Post the best version of brendan fraser

post the best version of brendan fraser

he was in "the mummy"

Attached: the mummy.png (296x634, 299K)

he was in "the mummy"

haha remember?

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Blast from the past brendan

Attached: blastfromthepast-03.jpg (640x266, 45K)

ah yes, he was happier then.

do you have any more brendans?

he was in "the mummy"

Attached: brendan.png (194x259, 55K)

Attached: crobrendan.gif (450x268, 378K)

haha he laugh!

this was a happy Brendan, i feel his spirit's joy when you post this Brendan!!

Attached: i was in tthe mummy.png (1280x720, 663K)

oh, "the mummy"!
that one where he fought... the mummy.

George of the Jungle Fraiser made me gay

yes :)

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he was great in that

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Goddammit, faggots. I'm not trolling. If you cunts haven't seen DOOM PATROL yet, you really fucking should. He's basically the lead character in that show, and I have no idea why they made it, given that maybe seven people read that fucking comic (me included), but it's surprisingly good. Don't buy a goddamned DC online subscription for it. Either get it from Amazon or ahoy matey that shit.

you have posted no brendans, your suggestion is disregarded.

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He plays Robotman, hence my first post, Duke Twatbeard.

Attached: brendan-fraser-robotman.jpg.jpg (630x383, 227K)

haha Brendan loved this happy time :)


Attached: THE REAL BRENDAN.png (600x300, 254K)

Dudley do right brendan is clearly the superior brendan

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And now he's a robot, man.

say that again user, he dares you...

Attached: BRENDAN IS THE SUPERIOR.png (1280x731, 815K)

Clearly the master race of brendans!

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i wish you didn't rock the boat user...

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I'm a fan and I like The Mummy.

George of The Jungle (1997)

I feel so bad for him. He's always been a wholesome, attractive guy.

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then post a brendan you god damned idiot!!!!!!

Attached: son of a bitch.png (938x1550, 1.12M)

bump for mummy

>alimony intensifies

the ultimate life form "fuck my shit up"

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