Pics or gifs that show the superiority of black men and the inferiority of white "men"
Pics or gifs that show the superiority of black men and the inferiority of white "men"
not into your fetish, sorry
Game over. Your race is going extinct
lol, we're all going extinct. but there's no reasoning with a cuck. your mind is already warped.
Do you know what that word means?
>being so much of a cuck you caption images of women paid to fuck guys
oh im laffin
what's wrong? don't have them all saved and gotta scramble to find some?
I'm taking my time white incel
Know your place, stupid nigger.
Superior in what? Your gay fantasies and roleplay sessions?
This image is funny because human fingers don't bend like that, that's a monkey hand.
>Tries to dehumanize POC
Fuck off pathetic little Nazi incel.
Damn, Soros really getting his shekels worth out of Tenda the last few days... Satan appreciates all your hard work.
Look at those fingers dude. That isn't how human fingers bend. Only primate fingers work like that.
They are welcome to her...
I mean, how pathetic do you have to be to make these threads? Lol blacks haven't accomplished much of anything.
stop replying. just sage and hide. don't you know how to deal with spam threads? you can't outspam spammers.
Isn't this just an exceptional fetish?
Think about it. Someone is turned on by the thought of not only someone fucking their partner, not only someone from a hostile tribe fucking your partner, not even turned on by the thought of issuing lifelong resources to a child that is not genetically yours but turned on by the thought of EVERY female in your tribe actively wiping the genetic lineage of that tribe such that your kin group will be bred out of existence.
What the fuck? We're on like, 10 levels of abstraction right here. That's some goddamn super gymnastic to turn that thought, that last thought into a fucking paraphilia. That blows the fuck out of my mind so hard my head needs a wheelchair.
There has to be a deeply, deeply ensconced feeling of guilt/shame/worthlessness that not only is it enough that your partner detest your genetic lineage but that your whole race isn't worthy of saving - in fact actively enjoying its fantastical collapse. That's some SUPER whack shit going on psychologically. It's just stunning that the mind can find such a counter-intuitive, deeply (il)logical thing and convert it into a physical sensation of sexual desire.
Fucking why?