, public opinion was majorly on his side. It's sad how much of a follower most people really are and let others think for them.

You know, I get the impression he will get removed. Everyone is saying he won't, but sometimes history shows us weird shit can happen. I don't have anything like real facts to back this up. But I had a gut feeling he was gonna win and Hillary was gonna lose ages before she did. My gut is telling me the same thing now. There's a whole host of Republicans who are retiring at the end of their term, some of them might even care about the dignity of the office of the President and the Senate. McConnell can't be very popular fight now as Senate Majority leader given the shitstorm. The more chaotic things get the more likely people are gonna break ranks.

>First there was no meeting at Trump tower, then it was about adoption, then there was a meeting but nothing illegal was discussed.

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>saying things I don’t agree with is illegal
Are you okay? Do you need a hug?

It was pretty good, but i can understand when someone does not like the way he interpreted the charackter.

>The other part of that is the news then was 95% in favor of Obama, no matter what he did.

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>when lying doesn't work, go with the non-sequitur

>You know, I get the impression he will get removed.

Here's a dirty little secret that's floating around:
The Senate only needs 3 GOP votes to turn the impeachment conviction into a SECRET VOTE. There's some serious thought that Republicans would love to get rid of Trump for Pence if they had plausible deniability.

Here's another dirty little secret: If Trump is actually removed, there's nothing stopping him from running on the GOP ticket in 2020 anyway.

I think this is what is called "putting words in someones mouth" aka "putting your fingers on someone else's keyboard?" What fallacy is that called?