Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
>Born and raised in midwest, but lived a good chunk of my life in the south, so much so that I have a slight twang sometimes
>Move out to garbage california
>A majority of people out here are dicks, either liberal or wealthy.
>Anyways, this story isn't worth telling considering the ending question
>Work a dead end job
>Friends with a good amount of people there
>My bosses (1 in particular) and a couple of my direct coworkers
>Boss is a decent cook, brings food in for me and a couple other people all the time.
>Decide to pay her back with one of my favorite things in life.
>I spend 24 hours preparing and boiling cajun peanuts
>Roommate looks at me with bewilderment
>After their done he tries one
>Hates it
>They taste just like boiled peanuts you get from the side of the road in 'bama or georgia
>Bring in some for my boss.
>She never tries them, makes an excuse

One coworker tried them and liked them, but maybe she was lying, as she's a very nice person.
Tfw no one wants to eat boiled peanuts with me.
Would you want some, Sup Forums?

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Honestly they look like shit, a better presentation would help

Probably because I cooked them yesterday.
They've just been chilling in the fridge.
They're just like pizza, good cold too

They look terrible but actually sound good, I’ll look into that

They're boiled peanuts. it's not the easiest thing to make look pretty

I had to use dried, unroasted peanuts because green peanuts have to be refrigerated.
They take longer but so the same thing.
They turn really tender, almost starchy-like in consistency, like other beans, reminds me a little of edamame, but better, the peanut flavor really comes through in a great way

Boiled peanuts are goddamn delicious, OP. They're just ignorant.

You should have drained them more they look unappetizing

i never tried boiled peanuts until a few months ago. if you’re not willing to try new foods you probably suck as a person. also enjoy your batch if peanuts

I don't typically like peanuts but I'd try them just for you, user. Hopefully they're salted.

That's like bringing in boiled chicken unless you specially seasoned them no one is interested. Bring in something more interesting, like I'll make gumbo and everyone tries and loves it

I can but I like having the brine in there, it puts more flavor on the shells, not that I eat them, but sometimes I'll like them.
Thanks anons, I needed that.
I will, and I have been, get you some too.
Yeah they are, I brine them in salt water for 24 hours, and then I wash. Then I throw them into a large pot and boil them with salt, a couple of habanero peppers, black pepper, crystal hot sauce, a touch of thyme and parsley, garlic powder and onion powder.
After about 7-8 hours is when they start really absorbing all the flavor.

I would eat boiled peanuts with you user, you seem like a good guy

Hell yeah, didn't know there was so much more to it, would definitely give it a shot.

>move out to garbage California

That's the beginning and end of your problem, OP. Lived in SoCal for a few years, no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Much like NY, Cali is a fucking dumpster fire full of the worst type of people. Fix that decision and get your life back on track.

southern lib here. Fashion liberals will go out of their way to eat worse shit than boiled peanuts if it makes them look more understanding of "the other side" or "culture" or some shit. And boiled peanuts, seasoned or not (but salted at least) are delicious. So what I'm gathering here is either you don't know how to season food properly so that others can enjoy it, or you boiled them to an unappetizing mush.

or maybe his boss is a cunt, hard to say really

Holy shit I feel this user. I'm a truck driver and once I get past eastern Texas, or farther north than Kentucky, no more boiled nuts for me. And honestly I don't understand why people think they're weird? I'm from SC and grew up eatin' them so I guess that's part of it. I'd do anything for a good homemade batch of nuts though. I got a few roomies that came from the northeast or my boyfriend who's from Florida and never had them before (he's from a Hispanic family), and they all loved them. So big shrug.

Check'd and thank you, you too

There is, I was apprehensive at first before I tried it, but was thoroughly please. In a similar fashion to say, pickled okra or fried chicken liver imo (done right)
If you make them yourself, ideally you want green peanuts, but they're perishable so they don't have them outside of the south really. Raw (unroasted, dried) peanuts work too but have to be cooked longer
Yeah I'm really seeing it. It's divided up between tweakers and homeless, rich entitled people, liberal swine and mexicans, and mexicans are the best part of this list.
They really don't know how to talk to poorer people. It's not that I'm beneath them, it's that they think I am. I'm not stupid by any means, just had a series of unfortunate events and that's what lead me here and working this job, but man they really treat you like you're drooling on yourself retarded

got these at a gas station once... been trying to fine more since the gas station discounted them..

What’s the point of boiling them

these look pretty bad dude. If you offered me them, i'd either say "no dude those look nasty" or "I'm really strict on my diet right now, thank you for offering though"

I'm a Californian. We're constantly in a drought and on fire, we like things dry out here.

I call BS: I've lived in California all my life, and I love boiled mudbugs, red beans & rice, frog legs, and even gator. Southern food isn't that spicy compared to some Mexican food, and that's practically on every block here.

Boiled peanuts are awesome shit. Anybody who doesnt like em is a faggot.

Honestly sounds good, but like others have said, they look kind of nasty. Presentation may have dissuaded your coworkers and boss.

easier to eat, better flavor, they are like crack when you add in a hambone and some pepper flakes to the water.

Yeah, you're definitely not from California.
Get out of our rich, smart state.

Some Chinese boiled peanut recipes look exactly like this. They taste great.


Attached: nutz.jpg (348x348, 15K)

Wait like just boiled?

No frying? Just water? How long?

Looking for easy things to cook these days and I wanna try that.

What he said OP - if you serve them still in the water, the philistines will be wary of the strange looking food.

>I brine them in salt water
>Then I throw them into a large pot and boil them with salt
That is the problem - too much sckn salt.

Speckled trout is fucking delicious!
Gulf fish, in case you don't know. I'm from CA and every time I'm down in New Orleans I have to have some. Love their food, especially the BBQ.

It's pretty much cajun seasoning. It's not hot at all, but full of flavor. There's no way to tell just by looking at it. They're soft yet still a bit firm. Just like how they should be.
I used to be a sous chef, I used to cook for a treatment center. I'm used to making things taste like how other people would want them. I quit because it was too stressful trying to meet an allotted amount in the allotted time while still maintaining the quality I wanted it to be at.
Yeah man, they're hard to get in the west.
I didn't even know that we sold raw peanuts tbh, I figured there was no demand.
Right, the other user said the same thing. I wasn't making them to please people aesthetically, nor did I take a picture with my DSLR in suitable lighting.
It's just one of those foods that doesn't need a visual appeal to be good.

plus salt. Ham Bones if you are a boss.

Are you retarded?

My condolences.

Oh damn, that's the first time in a while that I've messed that one up. Good catch, user

>rich, smart state

Not even half the salt makes it through the shell.
Yeah but I didn't want them to dry out and I'm sure it helps with the shelf life.

>Ham Bones

Am complete noob in cooking. Why bones?

Yeah, brined for 24 hours. Then boiling for about 8 hours. Or if you're on a budget, boil for 30 mins to an hour and through in a crockpot for 18 or so.
They're worth trying at least once.
In salt is common, but the other one would be salt with cajun seasoning and a few peppers.

I surmise it would impart a nice hammy flavor and add ham broth quality to the peanuts.
I've never done this, but it sound like it could be a good idea.

Boiled peanuts are good. Id take pussy ober them any day though

marrow and fat = flavor. I work in food service, and it blows my mind that "bone broth" is a fad. ALL BROTH used to use the bones or the carcass for chicken and duck.

they look like scrotum. bro.
ill eat em though, if you eat menudo with me

Attached: 20090728-tripe-soup-primary.jpg (610x458, 73K)

I've only had it once. I'd like to try it again soon. When I was back in town with family I had some fried catfish for my birthday.
Shit was cash.

OP I love you - cover them up next time to keep them from drying!

Unless you get green, then no soaking is required.
I dunno man, it's pretty close for me. Peanuts don't come with drama and... Issues. Pussy is good but the thing attached isn't always as nice
For sure, I'm always willing to try new things. Looks great

>chef background
okay then yeah they probably just don't get it. Maybe dress it up and clarify how in another part of the country it's a big deal, tell a story maybe... but as a terminal introvert I'm familiar with not having an ideal room for that kind of thing.

Presentation is important. They look like shit. No one wants shit that's gonna make your hands wet at work.
Lastly you picked that stuff from the south. I live in the midwest and I've never seen that trash.
Sorry op I just find being harsh is the best way to make criticism take hold. Definitely try and repay them again. But ho with something a little more their style and witk friendly

in cali you bought to have a lot of access to menudo.
since you're from the south you're probably not put off by the tripe, which is arguably the best part.

how does one eat boiled peanuts?

Huh. Didn't know this was a thing people did.

I'd try it.

I'm sure they were delicious, fuck them!

They were but it was still in the back of my mind.

I mean at the end of the day, they taste great, and if they don't wanna try them then I guess it means more for me. Kinda depressing since it still gives me the taste of disappointment or rejection like from when I started out.

Yeah, I didn't think presentation was that important in this instance. I thought she would eat one and I could let the taste speak for itself.
But I get it, it's different, not everyone is willing to try new things.
Right, I think that's what I said, the main reason behind going through the effort of explaining that "the south" part was to make clear that that where I had them.
It's fine, I'm going over to their house for thanksgiving and I'm gonna make some pumpkin pies from scratch. They went over really well last year.

I do but have never thought to try it.

If I wasnt allergic fuck it why not. Although I wont lie at first i thought it was poop at a quick glance.

They eat it like any regular peanut, crack open the slightly softened shell and pop them in your mouth. Though it's more like sucking, since some stick to the sides.

>how does one eat boiled peanuts
same way you eat em dry, it just kinda peels more when you open them instead of snapping. They're great though.

fuck yeah Sup Forumsro hook me up with some of them boiled peanuts and a side of activated almonds

I saw this and thought you were proudly showing off the bowl you took a shit in.

Boiled peanuts sounds interesting though, I'll have to try it sometime.

Good point about the pussy. I knew a dude from the midwest who introduced me to a midwest dessert called gooey butter cake bars. Should have made those instead of boiled peanuts. Also some sweet tea.

They look disgusting, and I love boiled peanuts, better presentation goes a long, long, long way

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wasn't entirely sure if the boiling made the shell edible or what.

I get the meme but activated almonds are actually a thing. I think that just means they're sprouted.
Well kinda, brown, lumpy logs in water.
Yeah not great looking, they're no macaroon, but they are delicious.
This was the bowl I made for myself. I don't care about my own opinion of how it looks.
In the really small ones you can eat the whole thing. I forget the term for them.

(And to everyone)
Boiling also is the least allergenic way to eat peanuts, and possibly just better for you, as lectins are decreased with soaking and boiling, though peanut agglutinins are pesky and resilient. (I still wouldn't eat them if I were deathly allergic tho.)
There was a study done that fed boiled peanuts to some people who were allergic, they started off with small amounts, and gradually increased the dose. They found that some of them were able to eat even actual peanuts
Boiled peanuts have 4 times the antioxidants of roasted, as boiling draws them from the shells.

The term is "pops"