I'm not gay. I actually despise gay people, but I would love to suck a big black cock. Lick it, suck it, worship it...

I'm not gay. I actually despise gay people, but I would love to suck a big black cock. Lick it, suck it, worship it. But I wouldn't go gay over it. Anyone else feels the same?

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No, Schlomo

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Saged,also shitty bait

>I actually despise gay people

Just like your dad, right OP?

Homophobia during developmental years actually CAUSES closeted faggotry.

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I’m somewhat closeted bi sexual. Only a few very close friends and family members know I am. I hang out with friends who say shit like this all the time and have no clue I like men as well. Honestly, losing their friendship is the only reason I’ve never told these guys.

Anyway... yeah I wish I had a dick to suck rn.

>Lick it, suck it, worship it

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I'm bi, have gf, but I really want to submit to a cock

Do it

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>Anyone else feels the same?

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Nigger youre gay as gay as gay is gay.

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who's that?

You’re gay, just like me, for BBC. Admit it, come and play.

why thats fucking dirty and disgusting.... enjoy your herpes faggot. also enjoy slurping on nasty ass man sweat and ball juuice you fucking queer

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Gotta work up the nerve, never done anything before, only fantasies and some crossdressing

Nigger gore threads rule!

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I'm not sure you understand the words that you're typing.
Please explain to me in what nonsense world you could possibly want to suck a big black cock but not be gay.

You should just accept yourself for who you are. Literally nobody cares anymore. Being gay is about as vanilla as being straight. Go suck a big fat black cock you fucking fag and start being honest with yourself.

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get aids and die OP

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>I'm not gay.
I have bad news for you, user.

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Sup Forums Sup Forums is an incel spawning hub, fueled by bots posting propaganda that firstly creates a normative reality where male submissive sexual behavior is commonplace, and secondly presents a competing reality where ultra-alpha males fuck all their women. Neither of these realities is true; it is all an illusion created to divide the common people and foster violent extremism that can then be weaponized to control the population at large.

The same thing can be seen in blacked threads, bleached threads, cuck threads, sissy threads, trap threads, gay threads, porn threads, not to mention YLYL threads, this thread, and probably many others.

That is the cancer that has completely overrun Sup Forums.

Posting this message kills threads.

Obvious newfag

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