Could I pass as a boy?

Could I pass as a boy?

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Tits or GTFO, timestamp or it doesn't count.

Okay give me a second

Show your hand so Sup Forums can check your finger digit ratio

>no bump

Attached: patience_bear.jpg (640x480, 67K)


Attached: file.png (846x842, 957K)

Curiosity bump

Attached: KEK7.jpg (450x495, 87K)

Well not like that you can't. But I'd buy it otherwise.

Checked and moar

I'm intrigued, you have kik?

What do you want to see?

Attached: file.png (565x635, 536K)

Show pussy


And you would be a very ferminine looking dude if you tried, it would be suspicious.

Nice tits. I don’t think you could pass as a boy. Your face is too soft and feminine imo. Do you identify as a guy?

You mean to tell me you aren't one?

Bad angle need better lighting. Also need ass pic

Attached: 1572763214988.png (659x525, 205K)

Show your vag?


Okay, let me take one, all the other ones have my face

I do identify as a guy but I'm pretestosterone

Here's one from before I realized I was really trans

Attached: unknown (3).png (1441x934, 1.76M)

you mean HIS vag?

You could with the right (short) haircut and attire, sure. You’d look like an effeminate boy, but you could get people to believe you were the real deal. Nice tits btw.

Yeah you could, imo.Just wear baggy clothes and u should be fine

Show your feet!

Put on more clothes on. Your figure is still very much feminine.

Yeah, you could definitely pass. Just try to alter your body language and use an ace bandage to tape down your breasts. Also, stop shaving entirely.
You're pretty hot either way, desu

Here's another one of my body, I'll find a good one with my face where I look masc

Attached: image1 (1).jpg (2448x3264, 1.14M)

Pity. You have a great face.

Checked. Yeh, strap those A cups down and get a haircut and you could reverse trap.

you couldn't eve pass as a human being. an hero yourself. gays are a disgrace to the world

I took this one for my then girlfriend

Attached: unknown (1)5.png (710x596, 665K)

lookin like girl spenny

Attached: 1234.jpg (800x533, 261K)

Don't get on hormones, all that does is fuck your endocrine system. Just be reverse trap.

OP delivering makes me pp hard

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yup, another useless trap

Wanna see your pussy

>That bulge

Oh, you're a dude.

does your family have a mechanical clock?

>curves like that
>body like that
>thinks you're a guy

OP, you had a nice, womanly body. What about that ass, those thighs, or those tits says you're a man? Fucking hell I can't get this shit.

anyone jerking off to this is jerking off to a man and is therefore G A Y

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Can I lick your clit?

No one remembers Spenny but you're right.

Also, it's a guy.

A hole is a hole ammirite?

Well its a guy so...

Here's another with my hips, can I pass with hips like this?

>What is a packer


Attached: Hips.webm (720x1280, 312K)

Fuck yeah he is! Your gender identity is valid, OP! Trans men are men!

I remember Spenny.

Also, you're gay.

>won't show "pussy"
>it's a packer, retard
Ok retard

I'm not OP which I'm guessing you already know and your bait is bad.

Attached: 1572645260348.jpg (700x650, 41K)

show soles?

I do too.

Also, I used to play the tuba.

Here's one I found with my pussy

Attached: Tease.webm (720x1280, 1.94M)

Damn that's sexy af

Attached: 1571201338235.jpg (900x726, 94K)

Note the mole in my belly button

Attached: Cock.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

I mean, you're ugly and have the body of a prepubescent male, so I guess.

is that a packer or fupa?

We need a close up shot to confirm that we are indeed gay

It got me a (you) so how bad can it really be?

Attached: 5e5.png (501x506, 208K)


you could pass as a young marvin hamlisch

Bruh just accept that you have the same insecurities and identity struggles as every other human being and try to cope and live life as best as you can. You're looking at becoming trans thinking it's a solution to all of your insecurities and mental discomfort when it's only going to make you feel worse when you realize the truth that you'll never be an actual man. But by then you'll have fucked up your body worse than how you think it is now.

Spend 12 months away from online trans-circlejerk communities and I guarantee you'll have a new outlook on the situation.

Fuck. Well played.


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Clearly a bulge there

hnng. have a kik?

aren't you from that diaper thread yesterday?

twitter is BackpackLily

Yeah actually what it do

Attached: WIN_20190523_03_55_59_Pro.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

No doubt

Well it also has a cock

OP is a fucking faggot

>can I pass as a boy

Just wanted to feel like an actual girl for once, kys, you fucking abomination.

hell yeah, i thought you looked familiar


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I posted after just seeing the initial post. I didn't read through before posting. You guys are fags.

>All this hate

I slep

Attached: WIN_20191007_00_51_44_Pro.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Eh, I didn't have to wait to find out this was a dude, I just came and saw. Shit is just gay and all these faggots are still gonna orbit it because it makes them feel like they're talking to a real girl. Tranfags get no pass.

You see how most of them didn't care either? It didn't even phase them, complete fucking degenerates.

>Tranfags get no pass.


You’re cute as you are, OP. Why would you want to be a boy?

ya, you look like spenny from kenny vs spenny

Attached: spenny_400x400.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Don’t worry about passing, be who you are. Just be happy.

holy crap i just made the same comparison in a later post. didnt see this. Glad im not the only one

It didn't want to be a boy, that's for sure. If I know one thing about OP it's that the faggot didn't want to be a boy.

wait so do u like grow a pp

what a cutie

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Kek, no you're not. You're male to male with tits.

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be my bf

wait, you aint one?

Shit i legit thought you were a woman before, now i can fucking masturbate

thanks OP

wait so u slowly lose a pp then?

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mfw i realise how fucking retarded i am

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THATS A DICKKKKKKKKKKOOOOOOO boys. Congrats welcome to traps.

Fuck off OP you are a man, but you could pass as an ugly woman.

gonna have to see the vageen user.

>Posting a "be yourself" pepe to tranny who was too fucking mentally ill to be himself

Ironic kek

It doesn't have one, dude, lurk more.

dud, vageen